View Full Version : Spares I Carry

4th January 2016, 10:09 PM
This is what I carry. It is always evolving. Tell us your ideas of what you carry.

my spare box has
Set of belts
Set of radiator hoses
Various size heater hoses and clamps
Set of plugs
Disy cap and rotor button
One wheel bearing kit
Top ups of all fluids.
Fuel filter
Gasket goo
Various globes
One shocker
Service manual
Roll of 100mph tape
And roll of tie wire.

It did take a while to get together.
Not all of it brand new. For example the distributor cap is the old one from the last tune up and so on.

4th January 2016, 10:29 PM
Which shock do you take?
Imo shocks are probably last on a list.
I'd throw in a set of welding leads and rods..
And I'm guessing you mean spark plugs?
It's not a bad list. But where do you stop. Probably just as likely to do a cv as you are wheel bearings

4th January 2016, 10:41 PM
That's it. Where do you stop?
Welding leads would be good. With rods and stuff. Best would be all in the group take the basics and then each car has a specialty item to take.
Just found this link. http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?2423-What-spares-do-you-carry

5th January 2016, 07:56 AM
That's it. Where do you stop?
Welding leads would be good. With rods and stuff. Best would be all in the group take the basics and then each car has a specialty item to take.
Just found this link. http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?2423-What-spares-do-you-carry
Seen that. Good thing the new bus is good for 3.5 ton.. lol

5th January 2016, 08:31 AM
............ and don't forget wheel studs, front and back are different (on my GU IV) so you need two sets.

5th January 2016, 10:44 AM
The spares I take will depend on the trip I am doing.
What I have in the car all the time is:

All hoses and belts and clamps
Gaffa Tape, cloth tape and electrical tape
Cable Ties, stainless and nylon
Selection of nuts, bolts and screws
Roll of wire

When I go on remote trips my mates and I will go through what larger spares we can share rather than all taking too much.
Would always take all fluids and filters.
Have never taken spare shocks and the last Simpson trip we did my mate did a shock on his hilux and we braced and strapped the wishbone to stop it from bouncing, made a very uncomfortable trip for him but was still able to get home.
Have made sure bearings are ok before leaving home.

One of my mates half fills his cruiser with spares and tools and ends up struggling to get the other stuff he needs into the car, it is easy to go overboard.

5th January 2016, 12:51 PM
Trip spares would vary a lot IMO as the CSR would require more than a trip to the Birdsville races.
It would also depend on who's going with you, if there are compatible vehicles maybe share the spares .
Get everyone going on any trip for a pre trip meeting fully loaded, then lay it all out and really see
what needs to be taken, you dont need 3 chainsaws or 8 gas burner stoves more common sense than
anything else. like wise share the meals around along with water storage. As for spare shocks yes
take one front and one rear especially if doing Cape york. Start any big trip with new belts and hoses
keeping the old ones for spares. Take two spares one with a rim ready to change over and the tools
and know how on how to change them.

5th January 2016, 04:51 PM
Nothing beats a thorough pre trip service tune and vehicle check but any thing can happen on a trip so the group as a whole must be able to overcome any predicament.

14th March 2016, 01:25 AM
I always carry a spare alternator belts hoses wheel bearing and studs.

22nd March 2019, 12:08 AM
I would certainly agree with the pre-trip inspection. Saves a ton of little unexpected glitches that can turn into major problems if you don't catch them. That being said, I also keep most of the items mentioned on ever trip, along with the tools to install them. Spare shocks definitely come with me, since our roads are extremely rough and rocky. Can be pretty rough on shocks. A tubeless tire repair kit is on my list as well.