View Full Version : TB45 dual fuel

8th August 2015, 03:12 PM
I'm new to patrols so excuse my ignorance. But...

I just got a 2000 TB45 runs smooth as on lpg but rough and disappointing on petrol.
Its been home maintained before I got it-2 days ago.
It does have a leak at the exhaust flange and this will be done on Monday.
im changing the air filter and cleaning the MAF sensor(as suggested on an earlier post) after I finish this.

Any other pointers would be welcome.

8th August 2015, 03:36 PM
you'll find its been tuned to gas, I would change all the TEEs in the water side of things to Ys stop
any cavitation ,plus its more efficient.
Make sure your leads are clean and plugs are the correct heat range.
99% of gas problems are 12v related,
it running like a dog on petrol as they dry up the seals from lack of use.
I had a duel fuel for 450K what apitb, but it was my choice.
ideally gas likes the timing a tad advanced as well just off pinging on petrol.
yell out if you need help elsewhere.
When you clean the Maf disconnect the battery so the ECU can re learn the new values


As a guide Id ask Bob what his gas range is not lt per Ks but 400Ks sound right to me

8th August 2015, 03:38 PM
I'm new to patrols so excuse my ignorance. But...

I just got a 2000 TB45 runs smooth as on lpg but rough and disappointing on petrol.
Its been home maintained before I got it-2 days ago.
It does have a leak at the exhaust flange and this will be done on Monday.
im changing the air filter and cleaning the MAF sensor(as suggested on an earlier post) after I finish this.

Any other pointers would be welcome.

As threedogs said disconnect the Battery for half an hour to reset the ECU.

8th August 2015, 04:00 PM
thanks guys! just about to disconnect the battery when I remember its got the original double din radio/cassette/cd player. Will it lock me out when I repower it up? I don't have the codes for it if its that sophisticated.

8th August 2015, 04:07 PM
You can buy a small 9v holder that goes inline to save memory SCA should sell them

8th August 2015, 04:30 PM
thanks guys! just about to disconnect the battery when I remember its got the original double din radio/cassette/cd player. Will it lock me out when I repower it up? I don't have the codes for it if its that sophisticated.

No security code in the radio cassette.

8th August 2015, 04:54 PM
thanks John

8th August 2015, 04:55 PM
brain freeze today in the West.
I've got one in the shed and use it on the Pathfinder!

14th August 2015, 08:07 PM
well I got the exhaust flange fixed. Instant improvement!

but the exhaust guys found an lpg leak... I wonder why the seller didn't spot this.Ah well it was only an o ring but interesting trip to the gas guy to get it fixed.
analyser up the exhaust and all's good! not burning any oil. Running slightly rich(good for lpg patrols apparently)Tappets a little loose. Also a good thing on this engine according to the tech.
cleaned the mass sensor and she's running a lot better. Now useable until I have more cash.
thanks to all who have helped me so far.

21st August 2015, 05:14 PM
three dogs
got the tees and fitting them this weekend.