View Full Version : gq sunroof types from factory

2nd June 2015, 08:00 AM
hey guys, ive tried searching everywhere for info on this but now i just have to see if you guys have the knowledge of this since you might own or have seen one, im curious to know what type of sunroofs the gq patrols came out with, i know a definate one is the glass pop out style one but i recently bought a gq shell and it has a glass electric sliding sunroof in it, if there was any other types of sunroofs were they electric and glass or just the electric metal sunroof, instead of it being glass?
any help is appreciated, thanks :)

2nd June 2015, 09:16 AM
Never seen one???

All my experience with sunroofs involve drips of water and someone forgetting to put the cover on the car and it smells like mold........ lol

2nd June 2015, 09:35 AM
My cousin's Safari import shorty has one, it just pops open, doesn't slide back.

2nd June 2015, 10:04 AM
Well here's some pictures and a video of what I have in the new shell, I think the hood lining was painted a different colour as well to suit it or something but anyway here's what I have https://db.tt/mWP4kU7i

7th June 2015, 06:38 PM
I have an electric sliding one in my GQ High Roof and its all metal. Maybe they cut the metal off the frame and put glass in there.