View Full Version : Ormeau, Gold coast Saturday 2 april.

30th March 2011, 06:35 PM
hi all

I'm heading down the goldy this weekend to get my new tyres . so I'll be having a test run at ormeau saturday arvo or night. when ever. If any one is keen let me know
I'll Be going on the more hard core tracks but there are easier track around, and some mud.

Dhuck.. Its good dualing territory if you catch my drift lol

30th March 2011, 06:37 PM
When was the last time you were in there? Last I heard it had been closed off.

30th March 2011, 06:42 PM
About a year but only certain parts are closed off mainly down in the vallies but if some can correct me please do

30th March 2011, 06:42 PM
I know the perimetre loop isnt closed that is still open for the quarry workers

30th March 2011, 06:47 PM
Bit iffy going up there but could be a possibility for a few hours

30th March 2011, 06:54 PM
Yeah few hours is ok you can acually cover alot out there in a few hours

30th March 2011, 10:00 PM
Yeah few hours is ok you can acually cover alot out there in a few hours

Hmmmm .... maybe .... Been thinking about it non-stop since you PM'd me!!!! lol

30th March 2011, 10:02 PM
I have not been there for over 6 years.

30th March 2011, 10:04 PM
I have not been there for over 6 years.

About 8 for me

Finly Owner
30th March 2011, 10:06 PM
I heard the fuzz get up there and chase ya out?

30th March 2011, 10:07 PM
I have heard a few different stories. They chase you out of some areas but not other. They are chasing the bikes out. Who knows!

30th March 2011, 10:09 PM
I heard the fuzz get up there and chase ya out?

That's why I won't go in there any more. There are plenty of other places in this part of the world where I can go wheelin' where I know I'm welcome and won't end up on the wrong side of the law.


30th March 2011, 10:11 PM
I heard the fuzz get up there and chase ya out?

That made that an easy decision then ... sorry Benny, but the thick blue line (none of them are thin any more are they? lol) and I don't seem to share opinions and views!! LOL

Finly Owner
30th March 2011, 10:25 PM
Sorry to be bearer of bad news, but, this is a forum that shares all facts. And what members choose to do is up to them. But, I for one, hope that they would not display any advertising of this forum while crossing the thick blue line.

30th March 2011, 10:39 PM
Sorry to be bearer of bad news, but, this is a forum that shares all facts. And what members choose to do is up to them. But, I for one, hope that they would not display any advertising of this forum while crossing the thick blue line.

Ummmm ... ok ... and here I was thinking there's no way the cops could track me down if I covered my plates ... damn that forum sticker for keeping me on the right side of the law!!!! lmfao ...

Just jokes mate - share you view 110% and don't support anyone bringing the forum into disrepute.

but do have to say, the cold cell with steel bars, and the big bloke named Bubba who wants to have his way with me is more of a put off than you lads frowning down at me!! LOL

Finly Owner
30th March 2011, 11:02 PM
You can make me smile, thats for sure Scott!

30th March 2011, 11:03 PM
It's my only good attribute mate!!! Always good to give someone something to smile to themselves about!!

Finly Owner
30th March 2011, 11:25 PM
You don't know how much i need it lately! SERIOUSLY!

30th March 2011, 11:34 PM
You don't know how much i need it lately! SERIOUSLY!

Buck up little camper!!! Laws of attraction mate - focus on being happy, positive and successful in life, and you will attract and be surrounded by happy, positive and successful people who will assist you on your way!!! Very philosophical of me, but something I truly live by ...

Hope all is good mate ...

30th March 2011, 11:50 PM
Buck up little camper!!! Laws of attraction mate - focus on being happy, positive and successful in life, and you will attract and be surrounded by happy, positive and successful people who will assist you on your way!!! Very philosophical of me, but something I truly live by ...

Hope all is good mate ...

and a very healthy philosophy to have too............ one that I also try to live by. No matter how much sh*t gets thrown in your way

31st March 2011, 07:08 PM
What about the pine forest at the end of camp cable road logan village??

31st March 2011, 07:26 PM
Mate I am out for this week end. I have my brother here to sort some of his after trip stuff done.

31st March 2011, 07:30 PM
What about the pine forest at the end of camp cable road logan village??

Is there anywhere you know of behind gympie? I'll happily come up your way next weekend ...

31st March 2011, 07:59 PM
Is there anywhere you know of behind gympie? I'll happily come up your way next weekend ...

I really dont know and i'll be working next weekend :(

31st March 2011, 08:01 PM
Mate I am out for this week end. I have my brother here to sort some of his after trip stuff done.

no worries

31st March 2011, 08:02 PM
I'm going somewhere regardless................... I cant buy tyres and not test them, that would be un-Australian

31st March 2011, 09:31 PM
I'm going somewhere regardless................... I cant buy tyres and not test them, that would be un-Australian

Well said Mr Kekovich!!!! lol

Finly Owner
31st March 2011, 09:51 PM
Buck up little camper!!! Laws of attraction mate - focus on being happy, positive and successful in life, and you will attract and be surrounded by happy, positive and successful people who will assist you on your way!!! Very philosophical of me, but something I truly live by ...

Hope all is good mate ...
That's why I keep You and Tony close by me!

31st March 2011, 09:53 PM
That's why I keep You and Tony close by me!

Cheers Tim.

How's things mate, you seemed a bit down the other night?


31st March 2011, 09:54 PM
That's why I keep You and Tony close by me!

Man hug time?? LOL ... Keep the chin up champion!

Finly Owner
31st March 2011, 09:56 PM
What about the pine forest at the end of camp cable road logan village??
Gee, I must be the track police or something! But I have been told if you stick tp the track under the powerlines, you will be OK. But there has been a lot of warnings in local rags, if you are caught on the "private property, being the pine forest" you will be fined for tresspassing. They also go over the vcehicle caught there, and ping them for all defects! So I am happy to do track under lines, butwill avoid the rest. There are a lot of locals who get in there and run the gauntlet, but Not I.

Finly Owner
31st March 2011, 10:16 PM
Is there anywhere you know of behind gympie? I'll happily come up your way next weekend ...
Go up to Gunalda and take the dirt roads out to Tin Can Bay etc. Mud, holes, wildlife, all state forest (no permits required anymore). Was big area, think it still is. Goes out through Toolara state forest, visit Goombarian, Wolvi etc.

Finly Owner
31st March 2011, 10:18 PM
Cheers Tim.

How's things mate, you seemed a bit down the other night?


Yeah, just head things Mate, I'll fight back up there!

Finly Owner
31st March 2011, 10:18 PM
Man hug time?? LOL ... Keep the chin up champion!
Must go to forum evry nyt!

31st March 2011, 10:20 PM
Gee, I must be the track police or something! But I have been told if you stick tp the track under the powerlines, you will be OK. But there has been a lot of warnings in local rags, if you are caught on the "private property, being the pine forest" you will be fined for tresspassing. They also go over the vcehicle caught there, and ping them for all defects! So I am happy to do track under lines, butwill avoid the rest. There are a lot of locals who get in there and run the gauntlet, but Not I.

Hmmmm ... You seem to be hooked up somehow ... Hmmmmm ... I'm thinking ... Hmmmmm .... neighborhood watch!! LOL!