View Full Version : Lest we forget

24th April 2015, 10:04 AM
WOW 100 years have gone since this Historic day. Im truely humbled by the stories that are told and more so the ones that are not spoken, maybe they mean more who knows . Gallipoli has cemented the ANZACS in the history of Australia and New Zealand forever.
To my grand father who I never met and died in Gallipoli thank you to my Dad who served in the RAAF in Darwin during the bombing in WW2 thank you.
To any one who is still serving and protecting our shores for hostiles thank you.
and most of all "LEST WE FORGET"

24th April 2015, 05:51 PM
Fallen but never forgotten.

The following was written over two thousand years, only a stones throw from Gallipoli.

Each has won a glorious grave - not that sepulchre of earth wherein they lie, but the living tomb of everlasting remembrance wherein their glory is enshrined. For the whole earth is the sepulchre of heroes. Monuments may rise and tablets be set up to them in their own land, but on far-off shores there is an abiding memorial that no pen or chisel has traced; it is graven not on stone or brass, but on the living hearts of humanity.
Take these men for your example. Like them, remember that prosperity can be only for the free, that freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.

24th April 2015, 06:28 PM
What's everyone's plan for tomorrow?

Our home town is doing the dawn for the first time so I'll head down there followed by the local rsl ;)

24th April 2015, 06:40 PM
I have gone to the Morphett Vale service in the past but trying the Port Noarlunga-Christies Beach service tomorrow followed by the gunfire breakfast.

24th April 2015, 06:58 PM
Dawn Service in Bathurst at 0430

24th April 2015, 07:40 PM
I always have mixed feelings about Anzac Day.

I respect those who fought for freedom. I respect those who lost their lives & I respect those who didn’t. I feel for the families who lost their loved ones.

I like the fact that Australia has a ritual to bring us together as a community.

I question that so many lives lost should be a reason for celebration or ‘raising a glass’.

Leunig puts it well for me.


And then there are the many who died in battles on our own soil who also deserve remembrance. (The list is by no means exhaustive but makes a point).


We may all feel a little differently about these things, but I’m sure we all agree that killing one another is a senseless waste of life.
I thank all those who died shaping this country, but wish they had never been placed in a position which saw them torn from their families prematurely.

Celebration no.
Remembrance yes.
What really concerns me is that over time remembrance stops being a means of preventing more deaths & becomes a glorification of same.

I wish you well whatever Anzac day means to you, but for me it is a day of sorrow, of feeling the loss of others.

Lest we forget.

24th April 2015, 07:40 PM
Dawn Service in Bathurst at 0430
That is early, mine is 5.30.

24th April 2015, 07:49 PM
That is early, mine is 5.30.

That's early, ours is

The Dawn Service will be held from 6.00am - 6.45am.

24th April 2015, 07:50 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s480x480/1533779_936114943075587_4465416546064564086_n.jpg? oh=c69b94b9651f57f09590311f50e61e0b&oe=55E1037D&__gda__=1436877482_dd83415eff878f1d49aac84f0678673 a

24th April 2015, 07:51 PM
0600 for us too.....

24th April 2015, 09:21 PM
430 for me

24th April 2015, 09:46 PM
Yep dawn service at blackboy hill for me then off for a ride on the bike and then breakfast.

24th April 2015, 09:59 PM
What's everyone's plan for tomorrow?

Our home town is doing the dawn for the first time so I'll head down there followed by the local rsl ;)

We are going to Walhalla for the morning service, then the pub for lunch and then off to Aberfeldy for the afternoon cemetery service.

24th April 2015, 11:11 PM
We are going to Walhalla for the morning service, then the pub for lunch and then off to Aberfeldy for the afternoon cemetery service.

That would be ace. I've done the shrine about 5 times and marched a couple. Something about it is so amazing. Amazing might not be the right word but can't think of any other way to describe it.

Lest we forget

24th April 2015, 11:16 PM
we'll be on the road,but will stop at a little town along the way and pay respects..

25th April 2015, 01:03 AM
to all those who have served
to all those who are still serving

thank you

as an ARMY Brat, brought up in Married Quarters on Army Bases, ANZAC day means a lot of different feelings

as the son of a Vietnam Vet - I am proud of my Father and those like him who served their country
as an Army Brat, I remember 2 of my friends in the late 60's, early 70's having to move to "Grans", as Dad was not coming home
my Uncle served in Korea
my Grand Father served in Darwin with the RAAF
my Great Grandfather served with the Merchant Navy and Army in WW1

Lest We Forget

25th April 2015, 02:34 AM
I'll be attending the dawn service at 6:00am.
Honouring not just the ANZACS but also the Aussies (and all Allies) who fought in Europe in WW11. They freed my country of birth from five years of occupation. My parents and their families endured five years of misery, my 17 year old uncle who died during WW11. Other uncles were forced into labour camps. As a 16 year old my father had to go into hiding and eventually joined the resistance and then joined the army when the Poles and Canadians liberated half the country. Straight after that he was shipped off to islands of Indonesia fighting the Japanese who had refused to surrender. He came back after four years and married his penpal, my mother. With four young children they immigrated to Australia for a new life and to get away from the horrors of war and the threat of communism.
He never talked much about the war but the burn scars on his back (and the malaria) were evidence enough. I'm not going to celebrate, but to remember and honour them all. I'll also remember my Vietnam veteran mate who died last Christmas, wounded twice, he had his own demons to contend with for many years.

jay see
25th April 2015, 03:47 AM
Haven't been to a dawn service before, but I'm going to make an effort to do it next year.

Reading and watching some of the stories on TV and in the papers, its amazing what they all went through.

There's one where a soldier had his fingers blown off and all he wanted was someone to put them back on so he could shoot his rifle.

Truly amazing....

25th April 2015, 06:36 AM
We did the Pre Dawn Service in Geelong from 4am. We got there at 3:30am and were able to stand inside the War Memorial for the service.

Was a moving experience.

Lest We Forget.

25th April 2015, 07:37 AM
Indeed, just leaving Warrandyte now, we just missed the rain too!!!

Sir Roofy
25th April 2015, 08:03 AM
We did the dawn service in trafalgar was a large turn out a great morning

25th April 2015, 08:04 AM
We did the dawn service in trafalgar was a large turn out a great morning

Same here at Old Bar, beautiful morning.

My Pop served in the NZ forces during the great war. He was on Gallipoli for the last month and was part of the secret evacuation.
Then served out the rest of the war on the western front. He was wounded once, shot in the shoulder by a sniper. Must have been a flesh wound as he didn't leave his unit, and the night after marched 15 miles to a new part of front line.
He survived the war, but I never met him.

I know this as I have his diary.

Thinking of you Pop, Staff Sergeant Roderick John Maclean

Lest we forget.

25th April 2015, 08:08 AM
Down at the bay for dawn service
Now raising a glass

25th April 2015, 10:04 AM
Was pouring with rain just before leaving home at 5am for the Port Noarlunga Christies Beach dawn service and amazingly the rain disappeared and we had a dry service.
The guy running the service read out some of the statistics for the deaths and injury's from Gallipoli and WW1 that the allies and opposing forces suffered, it was a horrifying conflict, lets all hope we never have another like it.
I will always be thankful for all our armed services that have and continue to defend our country and way of life.
Had the gunfire breakfast at the RSL, they have a great bunch running the place, especially the guys with the rum bottles giving our coffee a kick.


25th April 2015, 10:22 AM
It was good to see big turnouts around the country , we took the kids to the cleveland dawn service , they reckon 18000 showed up there awsome !

25th April 2015, 10:31 AM
They were younger than me
They were stronger than me
They were braver than me
They should have grown older than me
But never will be

Lest we forget

25th April 2015, 12:03 PM
120,000 ppl turned up to remember and pay respect at the Canberra War Memorial
80,000 ppl turn up to the service at the Melbourne Shrine of Rememberance
A solemn day not a celebration at all IMO, I think most would have lost someone
in many of the conflicts in Europe, lets pray it never happens again ,,,,,,ever
Lest we Forget
Just watching the Anzac march on ABC to see dads squadron
I grew up in Gallipoli Pde PVS 3044 as that was a war service housing area
all streets were named after campaigns and places of that time

25th April 2015, 01:47 PM
Lest we Forget
Just watching the Anzac march on ABC to see dads squadron
I grew up in Gallipoli Pde PVS 3044 as that was a war service housing area
all streets were named after campaigns and places of that time

Holdsworthy - Artillery Cres, and Wagon St - Holdsworthy Primary School
Moam Barracks - Wewak TPNG

25th April 2015, 07:11 PM
The Aberfeldy ceremony was the first one ever, and there was about 50 people there. Pretty bloody good! They erected an ANZAC bench there which was pretty spectacular, I'll put a photo up in a minute.

25th April 2015, 07:28 PM
Attended a good Dawn Service at the SAS barracks this morning, followed by watching my son in his cadet uniform march in the Perth parade as a banner barer for the 2nd/13th Field Ambulance and we finally got the RACT (my old Corps) banner to turn up and be flown today. Bought back many fond memories.


25th April 2015, 07:35 PM
The Aberfeldy ceremony was the first one ever, and there was about 50 people there. Pretty bloody good! They erected an ANZAC bench there which was pretty spectacular, I'll put a photo up in a minute.

That centre piece is glass


25th April 2015, 08:18 PM
I did the dawn service at blackboy hill and then rode the Harley to Guildford for breakfast, bit dissapointed with the service, no speeches just the last post and the ode then see you later. Don't think I will be doing it there again, maybe try Kalamunda next year.

25th April 2015, 09:26 PM
Had a great day to be honest folks.

Did the dawn service in Warrandyte, my home town, record attendance 800-1000 and watched the old man on stage do the introduction and last post.

Followed by helping the old chook get home because their stupid car broke down once again and a home cooked breaky from mum.

Followed by an epic day of firewood collection at my brothers house using his tractor which made life ten times easier then a big burn off and telling stories together of war history from every part of the world.

Proud to be an Aussie folks and respect to those who sacrificed everything for me to enjoy what we have ;)

25th April 2015, 10:11 PM
I did the dawn service at blackboy hill and then rode the Harley to Guildford for breakfast, bit dissapointed with the service, no speeches just the last post and the ode then see you later. Don't think I will be doing it there again, maybe try Kalamunda next year.

They usually do a good service at Darling Range RSL, 1 of my old stomping grounds

25th April 2015, 10:23 PM
Warrandyte did well this year...

25th April 2015, 10:24 PM
Not sure if you can read these or not...

26th April 2015, 08:30 AM
Caught up with friends for dinner at port Macquarie last night. I had pop's tin whistle, engraved silver cigarette case with his dog tags inside. They were amazed I had such family significant heirlooms. Created great conversation on such an important day. I have lots of other stuff from his service, he collected buttons and badges which I framed, there's a fair bit more.

26th April 2015, 10:44 AM
A really good turn-out at the Quinns Rocks dawn service.... around 6000+. Great little service.

jay see
26th April 2015, 01:55 PM
Before my sons game today


26th April 2015, 02:45 PM
I go to the dawn service every year where ever I am. really happy to see sooooooo many people show up to mark the centenary but it would be good if that many showed up every year, no matter how many years its been

26th April 2015, 06:33 PM
That sums up my feelings as well Cuppa, I don`t celebrate rememberance day, but it does leave me with a feeling of sorrow.

However, we are all different and I hope you guys enjoy the day.

The first world war was such a hideous waste of life for what was no more than colonial sabre rattling. Those poor sods who died in the trenches of France,Belgium or the beaches of Turkey gave their lives for nothing. Such a waste of young mens lives.
I always have mixed feelings about Anzac Day.

I respect those who fought for freedom. I respect those who lost their lives & I respect those who didn’t. I feel for the families who lost their loved ones.

I like the fact that Australia has a ritual to bring us together as a community.

I question that so many lives lost should be a reason for celebration or ‘raising a glass’.

Leunig puts it well for me.


And then there are the many who died in battles on our own soil who also deserve remembrance. (The list is by no means exhaustive but makes a point).


We may all feel a little differently about these things, but I’m sure we all agree that killing one another is a senseless waste of life.
I thank all those who died shaping this country, but wish they had never been placed in a position which saw them torn from their families prematurely.

Celebration no.
Remembrance yes.
What really concerns me is that over time remembrance stops being a means of preventing more deaths & becomes a glorification of same.

I wish you well whatever Anzac day means to you, but for me it is a day of sorrow, of feeling the loss of others.

Lest we forget.

27th April 2015, 03:50 PM
I dont think anyone called it a celebration,well no one here anyway,, never has been, never will.
Just a time in our history that needs to be "remembered", and hope and pray
it never happens again, War is an insipant thing, as we see these days from TV
Lest we Forget