View Full Version : Somebody Clarify the Rear Diff lock

13th October 2015, 08:36 AM
I've been discussing it in another thread possibly on another website - but can't find it anymore so I've come here. I have a '92 Nissan Granroad Safari LWB. Were there any models to come out with a factory rear diff lock? I'm asking because I've been told its only LSD (best in business), but I've just come onto pavement in 4WD and the rear axle was definately binding up, until one wheel broke loose. It doesn't do that at all in 2WD, only when I've selected 4. Thats got to be diff lock right?

13th October 2015, 09:06 AM
No the LSD in my GUIV is that tight too. Only in 4L. Note though that some GQs came with a factory Vacuum actuated Difflock in the rear but if you had one you would know as there is a switch in the dash for it.

13th October 2015, 09:55 AM
I never would have thought a LSD could be that tight. Well I guess thats piece of mind. So if the rear is LSD and the front is open, how come we cant drive on pavement? Or in 4WD full time?

13th October 2015, 10:07 AM
Never mind that question. I forgot theyre part time 4WD so the variation between the front and rear diffs will cause binding in the transfer