View Full Version : Freight from southeast QLD/NSW-Melbourne

22nd October 2015, 11:49 AM
Hey guys. Wasn't sure where to post this. But figured it would help someone lol.

So I have just bought a GU patrol from 2trollfam, in Ipswich, and am driving down to Melbourne. Just thought I would offer to freight anything I can fit down for someone if they needed it.

Figures I'm coming down may as well take something with me :)

I'll be leaving Ipswich Saturday afternoon probably about 1-2pm. Willing to make slight detours to help out some fellow members.

Either reply here or give me a text/call on 0435132297. My name's Adrain.

22nd October 2015, 12:09 PM
Nice offer mate, good on ya!

22nd October 2015, 01:39 PM
very kind gesture, plus you picked up a very nice Patrol to boot eh

22nd October 2015, 05:43 PM
Cheers guys. Just want to help out if I can.

23rd October 2015, 08:16 PM
Last chance guys. Let me know if you need anything taken south :)

14th December 2015, 10:15 PM
Just thought I would open this back up as we're doing return from Melbourne to Brisbane and back for Christmas, wedding, birthday. :) let me know if anyone needs something delivered interstate, I depart Melbourne the 23rd December and will be getting back about the 10th of Jan.

Cheers, Adrain.