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14th January 2016, 12:50 PM
a great start to the year, just copped a fine $600 and 6 points for going through an orange light, fuck they are short of money but so am i :furious::furious:

the evil twin
14th January 2016, 12:51 PM
Strewth... imagine how much it would have cost ya if the sucker had of been Red

14th January 2016, 12:53 PM
Wow that's hard core..

14th January 2016, 01:01 PM
Probably get less if you ran a red and hit a car but pleaded innocent

>>>tappin from tassie

14th January 2016, 01:08 PM
Since when is going through orange illegal?

14th January 2016, 01:21 PM
Since when is going through orange illegal?

Damn that steep!

Assuming that stropp was picked up by a cop as opposed to a camera, I believe they have discretion will Amber lights if they believe you had sufficient warning / time to stop.

Could you argue it wasn't safe to stop based on driving 4wd, vehicles travelling closed behind etc?

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14th January 2016, 01:53 PM
Since when is going through orange illegal?
Yeah pushing the envelope with light red and dark red lights'
never heard of a fine for going through an amber light though
And it is amber not orange you would fail a written test here if you said orange lol
Unless things have changed

14th January 2016, 02:01 PM
I always believed that is only illegal if the light is red before you enter the intersection. If it turns red and you are already half way through the intersection then you are fine.

14th January 2016, 02:01 PM
Damn that steep!

Assuming that stropp was picked up by a cop as opposed to a camera, I believe they have discretion will Amber lights if they believe you had sufficient warning / time to stop.

Could you argue it wasn't safe to stop based on driving 4wd, vehicles travelling closed behind etc?

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You have to be careful if you go that route. Somtimes they get pissed and canary the vehicle. Many years ago in a "T" 4x4 I got pinged for speeding. I proved the spedo was out and they pinged me for being in charge of an unroadworthy vehicle. That was a company car and a long time ago, can't imagine they would be any kinder now.

14th January 2016, 02:06 PM
Since when is going through orange illegal?

a bit late on the orange as there was a semi in front and it was well red when i was half way through by the pics, i was going to challenge but when i saw the pics its clearly red when i still had the rear wheels just over the line

14th January 2016, 02:19 PM
a great start to the year, just copped a fine $600 and 6 points for going through an orange light, fuck they are short of money but so am i :furious::furious:

you must have been foot flat hey mate,or was it double demerits..i got done not long ago up in the city trying to make it through..200 and 2 points..19 km over

14th January 2016, 02:30 PM
A mate just got pinged for the same he was turning right and he was stuck in the middle of the intersection and it turned red as he turned but he was in the middle with his back wheels well over the line in the photo but, they have said he is happy to challenge it in court... So he will have to take a day off work to go to court and if he has not got legal representation he will get bumped down the list and then just have to wait to get through that day if he is lucky and then depending on how the magistrate feel on the day will depend on the outcome. It’s all just revenue rising! Don’t get me wrong here I’m all for busting people that are driving dangerously and breaking the law but for flying out loud….

14th January 2016, 02:35 PM
Could you argue it wasn't safe to stop based on driving 4wd, vehicles travelling closed behind etc? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I couldn't bloody stop quick enough because of my sagging 6" lift, bald 37" tyres, 2" body lift, no sway bars, rusty old drum brakes...umm...I mean yes sir.

the evil twin
14th January 2016, 04:23 PM
Since when is going through orange illegal?

41 . Stopping for circular yellow signal or yellow arrow
(1) If a traffic‑control signal facing a driver displays a steady circular yellow signal or a yellow arrow, the driver shall not proceed beyond the stop line associated with the signal or the stop line of the lane associated with the signal or in the absence of a stop line, at a point adjacent to the nearest appropriate traffic‑control signal, unless the driver is so close to the stop line, or traffic‑control signal, when the circular yellow signal or yellow arrow first appears, that the driver cannot safely stop the vehicle before passing over the stop line.

Points: 2 Modified penalty: 4 PU

(2) If a traffic‑control signal facing a driver displays a steady circular yellow signal or a yellow arrow and the driver cannot safely stop the vehicle in accordance with subregulation (1), but can stop safely before entering the intersection, the driver shall stop before entering the intersection.

Points: 2 Modified penalty: 4 PU

(3) If a traffic‑control signal facing a driver displays a steady circular yellow signal or a yellow arrow and the driver is not able to stop safely under subregulation (1) or (2), and enters the intersection, the driver shall leave the intersection as soon as the driver can do so safely.

Points: 2 Modified penalty: 4 PU

(4) If there is a bicycle storage area before a traffic‑control signal referred to in subregulation (1), a reference to the stop line —

(a) in the case of a driver of a motor vehicle, is a reference to the first stop line that the driver comes to, or came to, in approaching the signal;

(b) in the case of a rider of a bicycle, is a reference to the stop line that is nearest to the intersection.

14th January 2016, 06:30 PM
If you are behind the line when the light goes red your done. Wheels over the line and NOT speeding and your legal. The Cameras in Vic do a red light and speed. If you speed up to get over the line your done twice.

14th January 2016, 07:44 PM
got a $200.00 fine from "keep Australia beautiful council" & WA gov.

apparently, while driving my wife's Car (which is in my name) I threw a cigarette out the window............

pity it was an orange peel, but they dont give a shit
some oxygen thief said it was a ciggy - so I'm forked

I dont smoke in the Wife's car..........

14th January 2016, 08:02 PM
got a $200.00 fine from "keep Australia beautiful council" & WA gov.

apparently, while driving my wife's Car (which is in my name) I threw a cigarette out the window............

pity it was an orange peel, but they dont give a shit
some oxygen thief said it was a ciggy - so I'm forked

I dont smoke in the Wife's car..........

Ask for photo graphic evidence, if not tell them you will see them in court as its their word against yours, you can on oath say I did not throw a butt out the window and they will need to turn up in court.

14th January 2016, 08:04 PM
Since when is going through orange illegal?
Always has been, amber light means stop unless unsafe to do so.

14th January 2016, 08:04 PM
Nah I'm screwed, back wheels just over the line and light red, even though I don't recall it turning I may not have seen it due to the truck being so slow and watching him not the light I'm done ffs

14th January 2016, 10:35 PM
A car on its own stands a less chance of using the 'can't safely stop' defense than a truck or a car and trailer. I know how often I tow my trailer through an amber light but I never speed up to clear the intersection. Wet road surfaces, intersections on hills, and similar challenges introduce variables that can validate the 'can't safely stop' defense. Another is the approach speed, if you are in an 80 zone it takes longer to stop and slamming on the brakes at that speed can cause an accident either behind you or when your car fishtails or smokes up the intersection.

Sounds like the truck driver was slowing to gain his defense and you thought you were on a good wicket staying on his tail.

I guess the penalty will come out of the bar fridge fund?

Nah I'm screwed, back wheels just over the line and light red, even though I don't recall it turning I may not have seen it due to the truck being so slow and watching him not the light I'm done ffs

14th January 2016, 11:13 PM
A car on its own stands a less chance of using the 'can't safely stop' defense than a truck or a car and trailer. I know how often I tow my trailer through an amber light but I never speed up to clear the intersection. Wet road surfaces, intersections on hills, and similar challenges introduce variables that can validate the 'can't safely stop' defense. Another is the approach speed, if you are in an 80 zone it takes longer to stop and slamming on the brakes at that speed can cause an accident either behind you or when your car fishtails or smokes up the intersection.

Sounds like the truck driver was slowing to gain his defense and you thought you were on a good wicket staying on his tail.

I guess the penalty will come out of the bar fridge fund?

Oh definitely my company pays for drivers fines at work seeing as I'm the boss and the only one who gets fines 😜 It's the 6 points that hurts

14th January 2016, 11:28 PM
I got pinged over the double demerit season too - four point and $200 for 90 in an 80, it was on freeway north near loftus st. Grrrr....

Tap tap tap

15th January 2016, 05:42 AM
Jesus, I thought our driving fines were harsh, that is a real kick in the balls.

15th January 2016, 08:59 AM
Always has been, amber light means stop unless unsafe to do so.

Pretty sure everyone knows that..
Going through the orange light (which is apparently 'yellow', not 'orange' nor 'amber' in the code) where your vehicle has crossed the line before it turns red is not illegal.

15th January 2016, 12:25 PM
Pretty sure everyone knows that..
Going through the orange light (which is apparently 'yellow', not 'orange' nor 'amber' in the code) where your vehicle has crossed the line before it turns red is not illegal.

It is if you had time to stop safely and a cop sees you do it.(it would be failing to obey an amber light though not red) The camera won't go off but it would be up to the cops discretion.

the evil twin
15th January 2016, 01:18 PM
Pretty sure everyone knows that..
Going through the orange light (which is apparently 'yellow', not 'orange' nor 'amber' in the code) where your vehicle has crossed the line before it turns red is not illegal.

If, in the opinion of Mr Plod, you could have stopped then yes it is illegal and it attracts a fine and 2 demerits.

15th January 2016, 01:29 PM
If, in the opinion of Mr Plod, you could have stopped then yes it is illegal and it attracts a fine and 2 demerits.

Snap !!!!!