View Full Version : Cookie's Appeal (Andrew Cook son of Tony Cook aka TPC)

29th January 2016, 03:00 PM
Guys as most of you know by now Tony's son Andrew has had a very hard battle with cancer and has had to be taken to Sydney for some very intensive treatment and surgeries which we now know have gone 100% to plan..
This has put a huge strain on the family financial as you can expect..
His best mate Warren has put together an appeal to try and ease some of this pressure that they face.
Please dig deep and help out in this time of need guys..
It's very much appreciated from the whole family..
All info is below and Warren has been keeping everyone updated along the way..
Cheers guys.


29th January 2016, 03:10 PM
Chipped in what i can.... good luck.

3rd February 2016, 05:12 AM
51% or the aim raised guys and a new update from Warren for those who are following.

18th February 2016, 10:20 AM
After reading Andrews condition this morning guys I think now more than ever we all need to chip in what we can to keep Andrew's family by his side in this time of need..
It's an absolute gut wrenching journey, and one I hope no one else has to endure.
Please guys chip in what you can..
Even a couple of bucks will help out.

18th February 2016, 10:55 AM
Yes please guys help out....... If some dope can do a do a crowd funding for his boob job for christ sake I am sure we can make the effort to help a family out in a really shitty place none of us would hope never have to deal with..

I gave what I could and in a month will be better off financially I will give again if it is needed.

People helped me with what I went through and that is nothing compared to what this family is going through.

Sir Roofy
18th February 2016, 02:42 PM
We have donated what we can come on guys its not much to ask

Sir Roofy
18th February 2016, 06:38 PM
We have donated what we can come on guys its not much to ask

Bump this up donate some fuel money from your w/end bush run WE/did

jay see
18th February 2016, 08:15 PM
I have been in that same seat that Andrew is in. Thankfully I made it though. Now having my own kids I would hate to go through it again as a parent.
Will be chipping some coin tomorrow.
My eldest is just about the same age as I was when I was first diagnosed.

19th February 2016, 09:37 AM
Not much I can say or do. Hopefully it all helps.

Missed this thread in January as I wasn't on the forum much on my holidays

19th February 2016, 09:36 PM
Sorry to hear guys. But unable to assist. This cancer battle is a hard one. We are doing a drive from south of Brisbane to Bribie every weekend to help the bro in-law and his wife that is stretching my budget. She is not in a great place either. What a nasty thing to deal with. My heart goes out to all who are and have had to deal with this. Although I would like to contribute to a singular person, I think contributing to a to a reputable charity/medical institute would be a more beneficial way to help all our loved ones living with this atrocity.

I apologize if I have offended any body with my comments or suggestions.

19th February 2016, 10:43 PM
No offence taken here. I ofter give money to cancer research and think it is very important.

This cause is mainly to try to prevent my son's family from having to sell their house to try and pay the medical expences. I have used up any money I have to help them and felt very embarrassed when this cause was first started up due to my pride. I then thought my pride is nothing in comparison to my sons survival.

There have been a lot of generous people that have helped out and I would like to thank every one of them and also appreciate the well wishes from everybody too.

20th February 2016, 07:19 AM
All done Tony.

I have another idea too.

If there are any new members reading this feel free to make any amount donation on the link above and we will add you as a forum sponsor.

Or if any regular members wish to become a forum sponsor too.

Please let us know below or pm me and I will change you over.

20th February 2016, 03:54 PM
havent seen this thread before, will donate now.