View Full Version : Wheel sheared off on highway

21st October 2015, 10:00 PM
This is a first for me in fact never heard off it happening before. Gave me shock and a half . I was on the pacific highway near Springwood in the right hand lane steering started to shake tought I had a flat put the brakes on and car ground to a stop. I seriously thought it was a blown tire till I got out and checked . Fxxxxx no bloody wheel there( sorry mods ) .
It was the left rear passenger tire just assumed it was fine . I am slowly trying to kit the troll out I got it last year it's a 2010 gu diesel and love it but with my son finishing school then uni and and a teenage daughter as far as I have got is the Arb rack , awning and awning tent which has been great. Next was tires and OME suspension and some off road and beach driving classes and recovery gear.
I was told it's more common in patrols don't know whether that's true but will ask for new bits / studs for all corners . Just glad traffic was slow glad I wasn't in a 110 k zone wonder if it would roll. The wheel wasn't found and the insurance so far have been good.

I never post but have read a lot off the threads for a newbie to 4x4 or patrols info is great. Thought I would post as a bit bizarre cheers

21st October 2015, 10:08 PM
welcome to the forum mate,

21st October 2015, 10:09 PM
Well G'day mate and welcome to the forum. This should be in introductions but I guess you are still getting over the wheel coming off. It has been reported before and theories range from bad luck to incorrect torque on wheel nuts. I assume it was Nissan alloy rims. Maybe an idea to put steel rims on your upgrade list - mind you mine are still the standard as supplied.

21st October 2015, 10:13 PM
welcome mate, as 4bye4 said, it happens alot with the alloy rim on the left hand rear
yes it could be the torque settings
yes it could be the rim wearing the wheel nut holes out of round

YES it could have been dangerous

but, you were / are lucky

21st October 2015, 10:29 PM
As others have already mentioned, it is fairly common for the left passenger rear, if it hasn't been seated correctly or the nuts have been overtightened and studs stretched.

It is usually the alloy rims which it happens to, but I have never had a problem with mine, even after 4 Patrols, and 500,000 klms of travel.... if the right proceedures and torque recommendations are followed, you will have no issues.

The only issue I have ever had is the same wheel on my old MQ Patrol with steel rims - most probably my fault due to incorrectly seating the rim against the hub

23rd October 2015, 11:04 PM
Hi thanks for the welcome , I forgot I hadn't done intro . Sounds like it's just one of those things that can happen , I do have alloy rims also I hadn't check if the tires nuts were lose/tight . On the bright side it's extra experience and as I am totally new to 4x4 any chance to learn is good Cheers

24th October 2015, 07:10 AM
Hi Sulla and welcome there was a re call so to speak, Mr Nissan sent all owners a indicator kit to fit behind the wheek nuts.
In future any wheel work done stop and re tighten after 15 K's.

24th October 2015, 07:15 AM
Welcome to the forum, have a read of the below link from other members having similar issues with the alloy rims.


25th October 2015, 05:48 PM
You're not alone Sulla!

Same thing happened to me, except front left wheel... And I was 20km in the middle of nowhere and had to walk all the way back with my tail between my legs to get someone to give me a hand haha! I had just done a service on my brakes and wheel bearings and got distracted when I took the car off the jack and then never tensioned up the studs properly!:SNruQWn369624407:

Lesson learnt!