View Full Version : Upgrading Turbo on a budget - need advice!

17th January 2016, 01:46 PM
Hi all,

Long time no speak! Hope everyone is well!

I'm going to buy a new turbo finally. Unfortunately, it has to be a budget one at this stage as I simply can't afford a brand name and will likely not be able too for some time to come. Might have to get a second job!

I'm tossing up between a Kinugawa or a Mamba 18G/6cm. I know, I know. Ebay turbos. BUT, I've read good things (and bad) and I guess you get what you pay for. I'll either be extremely lucky, or unlucky!

So, short and sweet, here's some questions:

1. Who has experience with Kinugawa or Mamba turbos?

2. Not totally decided on an 18G. MAYBE 16G. I've read so many conflicting stories on each type. Some say the 16G/8cm will/can max out an 11mm pump. The 16G spools quicker but runs out of puff earlier in the top end. I've also read on the flip side, the 18G/6cm was a great all rounder because it had a better mid-range and top-end pull but spooled up a few hundred RPM slower and it was fine on an 11mm pump. I think any of these turbo will blow what I have out of the water in terms of performance. My current turbo starts thinking about spooling at 2000rpm and makes full boost about 3000rpm. 4th gear flat knacker, lucky to make 8psi. 1st, 2nd, 3rd gear will make 14psi.

3. The Kinu isn't a direct bolt on to the existing 3-bolt exhaust where as the Mamba is apparently. I've read that the Kinu is a better turbo but I'm unsure how to approach getting a new dump pipe for the Kinugawa. Do I fit the turbo to my engine then gently drive down to an exhaust shop and ask them to make a new dump? Can I just order one that will fit?

4. What's all the hub-bub with Anti-Surge housings? Like, I know what they do.. but do we really need them if I'm not chasing huge horsepower? The car isn't surging with the current turbo.. but the current turbo may as well be a krispy creame doughnut.

That's all! Cheers!

17th January 2016, 02:41 PM
Cant help ya much mate but great to see you still have the Patrol. I do believe the kinu's are good value for money though from what i have read over the forums...And great to read you again! And im finally a td driver too now.

17th January 2016, 02:57 PM
Haha that's awesome Mudski! I think AB mentioned something about you being a TD driver a while ago. And Jonathan's a TD driver too!

17th January 2016, 03:20 PM
Hey Timbo, certainly been a while.
My cousin has the Cowabunga (kinuwaga) turbo and has had for about 50,000kms now. He seems to like it. It replaced a ht18

17th January 2016, 03:32 PM
Fwiw, Mamba should release the 16G/6cm bolt in around the middle of next month. I have it on my shopping list..

17th January 2016, 04:11 PM
Hey Timbo, certainly been a while.
My cousin has the Cowabunga (kinuwaga) turbo and has had for about 50,000kms now. He seems to like it. It replaced a ht18

G'day mate. Sounds like he got a good one. Do you remember which one he got?

17th January 2016, 04:16 PM
Fwiw, Mamba should release the 16G/6cm bolt in around the middle of next month. I have it on my shopping list..

I did read about that. Still unsure which way to go. Mamba bolt on, or Kinu and get a dump made. The Mamba is the cheaper option because I believe you don't need any more modifications to make it fit, but I just keep reading that the Kinu is a better made turbo. I dunno.. the Kinu is also made/shipped from Taiwan despite it saying the item is in Japan. Seems shifty to me.

edit: Just relised you were posting in the other 4x4 forum. I tried twice to post in that thread but they don't show up. Really annoying.

17th January 2016, 04:32 PM
I read for hours and hours on the subject. You reach a point where you think yep that's the one for me but read a bit further and other opinions tend to make you change your mind.
Those who say the Kinugawa is better than Mamba don't say why. I see a lot of similarities so, for me, it's either toss a coin or go for the one that will be easier to fit.
Either way, everyone agrees that both are way better than the HT18 so I doubt I'll be disappointed. My HT18 goes reasonably well with my auto trans so any improvement is a win.

17th January 2016, 04:36 PM
G'day mate. Sounds like he got a good one. Do you remember which one he got?
Hey mate, no idea sorry!

17th January 2016, 06:12 PM
So what turbo/pump/intercooler setup do you currently have?

17th January 2016, 06:58 PM
An 11mm pump and no intercooler atm. Will be getting a top mount afterwards.

Sir Roofy
17th January 2016, 07:35 PM
An 11mm pump and no intercooler atm. Will be getting a top mount afterwards.

Good to see you still have the GU have you done the deed yet and got that home underway
sorry for the high jack

17th January 2016, 07:37 PM
Haha thanks Roofy. Hope life is treating you well.

17th January 2016, 07:54 PM
An 11mm pump and no intercooler atm. Will be getting a top mount afterwards.

Turbo? ..

17th January 2016, 09:09 PM
Yeah I mentioned the current turbo is a pile of crap. All I know is that it's a Denco and is too large.

Hi all,
My current turbo starts thinking about spooling at 2000rpm and makes full boost about 3000rpm. 4th gear flat knacker, lucky to make 8psi. 1st, 2nd, 3rd gear will make 14psi.

17th January 2016, 09:23 PM
Have you had it tuned at all to see if is there an improvement.

Sir Roofy
18th January 2016, 08:48 AM
Haha thanks Roofy. Hope life is treating you well.

Improving all the time mate getting closer to my op

18th January 2016, 07:33 PM
Have you had it tuned at all to see if is there an improvement.

Yeah mate. Not much else the tuner can do with it other than get a turbo that's matched better to the motor. TD42 just don't rev high enough to utilise the turbo's optimum range, which I can only assume is from 2000rpm to 4000-ish.. maybe more. Again, engine doesn't rev that high easily. (well I dont like too anyway).

Currently teeing up an A.R.E Intercooler from a bloke fingers crossed.

18th January 2016, 10:21 PM
Yeah mate. Not much else the tuner can do with it other than get a turbo that's matched better to the motor. TD42 just don't rev high enough to utilise the turbo's optimum range, which I can only assume is from 2000rpm to 4000-ish.. maybe more. Again, engine doesn't rev that high easily. (well I dont like too anyway).

Currently teeing up an A.R.E Intercooler from a bloke fingers crossed.

2000 to 4000 is within the main operating range of a td42. The only time you should be under 2k is when you accelerate from a stand still. Or maybe coasting along at 60 in 4th.

By the sounds of it you may not get the increase you are expecting due to other factors with a turbo change. If it cant easily exceed 3000rpm then you may have a fuel supply problem, be it the ip is worn out or possibly a restriction somewhere.

Who is this so called tuner?

As for the turbos either the mamba or kinu will suffice. Both are china built items so trying to compare the 2 in quality is not really measurable. I would be looking at something like the 18 6/8 combo.

19th January 2016, 07:06 AM
2000 to 4000 is within the main operating range of a td42. The only time you should be under 2k is when you accelerate from a stand still. Or maybe coasting along at 60 in 4th.

By the sounds of it you may not get the increase you are expecting due to other factors with a turbo change. If it cant easily exceed 3000rpm then you may have a fuel supply problem, be it the ip is worn out or possibly a restriction somewhere.

Who is this so called tuner?

As for the turbos either the mamba or kinu will suffice. Both are china built items so trying to compare the 2 in quality is not really measurable. I would be looking at something like the 18 6/8 combo.

They're just rough RPM figures. I'll try and russle up the dyno sheets from when it was tuned. Tuner is Diesel-Tec in Melbourne, Lilydale. All I know is, it's a shit to drive. I can't cruise up any slight hills in 4th gear, always have to drop down to third. Sometimes when starting at the bottom of a hill on road, I get up into 3rd and it just doesn't increase speed, so then I have to go back to second which is a pain in the arse. These aren't 45degree hills either. I don't know the angle but I wouldn't call them steep by any stretch.

19th January 2016, 07:20 AM
Here's the Dyno sheets and Comparison sheets.

Comparison sheets are of a Garret turbo the tuner uses on Patrols and different tyre sizes. Mine is the red line.

24th January 2016, 07:06 PM
Well, just bought the Kinu TD05 18g/6.

I guess I'll figure out the rest when it gets here!

Picking up my A.R.E top mount intercooler next week too.