View Full Version : I can't find that info about Zig Zag Railway entrance/ area being blocked off? (NSW)

16th April 2015, 01:38 PM
Hi All,

I clearly remember reading articles about signs being posted around that old Zig Zag railway area (Clarence, NSW) stating we can no longer enter the area (or something like that). Does anybody know if it's still the case? I've searched around but has been unable to get the details.

I mean, to get to the Bungleboori campground or Glow Worm Tunnel for example, do we have to go through State Mine Gully road instead? Perhaps anybody who lives locally or has been there recently know?

Thanks and regards,

16th April 2015, 01:51 PM
hi mate, its not blocked, there is just a certain part of the access road to the yard that has been blocked. there was a whole heap of confusion. this should sort it out for u mate:


16th April 2015, 08:13 PM
I drove past last week and wondered as well what happened in regards to these signs. I noticed one is still up near the carpark.

So you can still access the area just like before?

16th April 2015, 09:24 PM
I drove past last week and wondered as well what happened in regards to these signs. I noticed one is still up near the carpark.

So you can still access the area just like before?

I have not been out there myself since the signs, but do believe from other readings from various sources all is normal with access

17th April 2015, 08:55 PM
Thanks guys, much appreciated for the info.