View Full Version : UHF Aerial

29th March 2011, 05:05 PM
Hey all!
Just curious, what is a good brand uhf aerial to mount on tx 3600 for a patrol GQ

29th March 2011, 05:28 PM
There's 100's of brands out there but it depends what application you need it for. Long distance flat ground. Short distance hilly terrain, etc.
Check this thread out as well, might help... http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?675-UHF-radio&highlight=aerial

29th March 2011, 07:05 PM
Ive got an rfi cd-900 and it works great. not a big fan of those broom handles

the evil twin
30th March 2011, 12:27 AM
Scalar is about the best then RFI, GME, Mobile One much of a muchness... DON"T buy any cheap sh1t and Uniden IMHO isn't quite up there with GME etc

Given that all the sets regardless of Brand output the same power the secret to a "good" radio is the Antenna, only the Antenna and nothing but the Antenna. Stick with the best brands, don't bend the co-ax too sharp (no bend radius tighter than about 3 times the thickness) and a good position will see you right.

IMHO the RFI Explorist twin pack is prob the best all round choice. It's an elevated feed ground independant with interchangeable whips depending on what you are doing.

I run 4.5 or 6 dB broom handles on my GME as I want the punch from a good co-linear in the flat WA terrain and change to a Scalar 3 dB rubber whip in the trees. I use a steel 3 dB whip on my Wouxun for short range and convoy comms and Unity steel whip around town

xtreme patrol
30th March 2011, 12:58 AM
+1 for the RFI CD-900 Under 100 bucks with nice heavy duty spring and nifty little connection thingy so you don't need to bore a big hole in your firewall

30th March 2011, 06:59 AM
Sorry for the hijack Bigboss. Just off subject a bit..bit still kinda on topic.

I run a GME 4.5db Elevated Feed setup but keep braking the whip every 6months or so. What's everyone else get out of their whips???


the evil twin
30th March 2011, 10:36 AM
Sorry for the hijack Bigboss. Just off subject a bit..bit still kinda on topic.

I run a GME 4.5db Elevated Feed setup but keep braking the whip every 6months or so. What's everyone else get out of their whips???


Never broken a UHF whip yet... different story for the AM/FM masts tho... been thru 3 of them

30th March 2011, 04:16 PM
Never broken a UHF whip yet... different story for the AM/FM masts tho... been thru 3 of them
Hmmm, don't know what the issue is. I'm thinking going a solid aerial with just the main sprung base

30th March 2011, 06:01 PM
Mines lasting well, taken some abuse from trees also

Finly Owner
30th March 2011, 10:33 PM
Whippy fiberglass are known for breaking, but not steel.