View Full Version : RD28eti - Power loss

9th January 2016, 11:09 AM
Hi guys, I'm new here, just wanted to know if someone would like to share experiences with the RD28eti that might solve my powerloss mystery. Actually the engine has newer been delivering full power in all the 4 years i have owned the car. It's not getting any better but not much worse either I guess. So, first, I have a known problem of having to wait much longer than for the preheating light to turn off before I start, i wait until the ABS light goes out and then it always runs after little starting. If I only wait for the preheating light (which is normal of course) I have to start for very long. This waiting is even more important when car is hot so this is not a case of bad glowplugs. Now I said that this is a known issue cause my workmate had a car like this back in 1998 and this was a problem very early for him (he waited for the antenna to go up before start :) ), I think the inj pump was replaced under warranty then. He didn't talk about loss of power though. I have heard of some methods on fixing this but this is all very unclear to me. Please, if anyone has experience I'd really appreciate a word from you.
Then there is the loss of power which I really don't know if is related to the problem above. It is just as if the inj pump isn't giving the engine any food, almost never any black smoke. At low revs, before there is boost, there is nothing going on. On highway, holding speed is ok, but going uphill or trying to overtake... well, I don't overtake much. Just seems like when more fuel is needed there isn't any. My feeling is that it is inj pump related but I'm not sure. Car has 270.000 km on it and previous owner told me something had been done for the pump but I really don't know what. I have tried disconnecting the air flow meter and there was even less power so that sensor seems to be working. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot?

Really really long post, hope someone will read it :)


7th April 2016, 11:10 AM
I have a '00 GU running an RD28 and mine is doing just the same since last weekend and I have no clue of what the problem cold be. EGR has been blocked, the intercooler butterfly has been removed, new oil less than 2000 kilometers ago, standard air intake... I noticed the power loss after cruising on dirt roads and crossing rivers (small steams).

Help please.



7th April 2016, 01:20 PM
Hello Fridrick. Jump across to the introductions and post up some information about yourself.
A bit about where you live would be great too!
I have been told by relations who have travvelled there that Iceland is a beautiful country.
Cheers, Rob.

7th April 2016, 01:24 PM
Hi Tico. You probably need to get your enquiry posted as a separate thread.
One of the wiser heads may be able to help you then. :smile:

9th April 2016, 11:52 AM
Hi Tico. You probably need to get your enquiry posted as a separate thread.
One of the wiser heads may be able to help you then. :smile:

Will do mate, thanks.