View Full Version : Little luke still missing

7th April 2015, 09:36 AM
Little Luke and eleven year old Autistic boy is still missing from Lake Eildon area,
been 5 days with the only sign being his beanie was found near where he went missing.
The weather has been on the searchers side with only cold over night temps . Today its raining.
Hope they find the little guy, couldn't think whats going through his mind.
Lots of Police , SES and volunteers still in the area.

7th April 2015, 09:41 AM
I heard somebody sited him 30kms from where he went missing? Somebody saw him crying on a log? I don't know why they didn't approach him though...
My mate was up near Mt Selma on the weekend and he had search choppers fly over.

7th April 2015, 10:19 AM
30ks is a long way for an Autistic kid to walk in a few days,
apparently he doesnt like loud noises or shouting.
Lets hope that sighting proves true

7th April 2015, 12:34 PM
he's alive

7th April 2015, 12:37 PM
Have they found him Macca
just saw the news flash alive but badly injured,
injuries will heal in time , Woo hooo good result I reckon

7th April 2015, 01:31 PM
Yep. They found him alive not long ago near the lake.
I'll find more info.
Unbelievable to be 4 days in and alive with the weather we've had

7th April 2015, 01:40 PM
Link to nine news.


the evil twin
7th April 2015, 03:04 PM
Found, alive and well, considering (hypothermia)... how good is that

7th April 2015, 04:37 PM
The report on badly injured was what channel 7 had on their news break.
All good happy ending all around,great result