View Full Version : Installing Ironman4x4 Foam Cell Pro shocks and coils

2nd July 2015, 09:19 AM
Hey all.
I haven't fitted suspension before but I bought Ironman4x4 Foam Cell Pro shocks and coils a couple of weeks ago and just getting around to fitting them.

With the front shocks, how do I tell which end is "up" - the solid half or the piston half? From what I can tell: the front shocks have a thread either end (lthe shocks in the center - http://www.ironman4x4.com/system/images/W1siZiIsIjIwMTQvMTAvMjAvNjVtbDQyOXFpdF9GQ1BfQ29pbF 9Db2lsX0tpdC5qcGciXSxbInAiLCJ0aHVtYiIsIjYzNXgzNjAi XV0/FCP%20Coil%20Coil%20Kit.jpg), and one end has a rubber bush pre-fitted with a plastic boot over it, and the other end has a rubber acordian-style boot. The rubber boot and plastic boot are removable. If the plastic boot is removed, the piston is visible. Does anyone have pics of their Foam Cell Pro shocks installed that I can use for reference?

With the front shocks, how does the rubber boot get fitted? It doesn't seem to attach to anything, kind of just free floats.

These might daft questions but I seriously can't figure it out - can't find any pics on Google to make it obvious.

Cheers all.

2nd July 2015, 10:03 AM
In the pic they are the right way up. Boof to the top of they will fill with water or mud.

Slip the boot over and there will be a lip around the top that the top of the boot will fit over and lock the top in place.

2nd July 2015, 01:26 PM
Thanks MudRunnerTD. That'll get me out of trouble!
Do you know if there's a reason to use the plastic or rubber boots?