View Full Version : GQ 4.2 diesel Filter CHANGE WTF.

7th December 2015, 02:57 PM
Thanks to the previous owner or their ???? Cretin mechanic.

Having just spent 3 hrs removing oil filters and fuel filter I can justify in what I'm about to say.

If ya don't know what you are doing leave things be.
:mad:Filters even have written directions with how many turns once resistance is felt when HAND tightening them = 1 turn. Do not use filter removal tool to tighten up filters.

7th December 2015, 03:17 PM
Yup been there done that. Driving form Melbourne to Brissy I got a service done in Dubbo. I decided to do another when I got back home and my filter wrench just crunched the oil filters and they still didn't move. Finally got them off though...

7th December 2015, 05:06 PM
Yep that's a prick.. and the nissan filters ain't in the easiest spot to get to

7th December 2015, 07:25 PM
Had em so tight when I finally got em undone to my horror the center bolt came out with the filter.
I hate someone else working on my car, things seem to go wrong to often, and of course its not their fault it was the car!.

7th December 2015, 09:33 PM
If you're really stuck try driving a screw driver through it. Turns into a great handle

tappin from tassie

dads tractor
7th December 2015, 10:48 PM
You just want to flog them to death using a foam esky lid dont you .Wet the O rings and 1/2 to 3/4 of a turn when you feel them take up, if you can't undo them by hand go to a gym or leave them alone !!!

8th December 2015, 11:16 PM
When I bought my GQ I had to drive through the biggest screwdriver I had, then had to use a 4 foot length of pipe to crack them loose. No lubrication on the O ring and tightened by a gorilla I reckon!!