View Full Version : Hub not engaging ?

13th April 2015, 10:10 PM
I've pulled my hubs off cleaned em out and the front right looks fine but is failing to lock what could cause this? It all looks identical to the left nothing's broken..

13th April 2015, 10:14 PM
on the car - or in your hand...........???

on the car - its not the "egg ring" in the wrong spot?

I had this happen - found out on the beach I had no drive at the front
after much much to-ing and fro-ing to the Mechanic's, it seemed the "egg ring" was not in the correct place
so it wouldn't let it engage

13th April 2015, 10:26 PM
"In hand" they are both set up the same so it seems And i can only see 2 ways it can really go in lol

13th April 2015, 10:30 PM
Mines a gu with the auto removed

13th April 2015, 10:41 PM
ahhhhhhhh said the fly - not ever seen the insides of one of them.......

apologies kind Sir......

13th April 2015, 11:32 PM
Ive got it worked out and im in need of new hubs ill post a pic up as its kinda strange ..

14th April 2015, 12:03 AM
ok so ...the yellow arrow is showing the retaining tabs bent out from the locking gears and on green arrow you can see auto/lock switch and the scratches of where the tabs run rather then mounting the knobs ramp to engage/disengage... anyone else had this happen? its certainly not what I was expecting.

14th April 2015, 07:36 AM
Gee! I haven't pulled mine down that far before!

When you lock your converted auto hubs with a socket, was it a positive 'it's locked' feeling on the handle, or would you almost be able to do it by hand?

14th April 2015, 06:30 PM
So what your saying is the thread that screws the wheel bit to the cv bit has flogged out and won't grab anymore??

If so that's what has happened to my manual hubs. They are cheapies but flogged either way

14th April 2015, 07:36 PM
Gee! I haven't pulled mine down that far before!

When you lock your converted auto hubs with a socket, was it a positive 'it's locked' feeling on the handle, or would you almost be able to do it by hand?

It was as per normal once the auto bit was removed still locking in with a click. But since it failed it was a bit stiffer than normal but was still clicking.

So what your saying is the thread that screws the wheel bit to the cv bit has flogged out and won't grab anymore??

If so that's what has happened to my manual hubs. They are cheapies but flogged either way

It screws on fine but there are little bent tabs that are meant to run up a ramp on the knob that pulls a gear in alignment or out of alignment from another to lock unlock it

14th April 2015, 07:44 PM
That's what I was trying to say. Words hard.

Imo don't bother with avm hubs. They have little screws that hold the outter part of the hub to the bit that bolts to the car. Those little bolts seize and are a real pain. When I had some, trying to get them off the car, I broke 7 hex bits and stripped a few screws. Eventually I had to cut the hubs off.

14th April 2015, 07:51 PM
maybe this pic can show it better, this is what it looks like inside the hub.