View Full Version : Injector pump change out

12th October 2015, 08:10 PM
Hi everyone.

I haven't posted for a long while but thought that I would share my recent experience. I changed out the injector pump on my GU TD42 on the weekend. It"s a good thing that I am a patient man! I thought, looking at the job that I would have it changed out in a day and a half and I could sit back on Sunday, watch Bathurst and bask in the glory of my DIY brilliance. Looking back now, I reckon, as I walked out of the injector shop with my brand new pump those guys would have been having a drink over the weekend and having a good laugh at the idiot who was going to try and replace his own injector pump!

The bottom mount on the injector pump has to be the stupidest place ever to put a nut! Again no warning from the specialists about how to get it off, (another laughing point for them). I know! I'll take off the vacuum pump! That was going well until the vacuum pump housing hits the injector pump! Now more money to spend to replace the two vacuum pump O-rings and the copper sealing washers! And I am still stuck trying to take off that 3rd mounting nut off the injector pump.

Now before you think I know nothing about mechanics I am a Fitter/Turner heavy earth moving fitter by trade, albeit a long time ago! I know my way around spanners and machinery.

I ended up making my own spanner with my M.I.G. welder and got the offending nut off.

In the end it took my a day and a half to get the pump out and half a day to get it back in and running.

I took my old pump back to the injector shop this morning and they showed me the home made spanner they use to get that bottom nut off, and they tell me that they put two washers on it to make it easy to get off next time. Not me! I put it back with one washer so it will be another pain in the arse when I replace it in another 264 000ks like the old pump! but now I know what the spanner looks like I will definitely be making one of those!

The old girl runs like a dream now though and I would definitely do it again!

Get it set up right, and get out there and use it!

See ya!


12th October 2015, 10:45 PM
Good effort mate, I quoted up doing a pump on a Toyota Bus on Friday, lucky for me they needed it done before I could get to it...I knew that was going to be a bad day!

Good tip on the 2 washers. put a pic up of the spanner when you make it!

13th October 2015, 02:34 PM
Will definitely post a photo of the spanner when I get it made.

13th October 2015, 02:47 PM
Never done it on a Patrol, but did one on my Kia work truck. 2 days and easier to get at than yours. Glad you got it done and hopefully recorded Bathurst.