View Full Version : April ’15 Photo Competion - ‘Camp Cooking’

2nd April 2015, 10:51 PM
This month’s competition topic has been chosen by our March winner wa 489

His choice is
‘Camp Cooking’ - which gives us a number of possibilities - just don’t blow yourself up with your lunchbox cooker (if you do, you’ve missed the appropriate comp - that was last month. :)

Good luck all, & thanks wa 489

Ps. Please read though the pink bit below if you haven’t done so yet. Ta.

Pps. Please could we try to improve our entry to chatter ratio this month?

Monthly Photo Competition guidelines (Please read)

* Each month a new competition thread will commence & all forum members are invited to submit their photos .

* Maximum of three entries per person.

* Multiple entries should be made in separate posts

* Each entry should consist of a single photograph & a short description only

* Comments pertinent to entries are encouraged, but please do not use this thread to engage in banter

* Photos MUST have been taken by the member posting the photos or members of their party.

* Any photo which has been a winner will not be eligible for re-entry in any future competition.

* Please do not post photos that are not entries in the competition.

* The winner of the month's competition gets to choose the following month's competition topic.

* All members are encouraged to vote for the photos they think should win. This will be done by pressing the 'Thanks' button located underneath each post. Toward the end of the month the date & time of competition closure will be announced. Following this time the thread will be locked & the 'Thanks' counted to determine the winner.

* 'Thanks' may be added or withdrawn at any time during the month up until the competition is closed.
You are welcome to thank as many different posts as you wish!

* In the event of a tied first place I will add a casting vote, except in circumstances where my entry is one of the tied ones, in which case I will withdraw my entry.

*Inappropriate photos eg, sexual, racist, violent etc are unacceptable & should not be posted.

Thanks for your cooperation

4th April 2015, 04:26 PM
Looks I'm starting this one off.
Camp oven hot cross buns of the easter spirit.


4th April 2015, 04:34 PM
Spinach pie cooked in the Cobb last night


5th April 2015, 02:38 PM
First entry
Good old stick damper.

5th April 2015, 02:40 PM
Second entry
First ever damper attempt. Was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

5th April 2015, 04:17 PM
chicken,, lamb,,fish,,,prawns, chorizo, mussels scallops you name it
No after shots as too busy eating

5th April 2015, 04:20 PM
This was for supper one night ,

5th April 2015, 04:35 PM
Entry no 1 ..

5th April 2015, 04:36 PM
Entry no 2..

5th April 2015, 04:37 PM
Entry no 3 ..

5th April 2015, 05:00 PM
Beef roast with all the fixings, cooked with river red gum up the Murray

6th April 2015, 09:34 AM
Entry #2
Beef stew with rosemary dumplings.
Was awesome.


6th April 2015, 09:41 AM
Entry #3
Egg and ham breaky roll.
Hollow out the roll, line it with ham, crack and egg, and top with cheese and sauce.
Wrap in alfoil and into the fire to cook..
Easy as


8th April 2015, 10:57 AM
Entry no 1 ..

Classic! YUMM!!!

8th April 2015, 12:48 PM
brekkie on the Meerup river with a few of us WA NP fellas and ladies

8th April 2015, 09:43 PM
Entry 1
BBQ dinner at Spear Creek, Lower Flinders.


8th April 2015, 09:51 PM
Simpson Desert spit roast lamb and veggies


8th April 2015, 10:03 PM
Simpson Desert spit roast lamb and veggies


I get a sore neck looking at that.

Edit: Good, you fixed it.

9th April 2015, 06:04 AM
I get a sore neck looking at that.

Bloody motor culture... I'll fix it

23rd April 2015, 10:41 PM

I will be away for a long weekend at the end of the month so this month’s comp will close to entries on 30th April at 7pm (Vic Time).

There will be an extended period for voting following this. Voting will close on Tuesday 5th May at 7pm (Vic time).

We have some good entries so far, but there is still time to post an entry if you have something suitable. Give it a shot eh?


24th April 2015, 10:19 AM
Heres the winner , I love making bread at camp , most ppl choose to make damper as bread takes too long.
I'll bake bread anytime, golden syryp and butter on damper is awesome ,
But you cant beat fresh bread at camp and make awesome toast the next day

24th April 2015, 12:09 PM
Entry no 3 ..

Heres the winner , I love making bread at camp , most ppl choose to make damper as bread takes too long.
I'll bake bread anytime, golden syryp and butter on damper is awesome ,
But you cant beat fresh bead at camp and make awesome toast the next day

Wtf is going on here????

24th April 2015, 12:25 PM
Wtf is going on here????

hahahah please delete my post mods but yes honestly TD.... =D

24th April 2015, 12:28 PM
Simpson Desert spit roast lamb and veggies


hey winnie, edit you post to have this "http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=57518&d=1429840730" link in it surrounded by the "" and "" without quatation marks so it looks like this(without the spaces at the beginning and end of the link

" http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=57518&d=1429840730 "

24th April 2015, 12:52 PM
hey winnie, edit you post to have this "http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=57518&d=1429840730" link in it surrounded by the "http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/" without quatation marks so it looks like this(without the spaces at the beginning and end of the link

" http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=57518&d=1429840730 "

Thanks mate!

24th April 2015, 01:23 PM
Heres the winner , I love making bread at camp , most ppl choose to make damper as bread takes too long.
I'll bake bread anytime, golden syryp and butter on damper is awesome ,
But you cant beat fresh bread at camp and make awesome toast the next day

It was just a comment sheeeeeeesh
Oh did I forget to say IMO lol
have a good weekend all stay safe

24th April 2015, 01:42 PM
Ah, looks like it's an entry into the comp. Maybe better to just quote Krisso's post instead of re-uploading the photo.

24th April 2015, 01:47 PM
Ah, looks like it's an entry into the comp. Maybe better to just quote Krisso's post instead of re-uploading the photo.

Was thinking the same

24th April 2015, 02:34 PM
if I could vote twice I would , dont read too much into it lifes way too short
I take it you thought I made that loaf of bread Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

I hope Kris wins with his bread I in no shape or form said I made it FO

24th April 2015, 05:29 PM
Entry #1
Cable Beach Broome at sunset


24th April 2015, 09:27 PM
Yes that's right. there are COALS ON TOP!


24th April 2015, 10:16 PM
Yes that's right. there are COALS ON TOP! <img src="http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=57536"/>

Only way to cook

24th April 2015, 10:41 PM
Here's the winning shot:

Entry 1.

Lunch stop at Nadgee Lake, Wilderness Coast between Eden and Mallacoota.


24th April 2015, 10:47 PM
Entry 2.

Same trip. Exciting lunch at the top of Howe Hill overlooking Mallacoota and Gabo Island. . . nice views tho. . .


24th April 2015, 10:54 PM
Entry 3.

Keeping with the theme. Dinner, re-hydrated de-hydrated spag boll and nice plastic mug of cask red at Lake Wau Wakau same trip.


24th April 2015, 11:00 PM
another one from the archives....campoven cooking in the back yard..love this pic,notice how the eldest one is holding the youngest so she can't run away..they love each other so much

26th April 2015, 12:59 PM
Entry 3
The only cooking this got was 30 seconds of daylight before I ate it.
Nothing better than fresh Oysters straight off the rocks.


26th April 2015, 07:52 PM
some good looking meals going on here

26th April 2015, 08:25 PM
Entry 3.

Keeping with the theme. Dinner, re-hydrated de-hydrated spag boll and nice plastic mug of cask red at Lake Wau Wakau same trip.


How a camp meal should be. Goonbag in a plastic mug puuuurrrrffffeeeeccccttt

26th April 2015, 08:38 PM
Entry #2
Taking the grandkids out of the concrete jungle, like this pic as it gave the kids a chance to enjoy the outdoors (and my cooking).


jay see
26th April 2015, 10:28 PM
Sometimes we eat better while camping.


30th April 2015, 07:58 PM
Righty -o folks. Entries for this months comp are now closed. (If you feel the urge to post any more pics you are most welcome, but I’m afraid they won’t count for the comp).

As I posted previously I will be away for a few days camping so the voting period will be a litle longer than usual.

Some requests.

1. I see some voting has already commenced & I encourage those of you who have not voted yet to do so. This includes everyone who has never yet done so. Just click on the thanks button in the posts containing your favourite pics. Vote for as many as you like.

2. I’d appreciate it if members could ‘bump’ the thread once or twice to keep the request for votes up near the top of the thread list.

3. Those of you who have entered pics - please keep an eye on the vote count & if it looks like you might be the possible winner, start thinking of your choice for next month’s topic so I can post up the new comp without too much further delay once I’m back home.

Voting will close on Tuesday 5th May at 7pm (Vic time).


1st May 2015, 09:12 AM
Righty -o folks. Entries for this months comp are now closed. (If you feel the urge to post any more pics you are most welcome, but I’m afraid they won’t count for the comp).

As I posted previously I will be away for a few days camping so the voting period will be a litle longer than usual.

Some requests.

1. I see some voting has already commenced & I encourage those of you who have not voted yet to do so. This includes everyone who has never yet done so. Just click on the thanks button in the posts containing your favourite pics. Vote for as many as you like.

2. I’d appreciate it if members could ‘bump’ the thread once or twice to keep the request for votes up near the top of the thread list.

3. Those of you who have entered pics - please keep an eye on the vote count & if it looks like you might be the possible winner, start thinking of your choice for next month’s topic so I can post up the new comp without too much further delay once I’m back home.

Voting will close on Tuesday 5th May at 7pm (Vic time).



4th May 2015, 12:17 PM
Righty -o folks. Entries for this months comp are now closed. (If you feel the urge to post any more pics you are most welcome, but I’m afraid they won’t count for the comp).

As I posted previously I will be away for a few days camping so the voting period will be a litle longer than usual.

Some requests.

1. I see some voting has already commenced & I encourage those of you who have not voted yet to do so. This includes everyone who has never yet done so. Just click on the thanks button in the posts containing your favourite pics. Vote for as many as you like.

2. I’d appreciate it if members could ‘bump’ the thread once or twice to keep the request for votes up near the top of the thread list.

3. Those of you who have entered pics - please keep an eye on the vote count & if it looks like you might be the possible winner, start thinking of your choice for next month’s topic so I can post up the new comp without too much further delay once I’m back home.

Voting will close on Tuesday 5th May at 7pm (Vic time).


bumpity bump bump bump

5th May 2015, 10:17 AM
Righty -o folks. Entries for this months comp are now closed. (If you feel the urge to post any more pics you are most welcome, but I’m afraid they won’t count for the comp).

As I posted previously I will be away for a few days camping so the voting period will be a litle longer than usual.

Some requests.

1. I see some voting has already commenced & I encourage those of you who have not voted yet to do so. This includes everyone who has never yet done so. Just click on the thanks button in the posts containing your favourite pics. Vote for as many as you like.

2. I’d appreciate it if members could ‘bump’ the thread once or twice to keep the request for votes up near the top of the thread list.

3. Those of you who have entered pics - please keep an eye on the vote count & if it looks like you might be the possible winner, start thinking of your choice for next month’s topic so I can post up the new comp without too much further delay once I’m back home.

Voting will close on Tuesday 5th May at 7pm (Vic time).

Cuppa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,

5th May 2015, 08:26 PM
Thanks Bob & Apollofish.

The votes are counted, I’ve tried to stop drooling, & we have our winners.

In first place is Nisshead with a vote count of 13 for his shot of the classic fried brekky.


In second place we have a tie between three entries - each with 11 votes - Nisshead again with his shot of the loaf of bread (or is it a damper?) & wa 489 with another classic fried brekky & TPC with his uncooked oyster




In third place is Apollofish with the BBQ at sunset on Broome’s Cable Beach.


Well done everyone & congratulations to Nisshead. I’d eat with any of you.

Let me know of your choice for the May comp topic asap please Nisshead.

5th May 2015, 08:39 PM
Hey Cuppa, did my oyster not count because I didn't cook it. :) lol

5th May 2015, 08:45 PM
Hey Cuppa, did my oyster not count because I didn't cook it. :) lol

Ha ha - Scooping an oyster off a rock ain't cookn'!

5th May 2015, 08:45 PM
Hey Cuppa, did my oyster not count because I didn't cook it. :) lol

Bugger! I will amend my post above. Apologies.

.................... done. Can’t have unhappy campers eh?

5th May 2015, 08:49 PM
Cool, well done to me...LOL and of course to Neil, Tony and Jack

Funnily enough the winning photo was taken on the back of a 60 series Toyo(does it still count..lol)... and the bread was taken on Endeavour river near Cooktown airport on a unreal little camp area!

Give me 5 and I'll think of something for this month comp.

5th May 2015, 08:59 PM
.. and the bread was taken on Endeavour river near Cooktown airport on a unreal little camp area!

I reckon I know that camp, the one where they keep heavy horses & where a grey nomad got taken by a croc when he went to retrieve his crab net - I was there at the time - 2008. Media reporters everywhere!

5th May 2015, 09:06 PM
I reckon I know that camp, the one where they keep heavy horses & where a grey nomad got taken by a croc when he went to retrieve his crab net - I was there at the time - 2008. Media reporters everywhere!

Yes that is the one. The boat ramp where its nearly impoosible to lauch the tinny...LOL but very nice spot

5th May 2015, 11:29 PM
Bugger! I will amend my post above. Apologies.

.................... done. Can’t have unhappy campers eh?

Ha ha, didn't want to miss out on any prize money. ;)
Thought I must have bent the rules too far.
Did not really care, could have left it as it was.