View Full Version : Who here cryovacs their meals ??

6th June 2015, 04:40 PM
Hope everyone is enjoying the sunny weather , anyway who cryovacs their meals in portion sizes and is this unit OK http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/301223638852?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

the evil twin
6th June 2015, 04:47 PM
Yes, I do, heaps easier for camping, no need to run a freezer, no icky fluid spills in the fridge etc

That machine looks very similar to one of mine (at least 4 years old now) and that vendor is an excellent Ebayer who I purchase gear from quite often.

6th June 2015, 04:49 PM
Great short and sweet Agree a great shop and he is not greedy like some others.
Ive used him a fair bit

6th June 2015, 04:53 PM
Have never owned one, but I can see the benefit.
On a side note, MOST of my car elec goodies came from that shop, including UHF units antennas etc... Always top service and price!

6th June 2015, 05:12 PM
I use one all the time, they are great imho, an unexpected bonus was food that has been cryovaced takes up less space in the fridge.

6th June 2015, 06:31 PM
Yep also use one, great for home and camping to reseal ....... i got one thats 12v & 240V

6th June 2015, 06:38 PM
Mate of mine usually cooks up meals at home (curries / stews) etc and cryovacs and freezes them, when camping he just reheats them in a pot of water on the fire... He eats like a king when we go camping... I hate it as i am usually stuck with snags in bread. lol

6th June 2015, 06:52 PM
We bought one a few months ago & I spent a bit of time looking at the different makes available. autolecau is a good seller, & I’m sure that vacuum sealer is ok, but I think you can get a better deal. Luvelo have a good reputation in this price range & that’s what we bought.
Check this out
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Luvelo-Turbo-Vacuum-Food-Sealer-Saver-Silver-Metalic-Includes-24M-Bag-Rolls-/150925133350?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item2323d6c626 (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/705-53470-19255-0/1?campid=5336709507&toolid=10001&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fitm%2FLuvelo-Turbo-Vacuum-Food-Sealer-Saver-Silver-Metalic-Includes-24M-Bag-Rolls-%2F150925133350%3Fpt%3DLH_DefaultDomain_15%26amp%3 Bhash%3Ditem2323d6c626)

When you take into consideration the cost of bags this is good value. We are pleased with ours. The ability to determine the level of vacuum can be quite useful, depending on what you are packing. Not all have that manual control.

6th June 2015, 07:01 PM
I have one similar to that one TD, as well as a little hand held jobbie that has special bags with valves on them

both are great for doing their jobs

6th June 2015, 08:06 PM
We bought a Kogan version, pretty cheap but seems to work really well.
The missus got it so she could send my lad homemade biscuits when he was serving in Afghanistan.
The biscuits would take about 6 weeks to get there, we kept some here and opened them at the same time as he received them and they were great.
My lad reckons my missus was the favourite Mum of the platoon, she sent plenty to share every couple of weeks!!

26th January 2016, 11:23 AM
Yep also use one, great for home and camping to reseal ....... i got one thats 12v & 240V

Hi Clunk

What brand is it and how good is it on 12volt?

26th January 2016, 12:51 PM
Hi Clunk

What brand is it and how good is it on 12volt?

It's a dometic and I must admit, I haven't tried it on 12V yet

26th January 2016, 01:15 PM
It's a dometic and I must admit, I haven't tried it on 12V yet
Seems to do the job on 240V alright though? We want to buy one and will probably be used 99% on 240V before leaving home but the option of having 12V is always good.

26th January 2016, 01:27 PM
Seems to do the job on 240V alright though? We want to buy one and will probably be used 99% on 240V before leaving home but the option of having 12V is always good.

sure does, haven't had anything to compare it to but so far all good

the evil twin
26th January 2016, 01:46 PM
I have the standard old everyday jobbie I use at home prior to tripping around the place.

In the Van I have one of these style handheld Vac Sealers for sealing anything while tripping around.
These have reuseable bags so need a wash etc when I get back home but on a trip are very versatile, work great and take up hardly any room

Link for illustrayion only (but looks a lot like the one I have)...
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Portable-Handheld-Food-Vacuum-Sealer-Cryovac-Machine-5-Year-Warranty-/161353008929?hash=item2591638721:g:P2cAAOSwYHxWLpS V

27th January 2016, 04:15 PM
Looks very similar to my aldi one.
One thing I found though is when the steak/snags have thawed in the cyro bag, always slow thawed in fridge,
there seems to be some air space in the bag.
Maybe the quality of the bags (ebay) or I need tp double seal.

Apart from that, great machine.

27th January 2016, 04:55 PM
Love ours.. not 12v though..
Use it every..
Used probably 5 rolls in only a few years..
But I've had to mod mine. Inside it has a pressure Reg valve sorta thing.. this broke in mine.
I made a small plug with a pin prick hole.. took a bit to get the hole right so it didn't over pressure to quickly and trigger the seal to early but after half hour I've got it working better than new imo..
Wouldn't be without it now..

27th January 2016, 05:03 PM
12v to me would be handy if you caught a decent fish

28th January 2016, 12:06 AM
The sucking bit I think would be fine.. it's only a small piston pump with a couple of one way valves..
It's the sealing element that you'd have to investigate..
Should have power usage (watts) on the unit

28th January 2016, 01:51 PM
Aldi are selling theirs again on Saturday 6th February for $69.99. Bags or rolls are $14.99 - Bags 40 pack @ 22 x 30cm wide and rolls 2 x 5m rolls @ 28cm wide....... Might have a look..

28th January 2016, 02:06 PM
Aldi are selling theirs again on Saturday 6th February for $69.99. Bags or rolls are $14.99 - Bags 40 pack @ 22 x 30cm wide and rolls 2 x 5m rolls @ 28cm wide....... Might have a look..

Thanks for the heads up mate, I'll pick one up.

28th January 2016, 03:24 PM
Go ebay guys..
I just got 24m of the 28cm roll for like $12..
I can't pick the difference from genuine sunbeam stuff to the eBay stuff