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1st November 2015, 07:54 PM
What is in the rumour that Jakem Farm is a bit cut up and the tracks not being maintained?:gossip:

I got this via people who do 4x4 training. Some are refusing to do training there due to the conditions.:frown:

If true will make the place a bit useless unless you want your vehicle damaged due to bad tracks.

Just going on what I have heard..:feedback:

1st November 2015, 08:06 PM
I was there a couple of weeks ago and don't believe what you have heard. They have actually spent some money on the place with new tracks. There are some very challenging tracks there or you can keep to the easy stuff, you can really learn what your car is capable of. The problem I have with the place is that they have jacked up their price from $30 to $50 for the day.

1st November 2015, 09:14 PM
$50 a day. Geeze. That'll push people away..

Rock Trol
2nd November 2015, 11:34 AM
I have been to Jakem twice this year. There are some places that you would need to be careful with as they are quite tight. Your steps may get a dent or two but overall its not too bad. The stories you have heard relate to the mud pits which I chose not to drive in. One of the clubs went there earlier in the year specifically for mud/water training and some of the cars got a little beat up. Heard a lc200 copped around 5k of panel damage in the pits. Like I said, keep out of those.

I did drive up a creek when it was wet and put a few scratches in the rear bar and sliders but that I what they are for. Just use your judgement and if it looks too difficult go around.

Rock Trol
2nd November 2015, 11:47 AM
Cont. The mud pits are really only for the big tyre, extreme 4 wds. Its more of a slurry, neither true mud or water. The 4WDSA trainers will no longer be using it for training. That was the problem. Fairly standard four wheel drives tried to go through the pits and that I why that rumour/opinion is circulating.

Other than the mud pits there are plenty of hills to try and some creek crossings. In our group we had a stock Prado and it was undamaged as he did not try the extreme stuff. There was still plenty for him to try.

50 bucks is pricey but its only 50km from Adelaide so good for a day trip.

2nd November 2015, 05:40 PM
I would suggest FAR from extreme. I drove some of the muddy ruts with 2"lift and 33's. If I had a front LoKKa I woulda done them all. Did in the ol GQ and pissed it in!

Rock Trol
2nd November 2015, 06:02 PM
I would suggest FAR from extreme. I drove some of the muddy ruts with 2"lift and 33's. If I had a front LoKKa I woulda done them all. Did in the ol GQ and pissed it in!

Ok. Extreme may have been an exaggeration. Lets say more difficult parts.

2nd November 2015, 06:12 PM
Ok. Extreme may have been an exaggeration. Lets say more difficult parts.

Definitely able to damage a vehicle there, but if youre somewhere where there is no chance of damage you could probably drive it in a VC commodore

4th November 2015, 05:48 PM
Thanks guys seems to explain it all.