View Full Version : Front tailshaft spinning in 2H

4th November 2015, 10:50 AM
Hi guys! I have a 2002 gu 3ltr TDi. Have had a constant issue with hubs dying and noise in the hub... but having replaced all the bearings etc I am going out of my mind trying to figure out the problem. I strapped a camera underneath and I can see the front tailshaft is spinning in 2H... surely thats not right.

4th November 2015, 10:57 AM
Are you positive its in 2 High,
can you stop the shaft by hand or is it engaged

the evil twin
4th November 2015, 12:07 PM
Are you positive its in 2 High,
can you stop the shaft by hand or is it engaged

Hehehehe I know what you mean but I don't think he is game enough to lie underneath on a garage crawler tied to the car and get dragged down the street to see if he can stop it by hand...

Could maybe tie it with something that will snap easily like a cable tie but best way would be try turning the shaft.
If the transfer is engaged it won't turn, if a hub is dragging it will but with resistance
If it has no diff lock..
Lock one hub and try again
Lock the other and try

My first guess is that seeing the OP has had hub issues, there is too much grease or a hub malfunction and one of the FWH is dragging enough to turn the shaft

4th November 2015, 01:32 PM
I mean't to say can you turn it by hand as you suggested. lol
Got abit going on ATM