View Full Version : 88 GQ ute exhaust manifold

Buffalo Bj
8th October 2015, 10:49 AM
Hi everyone,

I've managed to get 2 studs out and snapped an 'ezi-out' and cobalt drill bit in the other 2. I had help to try and weld nuts on them, however, the studs were broken off about 4mm inside the manifold, so we could not get them out. I believe my option is now to remove the head to get them out. I have another ute, with a good head, for wrecking.

For the mechanically deficient (but keen to have a go), is this a job I can tackle myself?


8th October 2015, 11:06 AM
Removing and replaceing a head is easy enough, but obviously you need a new head gasket and a torque wrench. A bit hard if you haven't done one befor or haven't got someone there who has. I would never put a head on whthout having it skimmed and I am not sure where you can get that done as you say there is not much in the way of mechanical workshops where you are. If you have got some bolts out and snapped the otherrs, can you not take the manifold off and weld to the exposed bit of stud? The heat from the welding may just help to loosen it. If not it may be as you say "off with it's head", but i would be wary of just bolting the other "good" head on without having it skimmed.

Buffalo Bj
8th October 2015, 11:59 AM
Hi everyone,

I've managed to get 2 studs out and snapped an 'ezi-out' and cobalt drill bit in the other 2. I had help to try and weld nuts on them, however, the studs were broken off about 4mm inside the manifold, so we could not get them out. I believe my option is now to remove the head to get them out. I have another ute, with a good head, for wrecking.

For the mechanically deficient (but keen to have a go), is this a job I can tackle myself?


Thanks 4bye4.
Can I remove the manifold without removing the head? I can get parts and work done in Bunbury.
If I use the same head, should I get it skimmed? Is it best to replace the studs and head bolts with new ones?

8th October 2015, 01:04 PM
"Can I remove the manifold without removing the head? I can get parts and work done in Bunbury."
I don't know - why is it still on? If some of the bolts are out and some are broken whats holding it on? Sorry, maybe if you put up some pics? If you can get the manifold off the other motor then maybe you can cut or grind the one off your motor.

"If I use the same head, should I get it skimmed? Is it best to replace the studs and head bolts with new ones?"
If you get the head skimmed you should use new head bolts when refitting - but thats in a perfect world. The theory is that when you torque the head up the first time, you stretch the bolts and they should be renewed when replacing the head with a new one or putting the same one back on. Having said that, I'll bet there are hundreds of people including myself who have used the old bolts and never had a problem. So I guess I'm saying if you use the old bolts it's not my fault.:o

Buffalo Bj
8th October 2015, 05:35 PM
"Can I remove the manifold without removing the head? I can get parts and work done in Bunbury."
I don't know - why is it still on? If some of the bolts are out and some are broken whats holding it on? Sorry, maybe if you put up some pics? If you can get the manifold off the other motor then maybe you can cut or grind the one off your motor.

"If I use the same head, should I get it skimmed? Is it best to replace the studs and head bolts with new ones?"
If you get the head skimmed you should use new head bolts when refitting - but thats in a perfect world. The theory is that when you torque the head up the first time, you stretch the bolts and they should be renewed when replacing the head with a new one or putting the same one back on. Having said that, I'll bet there are hundreds of people including myself who have used the old bolts and never had a problem. So I guess I'm saying if you use the old bolts it's not my fault.:o

OK, thank you 4bye4 for some great input. I have to remove the head, so I shall get it skimmed and get new bolts (and a torque wrench).

Sorry for being such a dumb-ass: Do I put gasket goo with the head gasket? The motors are 4.2 diesels, what do I torque the bolts too?

8th October 2015, 05:41 PM
Sorry for being such a dumb-ass: Do I put gasket goo with the head gasket? NO,NO,NO!
The motors are 4.2 diesels, what do I torque the bolts too? Don't know - it will be in the workshop manual or someone here may be able to help you. There is a set proceedure on putting on a head, the order in which the bolts are done up and the totque values. Usually you are required to torque in a pattern to a specified setting then do it again at a higher setting. This may be two to four times. one marine diesel I helped do years ago had a tourque figure we had to do then half a turn on the bolts. So the proceedures change but must be followed for a good result.

Buffalo Bj
8th October 2015, 06:28 PM
Thank you for the big NO's buddy, please pardon my ignorance? I shall definitely do some more research before I begin. And good on you 4bye4, for giving me some guidance in totally unfamiliar territory :)