View Full Version : Which solar panel to buy

21st September 2015, 04:26 PM
Have a chance to buy a folding solar panel I like the 120 watt
with 6.7 max AH[12kg] return.
OR would the 160 watt panel returning 8.9 ah [16kg] be better
my only major power use is my Engel which stays in the Patrol in the shade
other than that its LED lighting and on the odd occasion my usb player/Mp3/cd
I dont know what my needs would be in the future, Power wise now
I can light a camp like the Queen Mary, hear tunes all night ,and
have cold drinks and fresh food all weekend.
I suppose for longer trips it would come in handy.
Do others need 160 watt panels or is the 120 watt
just as good as well as being lighter. I already have an 80 watt panel 4.7ah

21st September 2015, 04:28 PM
I have a similar setup to you John, I was advised to get a 120W panel, I bought a 140W panel to be safe and have camped for 5 days without starting the car and was fine.

21st September 2015, 04:36 PM
Thanks Winnie you just have the Fridge, lights and tunes too I take it.
Being 4 kg difference I can stay just as long with a 120 panel just need to be smarter with my battery use around camp
Main thing is to keep the food from going off, [weekend spoiler] and keep the drinks cool.
Big believer in travelling as light as possible without having to go without, pretty achievable
It all adds up, weight that is, thanks again
@ Winnie do you take an esky as well for drinks?

21st September 2015, 04:38 PM
I have a 170w fold out panel and a 70w on the roof of my car..

The 170w is brilliant.

I had my fridge on a battery with the panel for 2 weeks with the temps holding steady at 1.5 degrees

21st September 2015, 04:44 PM
good one thanks BA thats alot of watts what are you running ??
Do you take an esky for cold beer and kids drinks

Just noticed most had the reg on the back of the panel, isnt it better at the battery end?

21st September 2015, 05:41 PM
Thanks Winnie you just have the Fridge, lights and tunes too I take it.
Being 4 kg difference I can stay just as long with a 120 panel just need to be smarter with my battery use around camp
Main thing is to keep the food from going off, [weekend spoiler] and keep the drinks cool.
Big believer in travelling as light as possible without having to go without, pretty achievable
It all adds up, weight that is, thanks again
@ Winnie do you take an esky as well for drinks?
Yep, just the 40L Engel, minimal lighting, music, shower pump for 10 mins every day

21st September 2015, 06:21 PM
2 x 100w folders would be much easier to pack/unpack & generally move around. Less bulky/less weigh to lift.

the evil twin
21st September 2015, 06:26 PM
120 watts is oodles for 1 x Engel, some LED's and some tunes and will also run my water pump.
I don't see the point of the extra size and weight of bigger panels if you don't use the capacity plus they get to be a PIA to store

Solar Reg is best closest to the battery.
Why almost every retard on Ebay insists on glueing the bloody things to the panels is totally beyond me

21st September 2015, 06:49 PM
2 x 100w folders would be much easier to pack/unpack & generally move around. Less bulky/less weigh to lift.

I wouldn't be buy these as they weigh far too much ,they also out do my power needs four fold.
as I said I like to travel light Im yet to want for anything at camp or out touring

As for the reg my 80 watt panel had one glued to the back it cooked the internals.
Now after seeing bobs set up I can use which ever panel I like I also put one
of those watt meters near the battery so I can see what different condition bring to the battery

21st September 2015, 07:08 PM
My Regulator is mounted on the Van within 18 inches of the Batteries

the evil twin
21st September 2015, 07:14 PM
As for the reg my 80 watt panel had one glued to the back it cooked the internals.

Yep the best environment for a Reg is a cool dry place, the hotter they get the worse they perform...
The best location electrically is close to the Battery so the cable losses are not on the output side which is bad for the Batteries

So where do the Ebay muppets glue them?
On the back of the panels... and then most of 'em throw in a 5 metre cable or more with an Anderson on the end 'for your convenient connection'

Total 'tards the lot of 'em

21st September 2015, 09:34 PM
I have a 140w panel and it runs my 65 liter fridge and lights no problem on a 85a/hr battery. For your usage a bigger panel would only benefit you on cloudy days other wise just stick to what you have got and save your money for more beer. I have my regulator closer to the battery with a watt meter so I can keep an eye on things.

21st September 2015, 10:36 PM
I wouldn't be buy these as they weigh far too much ,they also out do my power needs four fold.

The point I was trying to make was that it would be worthwhile keeping the weight of each folder to a minimum. You were considering a 160w folder, a big & cumbersome unit to cart around for all but the young, strong & fit. For someone with a bad back if would not be a good choice at all. The suggestion of 2 x 100w was to give a similar solar capacity (what’s 40w between friends?) was made with your carrying capacity in mind.

However if you now know your requirements, & two 100w folders do in fact out do your power needs four fold, buy just one. A 100w folder would save your back & give room for expansion.

22nd September 2015, 07:25 AM
i saw a fold-able 120w solar panel like a thick blanket might be worth a look. not sure how long it would last but it rolls up pretty small

22nd September 2015, 07:39 AM
The one Im looking at is German made with 25yr output warranty

22nd September 2015, 07:55 AM
The point I was trying to make was that it would be worthwhile keeping the weight of each folder to a minimum. You were considering a 160w folder, a big & cumbersome unit to cart around for all but the young, strong & fit. For someone with a bad back if would not be a good choice at all. The suggestion of 2 x 100w was to give a similar solar capacity (what’s 40w between friends?) was made with your carrying capacity in mind.

However if you now know your requirements, & two 100w folders do in fact out do your power needs four fold, buy just one. A 100w folder would save your back & give room for expansion.

Cuppa has a good point.

22nd September 2015, 08:01 AM
12kg 120 watt folder will suit me. I understand what Cuppa says,
remember I also have an 80 watt panel if I require extra AH's
I dont mind chasing the sun at camp ,not much else to do ha ha
I now have my system similar to Bobs, if it aint broke dont fix it eh

22nd September 2015, 11:09 AM
@ ET, Bob and others after my panels arrive all I need do is toss the reg and fit up a 50 amp anderson plug .
is that right? then use the MPPT reg and watt meter I use now

cost me $187 for a 120 watt folding panel 25 yr warranty on output
weighs in at 12 kg I thought that was a good deal

15yrs ago my BP 80 watt panel cost me $150 2nd hand, still going strong.
belts out tunes in the backyard from an old head unit and my small 18 ah battery
which does my lights at camp easy, then I have another 100 ah battery in the camper for tunes or extra lights
Then my 115 ah aux battery which is resigned to Engel only, and has a lead to allow solar charging
either at the front or rear of my Patrol. so imo have most bases covered.

the evil twin
22nd September 2015, 11:36 AM
Yeah, I pretty much bypass the shitty Regs they come with and run the feed direct to a quality Reg near the battery bank.

Totally your choice whether you use Anderson or MC4 style plugs
I prefer MC4 on the solar side and Anderson on the Regulated side

MC4 on the Panel side of the Reg you can buy branch connectors (or make your own) that will connect multiple panel arrays for like $5 to $10

Anderson on the Load side of the Reg (remembering the Reg may be either permanent on board or portable) means it is easy to swap connections for devices to the Battery or hook up to other banks or whatever.

For portable setups you can velcro the Reg to the panels for storage and again velcro to the Camper or whatever when operational

No biggee tho, what works for some users can be a PIA for others

22nd September 2015, 11:55 AM
Thanks I was impressed with Bobs set up looked simple and hey it works and works well
Ill check these MC4 connectors/plugs out
Just brought 5 pairs of MC4 connectors from Big Als on Ebay for $10

22nd September 2015, 01:05 PM
This is my Setup


22nd September 2015, 03:38 PM
Not to scale but basically what I have done,,, short run from the mppt to the battery
Only thing I'll change is the way I hook up the panel using those MC4 connectors
instead of a 50 amp anderson plug, Bummer as I need to change all my panels
80 watt, 20 watt and a 10 watt,plus my new one 120 watt

@ Bob did you have yours screwed onto a board or something
maybe screw it in a low tupper ware dish with some vent holes

22nd September 2015, 03:55 PM
Not to scale but basically what I have done,,, short run from the mppt to the battery
Only thing I'll change is the way I hook up the panel using those MC4 connectors
instead of a 50 amp anderson plug, Bummer as I need to change all my panels
80 watt, 20 watt and a 10 watt,plus my new one 120 watt

@ Bob did you have yours screwed onto a board or something
maybe screw it in a low tupper ware dish with some vent holes

Installed in a sealed Box which is opened when in use


A bit junky at present but this is how close to the Battery


the evil twin
22nd September 2015, 06:03 PM
I'm not 100% sure those Redarc's are a full MPPT controller, could well be but they are certainly a good quality unit.

22nd September 2015, 06:12 PM
I'm not 100% sure those Redarc's are a full MPPT controller but they are certainly a good quality unit.

Please explain what you mean

the evil twin
22nd September 2015, 06:26 PM
Please explain what you mean

Very, very rare to find a good MPPT below a couple of hunjy. Good name brand will be $300 and up

As a point of interest the 25 and 40 Amp jobbies in the BCDC series are quoted as MPPT by Redarc but the SRP series wasn't AFAIK

Depends on the guts but a big MPPT Controller will take 60 to 150 Volt panel input give or take.
I 'think' they can get the costs down of the MPPT if they limit the Panel Voltage and it's interesting that Redarc quote a max panel input of 30 odd volts
30 volts is the normal limit for a PV controller ergo those 10 and 20 amp redarc stand alone jobbies may be MPPT but personally I am not 100% sure.

Best way would be to check with Redarc but either way you know you are getting a good controller

22nd September 2015, 06:41 PM
Very, very rare to find a good MPPT below a couple of hunjy. Good name brand will be $300 and up

As a point of interest the 25 and 40 Amp jobbies in the BCDC series are quoted as MPPT by Redarc but the SRP series wasn't AFAIK

Depends on the guts but a big MPPT Controller will take 60 to 150 Volt panel input give or take.
I 'think' they can get the costs down of the MPPT if they limit the Panel Voltage and it's interesting that Redarc quote a max panel input of 30 odd volts
30 volts is the normal limit for a PV controller ergo those 10 and 20 amp redarc stand alone jobbies may be MPPT but personally I am not 100% sure.

Best way would be to check with Redarc but either way you know you are getting a good controller

I went with the Redarc as they can be set for Calcium Batteries (Which I have).

the evil twin
22nd September 2015, 06:50 PM
I went with the Redarc as they can be set for Calcium Batteries (Which I have).

Good choice.
I really rate Redarc and Intervolt, both Aussie and both very high quality.

If they don't have what I want I tend to use Ctek... or... Morningstar or Tracer for industrial applications

24th September 2015, 03:37 PM
@ ET my MC4 connectors have arrived, do you them together or alternate them
As in on the Panel do i use f and f or f and m, I dont see how it would make
much difference.

the evil twin
24th September 2015, 04:10 PM
@ ET my MC4 connectors have arrived, do you them together or alternate them
As in on the Panel do i use f and f or f and m, I dont see how it would make
much difference.

It will make a difference if you cross connect 'em... :p

The convention is...
The MC4 should have a -ve if you look close goes to the -ve output lead from the panel

24th September 2015, 05:01 PM
I cant see the ve-1
but Ill make sure I have pos to pos and neg to neg

the evil twin
24th September 2015, 06:06 PM
I cant see the ve-1
but Ill make sure I have pos to pos and neg to neg

Not all of them bother... because it gets confusing...

Best to just go with accepted convention and that way you can add or remove panels without any issues

Edit... SHIT, SHIT, SHIT...

just realised my prev post was incomplete... it should have had this link in it and a better explanation
Dunno what happened but anyway.... check this out and stick with the convention

24th September 2015, 07:27 PM
Not all of them bother... because it gets confusing...

Best to just go with accepted convention and that way you can add or remove panels without any issues

Edit... SHIT, SHIT, SHIT...

just realised my prev post was incomplete... it should have had this link in it and a better explanation
Dunno what happened but anyway.... check this out and stick with the convention

I was looking for something similar but you beat me to it.

Great effort

the evil twin
24th September 2015, 07:45 PM
I was looking for something similar but you beat me to it.

Great effort

ROFL... Yeah... no wonder my earlier post made TD's head hurt.
I musta had a fat finger moment on the save clickee mousee thingee

24th September 2015, 07:49 PM
Have a 64W on the roof of the ute wired to this box of tricks and a dedicated battery under the tray. Now carry an extra 120W foldup panel with Anderson plug to boost the battery while out detecting if the clouds are around.
If the going gets tough and total sun block out the displayed 240V/12V battery charger has been replaced with a 30amp and the generator is fired up while the chops are cooking.
While we are away up to a months supply of meat and frozen veg is kept in an old 39L Engel used as a freezer and an 80L Engel Combo pumping away on the back of the ute.

http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s122/nightjar3/0cbf69e3-21c6-42f9-ae7d-ac85aba842a2.jpg (http://s151.photobucket.com/user/nightjar3/media/0cbf69e3-21c6-42f9-ae7d-ac85aba842a2.jpg.html)

25th September 2015, 07:02 AM
Thanks ET and Bob I can see clearly now there is a pos MC4 and a neg MC4.
I'll wire mine accordingly so its compatible with other ppls panels

25th September 2015, 01:19 PM
@ Bob Ive seen your set up and that figure 8 wire you used,[6 mtrs]
did you just strip off the outer casing
and fit/solder your MC4 connectors

25th September 2015, 02:09 PM

if you look at the above Pic you will see two black Cables hooked up to the Regulator. They are MC4 Connectors and cables purchased from alocal electronics store. I just cut of the connectors on one end of the cable and stripped cable and connected to the Regulator

27th September 2015, 02:51 PM
soldered my MC4 plugs on, Im hoping this is right.
Then I have a 5mtr lead with the MPPT and watt meter
on the other end near the battery in a clear plastic case with 50 amp Anderson plug.
This is my 20 watt panel you can see where the old reg was
until it fried.

29th September 2015, 12:23 PM
My 120 watt panels have arrived .now to solder on some MC4 connectors.
Then I can have a compatible panel to anyone else who goes away.
Now to try and remove the MPPT reg glued to the back, might leave it
there as a spare. will wire it as per pic is that the correct way??
In series or parallel???

the evil twin
29th September 2015, 02:02 PM
The panels themselves doesn't matter as the connectors don't change.

When connecting the panel array to the Controller....
If you have an MPPT controller the choice is yours.
If you DO NOT have an MPPT controller they should be in parallel and the same rating as the system IE 12 volt system then 12 volt panels etc.

The 'default' would be a parallel wired connection

Be aware that 90% of the Controllers claiming to be MPPT are not.

MPPT controllers can operate on panel voltages significantly above system and are essentially a DC/DC converter.

29th September 2015, 02:37 PM
I already have a "MPPT" controller 30 amp all fitted into a clear box and ventilated.
As you and Cuppa I think said a while back not a tru reg but it does its job,
not feeling too flash Atm so will take some pics to show you and sort out the other MC4 connections.
So parallel it is.
looks like I'll need those combo style MC4 connectors 2 to 1

are these the ones I require for the back of the folding panels ??



29th September 2015, 03:02 PM
I have this controller those wires only go 200mm and terminated with 50 amp anderson plugs

the evil twin
29th September 2015, 03:30 PM
I prefer the branch connectors that have a bit of cable rather than the moulded ones as they are a tad more forgiving in how the cables run but no biggee.

If it is a fully portable setup...
I would have put MC4 connectors on the "solar" cable to the Controller but not a major issue
Anderson variants on the "battery" cable

If the Reg is permanently mounted I would hard wire the "battery" cable from Controller to Battery terminals

The CMTP02 is not a MPPT Controller so you must hook your panels up in parallel

29th September 2015, 03:46 PM
Thanks for that so a bit of soldering to do in the next few days,
I'll prep it all untill the branch leads arrive,
I'll also change the 50amp to the panel to MC4 as well

29th September 2015, 04:43 PM
see what you mean sort of makes it chook proof so to speak

the evil twin
29th September 2015, 06:57 PM
Nice job dude

Uuummmmm... be aware that Controller can get pretty hot.
If it hasn't get any airflow and/or a decent heat sink all the smoke will get out.
If the smoke gets out it will stop working and its a real bitch trying to shove the smoke back in.

You can get natty little vents that you can cut and fit to those enclosures

30th September 2015, 08:33 AM
It has vents on the sides, more soldering to do today, ordered the MC4 2 into 1 leads.

30th September 2015, 01:36 PM
@ ET,Cuppa Ive had this and my 80 watt panel connected to a small 18 ah battery,[deep cycle]
All it has been running is a car radio and one led strip light, Ive been playing with all my panels
and cant for the life in me get the red lights to shine on that "MPPT" controller.
Can you put up a link to some thing that will last, I believe its US already.
Ive tried on my 20 watt and 80 watt panel ,,,no lights so Im assuming its dead,,, yes
Is this link ok for what I want??


the evil twin
30th September 2015, 02:12 PM
Hook up the battery first.
What is the voltage on the battery terminals?
Now, hook up the panel
What is teh voltage on the battery terminals?
What is the voltage on the panel terminals?

1st October 2015, 11:51 AM
I cant get any readings , I think my new 18 ah deepcycle battery is U/S.
friggen sore as bending down even sitting on a milk crate..
Might buy that LCD display controller for my new panels, I'll check battery
down at my Battery place [Alco] Hmmm battery is new, bit of a mystery.
Plus my multi meter is not the best going around GRrrrrrr

14th October 2015, 12:06 PM
@ ET wired the pos and neg from the 80 watt BP solar Panel to the pos and neg on the solar icon on the controller
then wired the pos and neg to the battery icon terminating in a 50 amp anderson plug.
with my multi meter I have 19v from the Panel and 19 volts at the anderson plug.
what have I done wrong other than buy a cheap controller lol


I think I may have to connect to a battery to complete the circuit

the evil twin
14th October 2015, 01:57 PM
@ ET wired the pos and neg from the 80 watt BP solar Panel to the pos and neg on the solar icon on the controller
then wired the pos and neg to the battery icon terminating in a 50 amp anderson plug.
with my multi meter I have 19v from the Panel and 19 volts at the anderson plug.
what have I done wrong other than buy a cheap controller lol


I think I may have to connect to a battery to complete the circuit

Always hook up your battery to the Reg before you connect the Panel.

19 Volts is the open circuit voltage (so far so good) and, yes, the battery 'completes' the circuit.

the evil twin
14th October 2015, 02:10 PM
.... should have added;

The battery voltage (when connected) will tell the Reg if it is a 12 or 24 volt system and 'pull down' the voltage to more like what you are expecting.

Typically, using a 12 volt panel and a battery approx 90% SOC or better) the Reg will then have;
If it is a PV type say 13.3 volts at the Reg "Panel" terminals and 13.1 to 13.3 volts at the Reg "Battery" terminals
If it is an MPPT type 17.5 volts at the Reg "Panel" terminals and 13.1 to 13.3 volts at the Reg "Battery" terminals

That is just a guide as the "Battery" voltage reading will change depending on the mode of the Reg and SOC of teh battery from around 13.0 ish to around 13.7 ish

14th October 2015, 03:05 PM
Thanks again "onwards and upwards I go" lol
The battery isnt that old Ill get the battery ppl to load it up and test

14th October 2015, 07:24 PM
Hey threedogs where did you get your panel, im currently on the lookout.

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15th October 2015, 12:14 PM
Hi Sooty sorry for the delay , check my link a few posts back
Paid under $200 for a folding 120 watt with carry bag. Happy with that so now at camp
on a good day I'll be returning about 6AH back into my battery.
My 80 watt BP panel I brought nearly 20 yrs ago 2nd hand and its still pushing out 19 volts
Paid $150 for that one.
The "GO" back then was to glue the reg to the panel, and over the years it fries the reg.

15th October 2015, 12:26 PM
I've checked all the links and can only find regulators/connectors. None for the specific panel? Im thinking about just biting the bullet on the rich solar ones.

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15th October 2015, 12:32 PM

Heres my panels ,german made and 25 yrs warranty and under $200
Hope this helps.
If there was a down side to these is that they fold with the solar panels on the outside.
The carry bag is not padded so be wary of that and how you pack them

OH and my 18ah deep cycle battery was 5 yrs old and swelling badly
so a new one is required,

15th October 2015, 01:33 PM
What do you guys think of this panel ? for its weight (2.2 KG) seems to be ok.. but I could be wrong. It dosent have an MPPT controller so I will need to get that as well.


15th October 2015, 02:24 PM
What do you guys think of this panel ? for its weight (2.2 KG) seems to be ok.. but I could be wrong. It dosent have an MPPT controller so I will need to get that as well.


Should be ok just wire it up with the MPPT controller at the battery end with a
50 amp anderson on the battery side and those mc4 connectors on the panel side.
As ET says connect the battery first then the panel.
Any reason for that style panel???

15th October 2015, 03:41 PM
thanx for your reply threedogs.

I like the fact that they are light weight and thin, so I can pack more bits when I go camping.

15th October 2015, 03:44 PM
so true,,, weight is the enemy.
That one you picked will still put back 5ah
into your battery, and with LEDs these days
less strain on the battery other than the fridge

15th October 2015, 03:58 PM
my plan (in theory) to skip the whole dual battery setup completely.

I have a cheap AGM deep cycle that was given to me. SO when I am driving I will have the fridge/freezer connected to the rear 12v cig socket that runs off main battery. Once I am at camp site, I will plug it into the spare deep cycle and connect the solar to the battery via a mppt controller.

15th October 2015, 04:02 PM
Perfect just buy one of those plastic battery boxes, I modified mine a bit fitting extra Merit and anderson plugs on it
Plus a Volt meter. You could charge that travelling via a dedicated outlet

15th October 2015, 04:08 PM
Any recommendation on a good MPPT controller ?

15th October 2015, 04:12 PM
I not the expert on them I just brought a 30 amp one with a LCD display
check earlier links

the evil twin
15th October 2015, 04:27 PM
Yeah, agree.
During a trip a while back I looked at all the hassle of the traditional "heavier than lead, wacking great portable if your Hulk Hogan" panels.
Worked out how many hail storms I had been camping in (which is the only reason for the glass) and promptly sold the Bastards.

Bought 200 watts (2x50's, 4x25's) of light weight flexibles.

Total weight under 6 KG and fit where my 120 watt fold ups were with room to spare.
I can mix and match so a couple on the vehicle and some on the van or all on one or the other or whatever

the evil twin
15th October 2015, 04:33 PM
Any recommendation on a good MPPT controller ?

90% of the MPPT Controllers on Ebay advertised as such aren't MPPT.
A true MPPT will be $100 or more retail
Tracer are about the cheapest http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/10A-MPPT-Solar-Charge-Controller-Tracer-1210RN-100V-PV-12-24V-MPPT-10A-Regulator-/141571905579?var=&hash=item20f657d82b

To tell if a Reg is a genuine MPPT look at the Max Solar Panel Input Voltage in the specs.
If it is like 100 volts or 150 volts or more then it will be an MPPT Controller
If it is 20 volts or so then it will be a standard old run of the mill PV reg

That is one reason why many people say there is no advantage to MPPT.
When they compare them they are actually comparing two standard Regs.

15th October 2015, 04:33 PM
Yeah, agree.
During a trip a while back I looked at all the hassle of the traditional "heavier than lead, wacking great portable if your Hulk Hogan" panels.
Worked out how many hail storms I had been camping in (which is the only reason for the glass) and promptly sold the Bastards.

Bought 200 watts (2x50's, 4x25's) of light weight flexibles.

Total weight under 6 KG and fit where my 120 watt fold ups were with room to spare.
I can mix and match so a couple on the vehicle and some on the van or all on one or the other or whatever

do you just spread them over the roof of your van and Patrol

the evil twin
15th October 2015, 04:48 PM
do you just spread them over the roof of your van and Patrol

The 4 x 25's are in a folding canvas bag with clears on the pockets so I treat it like "normal" ones and pop 'em in teh sun as I like to have the Van in the shade.
The 2 x 50's are seperate... don't usually need them but if I do then I just chuck 'em wherever IE on the roof basket of the Ute etc.

At home I might have 1 x 50 keeping the Ute up to charge and 1 x 50 doing the same for the van and the 25's packed away

jay see
15th October 2015, 05:18 PM
my plan (in theory) to skip the whole dual battery setup completely.

I have a cheap AGM deep cycle that was given to me. SO when I am driving I will have the fridge/freezer connected to the rear 12v cig socket that runs off main battery. Once I am at camp site, I will plug it into the spare deep cycle and connect the solar to the battery via a mppt controller.

Something that I should look into.
Pros and cons, this set up vs dual battery?

15th October 2015, 05:20 PM
Something that I should look into.
Pros and cons, this set up vs dual battery?

Start a thread I think you get good info good and bad.
Id be interested in what ppl think

jay see
15th October 2015, 05:23 PM
Start a thread I think you get good info good and bad.
Id be interested in what ppl think

We do, but a bit later.

15th October 2015, 07:31 PM
Something that I should look into.
Pros and cons, this set up vs dual battery?


- Simplicity: no mucking around as its easy DIY (dont need auto leccy)

- Cost savings: the whole thing would cost me about 350 as compared to about atleast 500 to 1000 for battery isolator and other bits and pieces and even more if I go for a decent BMS. More money if installed by a auto leccy. Dont need massive AH battery.

- Long runtime: Potentially unlimited run time with decent sunny days and correct placement.

- Future proof: Can add a dual battery system down the line if I feel the need and wont have to throw any existing bits away.

- Light weight dont need super massive battery for this setup.


- cant wire up accessories like UHF or light bar to it easily.

- needs manual cut over from crank battery to the spare deep cycle when u reach camp site.

On a average we go once a month camping for about 3 nights max so this setup should work for us.

jay see
15th October 2015, 07:54 PM

- Simplicity: no mucking around as its easy DIY (dont need auto leccy)

- Cost savings: the whole thing would cost me about 350 as compared to about atleast 500 to 1000 for battery isolator and other bits and pieces and even more if I go for a decent BMS. More money if installed by a auto leccy. Dont need massive AH battery.

- Long runtime: Potentially unlimited run time with decent sunny days and correct placement.

- Future proof: Can add a dual battery system down the line if I feel the need and wont have to throw any existing bits away.

- Light weight dont need super massive battery for this setup.


- cant wire up accessories like UHF or light bar to it easily.

- needs manual cut over from crank battery to the spare deep cycle when u reach camp site.

On a average we go once a month camping for about 3 nights max so this setup should work for us.

Thanks Ronin.
I've set up a thread for this.

4th January 2016, 04:45 PM
I have a thin film amorphous panel 122W that seems to do the trick. It's a bit heavy and lives in our van most of the time, but not much in overheads and runs a SunTech solar controller from the dual battery. Runs the fridge mostly (with ease). The best we got out of it was 7.8 amps.