View Full Version : This is IT, yes I’m sure this is IT.

6th June 2015, 06:40 PM
Feel free to send me your positive thought, good vibes, prayers etc - I think (note the word think) I’ve finally found the cause of the problem & I’m going in.

This problem has been driving me to distraction for many months, in fact it’s fair to say the result of the problem has been a general unwillingness to drive, especially in inclement weather, something that always seems to occur when I need to drive of late.

The problem first became noticeable back in December when a select few from this honourable place gathered on the banks of the Murray up (or down depending on where you hail from) at Bearii.

Those of you with a few memory cells still intact will recall that our rather pleasant sojourn was suddenly & violently interrupted by near cyclonic & monsoonal conditions. Most will recall that these conditions conspired to injure our forum mate & elder, Bob, but what you won’t have known is that it was also the first time that the interior of the my pod developed a resemblance to a swimming pool.

Since then, in anything greater than ‘light drizzle’ the pod has filled & trying to fix & prevent the leak has been an ongoing roller coaster of hope & despair. (Well a tad frustrating anyway but a bloke’s gotta have a bit of poetic licence eh?).

Not to be outdone by governments who have declared war on everything from drugs to the people they are supposed to serve (yeah I know - politics - but hey someone has to say something about Tony) ...... I declared war on the leak.
I approached it with optimsm............... every time I thought of a new possibility, only to have my hopes dashed. The hose on the roof became the necessary evil I wanted to avoid.
Sometimes the leak was a bit improved, sometimes it was worse, but the end result was always only the difference between the rate at which the pod filled .............. & it always filled.

Driving around with a supply of dry towels to soak it up was becoming a permanent solution & I knew I had to not let the problem beat me.

Today I ate some courage flavoured sausages for brekkie & had my coffee laced with bravado. Today was the day to remove the entire pod door....... you may laugh but that’s harder than it sounds, it’s the bifold door , is cumbersome, has a bit of weight & bulk, & was waiting bite my fingers. MrsTea helped, but she wore gloves.

Well the door is off, I’ve cut & fitted the replacement reinforced vinyl protector strip along the top of the door, the one intended to prevent water dripping down inside when the door is opened. It was so much easier to fit this time with the door off, mainly because of the absence of the you beaut gutter I fitted just above the door in a failed attempt to direct water elsewhere.

Whilst sanding off some of the Sikaflex I had applied in yet another moment of optimism I sanded through some paint at the corner of the door opening, back to the metal. It was at that moment that THE REALISATION hit me. Yep I’ve had plenty of such moments of optimism, but this time I reckon I’ve found the true cause of the leak!

Hoorah I hear you cry, bloody Cuppa must be near the end of his forum essay! You may be right, but if you’ve read this far you might be beyond caring!

There, surrounded by shiny sanded aluminium was a blob of sanded pink filler. It was at that moment it dawned on me why the pod has not always leaked, & why since that fateful day on the banks of the Murray it has. When the pod was built, the area of construction in question has a sheet of aluminium overlapping another, creating a small vertical step. This had then been filled to create a smooth stepless surface for the ‘cushion’ of door seal to seal against......... & the filler had fallen out. Checking the other top corners of the pod revealed they too are all filled.

Tomorrow, when daylight returns I’ll be trying to reproduce what the pod manufacturer did using ‘Quikmetal’ (as it’s what I’ve got), prior to replacing the door.

Wish me luck!

6th June 2015, 06:48 PM
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.............g ood one mate, I hope that you have found the cause.

6th June 2015, 08:27 PM
Looks like a good bit of toilet reading, I'll save this for the morning constitutional

6th June 2015, 09:15 PM

Couldn't resist

6th June 2015, 09:32 PM
Sell it and buy and Toyota ;)

6th June 2015, 09:57 PM
Hopefully that's the route of the cause.

6th June 2015, 10:33 PM

6th June 2015, 10:37 PM

7th June 2015, 07:42 AM
So it leaks and you found the problem ,maybe, gee I hope you found it lol
any of these in Darwin?

DX grunt
7th June 2015, 06:53 PM
"Say again. Over." lol

8th June 2015, 02:11 PM
Well I enjoyed that Read however I take exception to your comments about my mate Tony LMAO

8th June 2015, 04:15 PM
can't wait for the up date,, ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz
Can't you buy P shaped rubber in different sizes <Ive used it to seal the tail gate on my hilux tub camper
and the lift up doors on my other camper

8th June 2015, 05:45 PM
Since when were dogs (x3) telepathic. Having observed the timing of your most recent post I have concluded that it was made at exactly the same time as the ‘holding the breath, crossing fingers & toes & praying to the rubber gods that my efforts (& those of MrsTea) whilst uncoiling the garden hose for the testing moment of truth had been worthwhile. It should be noted that MrsTea went above the call of duty, rising from her death bed to assist in the replacing of both halves of the door this afternoon. This followed my filling & sanding efforts with Quikmetal putty yesterday which I then painted & left to dry overnight.

Now, regardless of my mate Bob’s opinion of his mate Tony the sun shone (albeit extremely briefly) but was enough to lift my heavy heart & add a little optimism to the proceedings. (Something I cannot claim for Tony’s efforts to govern).

The hose was in position, MrsTea turned the tap & the water ran. This continued for long enough to create yet another interior swimming pool if it was going to. We were armed with plenty of dry towels to deal with such an outcome.

The tap was turned off, & with great fortitude on the part of us both we returned to the house for a needed cuppa, & as a means allowing the exterior to drain for a bit to be sure that when the moment of truth came we could be sure that any interior wetness was from a leak, & not drips as the door was opened. We didn’t really want to open the door, our optimism was not 100%.

Tea consumed, we took deep breaths & once again approached the car, hearts beating with a mix of anticipation & trepidation. Gulp!

Well folks the moment you have no doubt been waiting for, the result of the latest of a long series of attempts to beat the leak since December last.

Did we beat the leak .......... You bloody betcha! ..... finally! Yeehaa, phew, yeehaa. Now for the test of time, will the leak free status remain. Finger will remain crossed, but less tightly now...... reckon we got it. :)

Yes Clunk, I know I could have just written “No more leak” .................... but where’s the fun in that.

8th June 2015, 05:51 PM
Job well done Cuppa and MrsTea. May you enjoy many dry nights in the pod...
You now deserve a strong whiskey...lol

8th June 2015, 06:08 PM
Photos or it didn't happen lol

8th June 2015, 06:24 PM
Ah, so you were trying to stop a leak. Why didn't you say so, I come from along line of leak stoppers.


8th June 2015, 06:33 PM
A home made rum might be the go Nisshead ......... either that or another cuppa.
No pics Clunky.
I forgot you were a little Dutch boy Mr Fish.

8th June 2015, 09:05 PM
You can sure hide your angst well,
Cuppa. I had no idea that the
blasted leak was causing you so
much grief at Bearii.
Now that you have the radio and
the leak fixed, its time for another

8th June 2015, 09:51 PM
Eagerly awaiting on chapter 2. The report from the front line.