View Full Version : Front A/C pipe to rear A/C unit, how to remove them?

11th December 2015, 08:56 AM
The front A/C pipe where they are welded together have a hole in them, have disconnect them. Now finding it hard to remove them from between chassis rail and out through the engine bay. If someone could give a hint on how this done, would be nice. Looks like I may have to jack engine up a bit as its a tight squeeze? Cheers
By the way how do you find this message after you have posted it? As you can see I new to this forum stuff. Cheers

11th December 2015, 09:22 AM
Does the system still have gas in it ,if so that will need to be evacuated first.??
Also what year ,model do you have it might help with an answer

11th December 2015, 04:00 PM
No gas in system. Patrol 2007 GU ZD30 DDTI Engine.

12th December 2015, 12:49 PM
I dont think many people, if any really, would have done what you need to do... So you may be the guinee pig for this one...

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

13th December 2015, 10:26 PM
Hey mate, not sure if the system on your bus is different to mine (2000 patrol) but if they got in there they have to come out somehow and jacking the engine up sounds like a lot of work to do some thing like that.
Easy for me to say without seeing it I'm sure!
If it's the suction line (larger pipe) and is insulated by pulling the insulation off you may get a bit more room.
If it's damaged and going to be replaced then it's easy to get out with the help of some tube cutters but the new one needs to go in and if it can't go through the existing spot you may need a different or custom piece.
Can you put any photos up for us to have a look at? I hate being beaten by air conditioners!