View Full Version : What should be first

24th October 2015, 11:26 PM
Hey all,
Picking up my 2001 gu 3ltr turbo next week, its a stock not modifed patrol and was wondering what should be first on the list of things to do.
My list of things in no paticular order are,
Diff/tranny breathers
Bull bar & winch
Rock sliders
2 in lift (mybe higher)
Pyro, boost gauges
Dual battery setup
Etc etc


25th October 2015, 01:06 AM
Being a 2001, if its not already done, then the NADS is a must to be done first.

25th October 2015, 01:22 AM
Be kind im a newbe

25th October 2015, 01:42 AM
Ok mate - the 3lt diesel has a reputation for detonating cylinders. The earlier the model the more the risk. Mine is a 2005 or GU4 and they are relatively stable after the GU3. Yours is a 2001 mod and therefore in the risky issue. In a nutshell the NADS is a series of modifications that combine to make up the Nissan Anti Detonation System. The risk varies from minor to "they all do it" depending on who is telling the story. As they say in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe - don't panic. Best is to search NADS on this and other forums and have a read.

25th October 2015, 01:45 AM
By the way mate - I see on your mods list pyro and boost gauges. They are two of the components of the NADS anyway, so I suggest you put them at the top of your list

25th October 2015, 01:48 AM
as 4bye said,
Dual Batteries
these should be "first cab off the rank" so to speak - priority 1

then its what you can afford when you can afford it............

they are a good bus, and no-one has been able to give me a % of 3L sold V's 3L's go bang
I know of about 10 people off hand who have had them from new, used & thrashed, and never had a problem with the engines
unfortunately, they have a reputation, and they like to uphold it

25th October 2015, 01:50 AM
Yea Bigcol, peeps that don't have a problem don't write on social media or forums about it.:smile:

25th October 2015, 07:22 AM
Id be fitting your gauges first then any mods you do you'll be able to see whats going on.
Best mod ever.
If your IC is oily chances are it leaking so a tigged change over or
after market one should be budgetted for