View Full Version : Save your Health when using the A/C

6th April 2011, 03:05 PM
I just got sent this and thought I would share...

No wonder more people are dying from cancer than ever before. We wonder where this stuff comes from but here is an example that explains a lot of the cancer causing incidents. Many people are in their cars first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, 7 days a week.
Guess it’s not too late to make some changes now!

My car manual says to roll down the windows to let out all the hot air before turning on air con. Why is that?

Please do NOT turn on A/C as soon as you enter the car. Open the windows after you enter your car and then turn ON the AC after a couple of minutes. Here's why:

According to research, the car dashboard, seats, air freshener emit Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen - take time to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car). In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons your bones, causes anaemia and reduces white blood cells.
Prolonged exposure will cause Leukaemia, increasing the risk of cancer and also cause miscarriage.

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50mg per sq.ft.
A car parked indoors with windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene.
If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level.

People who get into the car, keeping windows closed will inevitably inhale, in quick succession, excessive amounts of the toxin. Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver. What's worse, it is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

So friends, please open the windows and door of your car - give time for interior to air out -dispel the deadly stuff - before you enter.

6th April 2011, 03:31 PM
Phew!!!! Good to know I can do this and just keep smoking!!! LOL

6th April 2011, 04:59 PM
50mg per sq.ft.......did they mean cubic foot, unless the molecules are 2 dimensional



seems to be worse in new cars, so our old GQs should be ok

6th April 2011, 07:13 PM
Well Well another thing to make us worry about. Oh well at my Age it probably wont get me before Alzeimers.

It probably is serious and I should not joke about it.

6th April 2011, 09:16 PM
I guess it is true. This is a bit of a bad story but after the bushfires the local CFA found a car with 3 deceased people in it. The car was not burnt, the people did not look injured or anything. Took everyone a while to figure out what happened but it was the radiant heat of the fire causing the dash and interior to let off that "Benzene" fumes which killed everyone.

Finly Owner
6th April 2011, 09:43 PM
Yep, get rid off air con altogether and run with windows down and wind blowing what hair we may have left. hehehehehee.
