View Full Version : A Crying Tree?!

5th December 2015, 03:02 PM
Hey Guys,

I've been noticing the "phenomenon" as you can see in the pictures of this tree.
I'm guessing this a native Acacia.

First I thought the tree is producing the spit like slim itself.
It doesn't smell. It has no smell at all. And it's growing.
Only this tree has this thing.

A quick internet search suggested two things
1)Slime flux disease(a bacterial infection)
2)Spittlebug foam produced to protect the larvae.

I ruled out No 1 'cos it's on the end of the branches, rather than the tree trunk.

It's very consistent with the spittlebug foam. But, I haven't been able to locate any bugs or larvae so far after carefully removing some
of the foam.

I'm wondering exactly what this is!???

Should I do something about it, leave it alone??!!

I"m in Melbourne Metro East.

Thanx for any information.


5th December 2015, 04:06 PM
i would contact a native tree expert as i suspect its some sort of disease

5th December 2015, 04:12 PM
Lime flux is a disease. But, this doesn't look like a one.
Apparently this's been happening every spring from a vague memory.
This year it's pretty prominent.