View Full Version : Pasta bake in a camp oven

4th January 2016, 05:29 PM
Now we're pretty good at using the camp oven, but I want to have a go at a standard pasta bake in the camp oven.
Any tips?
Usually in a standard oven it's 500g pasta, 2 bottles of pasta sauce, and a decent amount of shredded cheese on top.
Usually when using the camp oven I'd put a medium amount of coals on the lid.
Just wondering if anyone has any hints for in a camp oven (ie coals on top versus coals on the bottom, time taken etc).

6th January 2016, 02:16 PM
my biggest tip is grab those deep round BBQ tins in the supermarkets, they fit neatly into your camp oven, which means no baked on mess to boil out the next day, also gives a bit more thickness between the hot coals and the pasta, and it wont burn as quick

i usually do a bit more sauce, a bit of insurance in case it gets hot in there. i use coal top and bottom to get heat going all the way through. i put some cheese on when i make it and it all melts down through the pasta and then 20 mins before i dish put i put a bit more on :)

6th January 2016, 02:51 PM
Heres one of those liners to keep the oven cleaner
Plus a pic of my home made camp oven cooks a treat IMO

Love my ovens and campfire cooking

NCOT its not required we tested it and it made no difference
for bread it might but not for roasts. lol

6th January 2016, 04:13 PM
I usually throw a few layers of alfoil in the CO when doing spud bake.
Oil the CO then lay the foil in.
A bit weaps out but that just wipes out and the stuff inside stays good..