View Full Version : HELP!! GU hub noise

2nd November 2015, 08:30 PM
HELP! Front hub noise 2002 GU

Hi guys. I am only new so hope I get this right.. not real technology savvy lol. We have a 2002 GU 3ltr turbo diesel which we bought second hand in pretty good nik. A while ago we broke one of the hubs doing something stupid so decided to replace the auto hubs with manual ones. It was great at first (AVM but not the high performance ones) and then one day the left hand side was making noise so we checked it out and decided to replace wheel bearings and front disks and pads etc the whole lot. Hubs are still making a noise like a clicking... like maybe hubs are trying to engage?? Used to just come on in spits and spats and only for about 20 or 30m or so then normal again. Pulled the hubs off and one side seemed chewed out... blamed the AVM hubs and got some others off a GQ. Now it seems as though the noise is there constantly like a wheel of fortune wheel spinning... tik tik tik and constant sound of spinning. Sometimes the sound is more severe but always there. It is driving us crazy. What could it be?? CVs have been checked and all good. Wheel alignment all good. Everything has been replaced. I have tried putting it in 4H which helps but only for a short period of time. I am kinda out of money to throw at it just exhausted. It has been to a very reputable mechanic who just seems dumbfounded. Any ideas would be so helpful. Thanks guys.

3rd November 2015, 05:55 AM
Dumb question, but there isn't anything stuck in the tire tread? That could cause a clicking sound each time it strikes the ground.

4th November 2015, 10:44 AM
Nothing in tyres.

4th November 2015, 10:47 AM
is the noise consistant with one noise per wheel rotation,
or maybe motor related like a wonky belt

Jack up each front wheel and give them
a spin to see if that replicates the noise

4th November 2015, 03:07 PM
is the noise consistant with one noise per wheel rotation,
or maybe motor related like a wonky belt

Jack up each front wheel and give them
a spin to see if that replicates the noise
Also with that, do it with the hub locked and unlocked. Just to see which side it is.

7th November 2015, 08:14 AM
I strapped a camera under my car and took it for a drive!! Frint drive shaft was spinning like a bat outta hell... more than just drag. Removed the tailshaft and took 2 more videos. Movement at the front is consistent with drig ie barely at all. Back at the transfer case it is spinning away. I have checked the oil in the transfer case and cant find any bits of metal... but ai am guessing there is something wron with the transfer for this to be happening?

16th November 2015, 06:58 PM
G'day Chook,
key in 'auto hubs' in the search panel top right of home page.
I had similar probs with my 08GU and solved them by belting out the 'auto' setting 'ring'. With time you'll find the post with pics..The man's a legend.
Can't be more specific as it's well past beer o'clock but it sounds much more likely to be a hub or hub lock problem to me.

19th November 2015, 12:56 AM
Did you properly lubricate the manual hubs before the installation? They dont' like too much grease either.