View Full Version : Well, that was fun.

Just A Troll
31st October 2015, 06:50 PM
With a second hand 4WD, start by replacing drive belts and filters and checking all bushes etc, right?

Filters was easy. Except it turns out that we have a non-stock fuel filter - I need to get hold of a Racor R26T. Wasted the $ on the stock one - should of checked first. Dumb, but now I know ...

Okay, so I'm a "handyman", not a mechanic but changing drive belts used to be an easy 30 minute job, including beer:xxxx:. Even our old TD42 was (relatively) easy.

Not this flaming RD28T! Working out where the various locks, tensioners and pivot bolts were was awkward enough. Actually getting to them all was a pain in the rear.

The low mounted winch covers a couple of holding screws for the bash plate - you know, the one that makes getting to anything from underneath problematic. The shroud (by the book: "undo three screws up the top, pop two clips at the sides, pull it up an off") is held by two extra screws that are not accessible without removing the aforementioned bash plate. Working around the loosened-but-not-removed shroud is a painful and scratchy process but necessary to get to the tensioner pulley lock nut. I got so shat off that I very nearly dropped the winch out. Gonna have to overhaul it before relying on it anyway.

Finally, once everything has been loosened, we get to take the belts off.

Well, nearly all of them.

The doubled main drive belts came off fine (water pump / alternator) and the aircon belt came off just as easy. The power steering pump belt? Not a hope! There was no way it was going to fit between the water pump and camshaft pulleys. Getting it off will require the removal of the water pump pulley, something for when I can get the shroud off (after the winch and bashplate). Back on it went.

Then it turned out that the nice shiny new aircon belt was too short. I tried every which way to get it on, even bypassing the tensioner in the hopes of maybe figuring out how to get it in play later; nope. Back on went the old belt, and I'll find another new one.

In in the end I only actually changed the double belt. Thankfully the old belts are not actually falling apart, I just don't know how old they are and what they have been through. They're certainly not new and I am just being cautious in changing them. Well, trying to.

Oh, and in all the mucking around I forgot to check the timing belt. Bugger. And the bushes for the tie rod (?) - the one that goes from the steering gear to the passenger front wheel - are cracked and need replacing; at least all the others seem to be OK.

Did I mention I'm not a mechanic? Looking into the noisy turbo (it whistles) is starting to look like not being something I want to do anymore ... But I will bash on regardless. Learning how to do for myself is the general idea, and it will give me a better understanding of just how the car's bits work.

31st October 2015, 07:03 PM
Some turbos do whistle. As long as it's not cruching and grinding..
When idling take a long screwdriver and place the tip on each end and place the handle on your ear. You'll hear all the inners running..
If it's smooth then all good..
Sorry I can't help about the belts. Guess that's just a pita

Just A Troll
1st November 2015, 02:27 PM
Thanks for the screwdriver idea, I'll give it a go. The belts is just mostly me learning the ins and outs of this car compared to the TD42 we had a few years ago, so it'll get better as I go along. Popped the timing belt cover today and the good news is the belt looks like it was replaced already. Looks brand new. Dropped the winch, too, so I'll give it a mini-overhaul shortly. Looks OK from the outside.

1st November 2015, 05:51 PM
OH you RD28T boys have all the fun lol