View Full Version : Portable butane stoves recalled in NSW

4th March 2015, 08:25 PM
Seems all the stoves that use those portable butane canisters have been recalled in NSW


Rock Trol
4th March 2015, 08:41 PM
Wow. Everyone I know has one of these.
I wonder if this is just over reaction from the bureaucracy? I just forwarded the link to my club secretary so he can forward it on to all the members.

4th March 2015, 08:41 PM
Glad I bought a Coleman stove last week. The won't be any left soon.

4th March 2015, 08:44 PM
Seems all the stoves that use those portable butane canisters have been recalled in NSW


Hmmm interesting..

On a different subject, I was at the tip the other day looking around the "green shed" where they sell everything they collect and spotted one of these cookers.
Anyway it still had the gas canister in it so I'd thought I'd fire it up to see if it works...all good till now. Then I sparked it up and the ferker fired up straitght away and I thought you beauty I might score a bargain here. A few seconds later the whole thing was on fire(imagine this) I'm running and trying to get the furking thing out of the building laughingh my guts out when I realised I'm ganna burn the whole place down...LOL

Anyway, I'm still alive

4th March 2015, 08:44 PM
Coleman will be laughing all the way to the bank

Rock Trol
4th March 2015, 08:46 PM
So Nisshead, are you doing a Mythbusters episode and testing to see if the claims of unsafe stoves is true?

the evil twin
4th March 2015, 08:48 PM
Strewth... there would have to be a million or more in the public domain at least.

I'd like to know what the problem is that they 'found' after all these years.

4th March 2015, 08:50 PM
Hmmm interesting..

On a different subject, I was at the tip the other day looking around the "green shed" where they sell everything they collect and spotted one of these cookers.
Anyway it still had the gas canister in it so I'd thought I'd fire it up to see if it works...all good till now. Then I sparked it up and the ferker fired up straitght away and I thought you beauty I might score a bargain here. A few seconds later the whole thing was on fire(imagine this) I'm running and trying to get the furking thing out of the building laughingh my guts out when I realised I'm ganna burn the whole place down...LOL

Anyway, I'm still alive

Oh funny shit you had me in tears

4th March 2015, 08:50 PM
I always laugh when people sleep with the canisters during winter, otherwise they won't fire in the morning or something! I think last year my mate had about 4 of them in his swag, and being in the high country, they still wouldnt work in the morning as it was farkin' stupidly cold!

4th March 2015, 08:50 PM
So Nisshead, are you doing a Mythbusters episode and testing to see if the claims of unsafe stoves is true?

Hell yeah, I'm always open to suggestions.

In this episode I'll need a few volunteers and a few stoves to do the experiment but I can promise you one thing...YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED!!! bwahhaha

4th March 2015, 09:04 PM
I not long ago bought a double to replace my single as it often caught fire.

From what I could tell with mine the butane bottle didn't lock in properly allowing a slow gas leak then after a few mins of cooking up it goes

4th March 2015, 09:11 PM
I always laugh when people sleep with the canisters during winter, otherwise they won't fire in the morning or something! I think last year my mate had about 4 of them in his swag, and being in the high country, they still wouldnt work in the morning as it was farkin' stupidly cold!

I used to use them and yep slept with them to make them work in the morning... Quarter way through boiling the billy they freeze over again. Bought a little cooker with a 2L LPG bottle and have not looked back

4th March 2015, 09:14 PM
I used to use them and yep slept with them to make them work in the morning... Quarter way through boiling the billy they freeze over again. Bought a little cooker with a 2L LPG bottle and have not looked back

Same thing can happen with the bottles Chrisso. Even car gas can freeze over if cold enough:)

4th March 2015, 09:21 PM
I used to use them and yep slept with them to make them work in the morning... Quarter way through boiling the billy they freeze over again. Bought a little cooker with a 2L LPG bottle and have not looked back

It does work but you need to rotate when they freeze up ;)

4th March 2015, 09:46 PM
bugger it, I'm still going to use mine. If it blows up and takes me with it then it was meant to be

4th March 2015, 09:46 PM
Same thing can happen with the bottles Chrisso. Even car gas can freeze over if cold enough:)

I'm sure it can but it hasn't happened to me yet and it's been bloody cold... Lol

4th March 2015, 09:47 PM
I thought it was common knowledge that the cheap butane stoves often caught fire and leaked. Someone must have finally complained about it, what do you expect for less than $20....

There is an o-ring you can replace in them but I don't think it makes much difference.

4th March 2015, 09:48 PM
It does work but you need to rotate when they freeze up ;)

Or stick your wallet between the cooker and the bottle to get the connection juuuuuuust right when you're in the laundry desperately trying to make a coffee because your tent leaked and you got wet... Lmao!

4th March 2015, 09:50 PM
Thanks lucus30 for posting this. I'll have to inform a couple of members of my 4WD club, as they always use these type of cooker. I wonder if all other states will follow NSW and ban them?

4th March 2015, 09:54 PM
I thought it was common knowledge that the cheap butane stoves often caught fire and leaked. Someone must have finally complained about it, what do you expect for less than $20....

There is an o-ring you can replace in them but I don't think it makes much difference.

Ive heard of them going up myself but I still use mine, probably just be aware of the potential to combust, use crv safety cans and never put a large pot that covers the cylinders has been my working theory so far

Edit: maybe I can use this as an excuse to get the Coleman eventemp that I've wanted for a while

4th March 2015, 10:13 PM
I will keep using mine as I live in SA and it is only a problem in NSW.
Must be the dirty air over there causing a problem.

4th March 2015, 10:17 PM
Seems all the stoves that use those portable butane canisters have been recalled in NSW


Not before time, they’re bloody dangerous things. I know of two people personally who have come to grief with the damn things. One lost some eyebrows & one almost lost their motorhome. When my one leaked & had flames coming out of parts where flames shouldn’t come out (using brand name canister) a few years ago I decided to turf it.

4th March 2015, 10:22 PM
Damn I have 6 canisters to use, maybe this weekend. May as well throw them in the campfire, as they're not safe to use.

4th March 2015, 10:25 PM
Oh well, time to dust off the old coleman, will just have to grab a smaller more portable bottle for short trips. Still canjot beat my little hiking stove for those fly fishing wander though, best fresh fish you can get.

5th March 2015, 12:29 AM
We were camping about 100m away from a group when we heard an almighty bang. I grabbed my torch and ran over as I knew there were youngens camping with their dads at the campsite.
When I got there the two dads were just sitting there shell shocked and the kids thought whatever happened was awesome with snags and eggs all over the place and a twisted up stove laying on the ground. Once we worked out what had happened we found the butane canister and a knife and tongs about 15m away.
Vowed never to buy one and pittied the poor Dads having to explain to the missuses why the were home early.

5th March 2015, 12:37 AM
so much for Australian standards hey

5th March 2015, 05:49 AM
Or stick your wallet between the cooker and the bottle to get the connection juuuuuuust right when you're in the laundry desperately trying to make a coffee because your tent leaked and you got wet... Lmao!

I don't know what your talking about ;)

Yeah that was a crap time!!!

5th March 2015, 05:51 AM
I don't know what your talking about ;)

Yeah that was a crap time!!!

Hahahahaha. I wonder if this ban has something to do with it being so easy to buy the canisters which so many people use as explosives in camp sites?

5th March 2015, 06:50 AM
Wifey had a shot at me for buying the Coleman last week for $160 bucks and said I should have just bought another single burner to go with the one we had. I showed her the recall and she said lucky you didn't buy that single burner like you were going to. Lol

5th March 2015, 06:51 AM
I upgraded to a two burner and bottle set up this summer. Nothing to do with safety just sick of waiting for the canister ones to cook. I want a lot of meat, cooked hot, NOW!

5th March 2015, 06:52 AM
I have one I bought a few months ago with 8 cylinders for when I wanted to travel light...

I guess it's back to the trangier and slow cooked meals for now.

5th March 2015, 08:12 AM
If you insist on using these things, make sure you a) keep your face well away from them, b) only use them well away from anything combustible (& definitely not in a vehicle or tent) & c) NEVER use a pot or pan which is larger than the burner ring. Using a pot or pan that is too big (overhangs the canister compartment, even by just a bit) is the most common cause of explosion, although ‘quality issues’ of both the stoves and the canisters (including brand name canisters - my direct experience) can result in dangerous gas leaks. I was lucky ..... when flames were coming out around the front of the stove, I was able to eject the canister & thankfully it sealed itself off when I did. Hate to think what might of happened if it hadn’t. The stove was attached to a drop down door on the side of our bus at the time.

FWIW after I threw my stove in the bin I thought I’d make use of my excess brand name canisters. Bought one of those blow torch fittings, a cheapie off ebay. It leaked, I could see the vapour leaking out - just as well I did & decided not to try to light it. Still I assumed it was the tool not the canister, so put it down to experience & bought a better quality blow torch, but had the same result. Every canister in the 6 pack was faulty & would not seal. Prior to that particular pack I had never had a problem......... but it only takes one.

Another little story. About 20 years ago I was camping up near Sheepyard flats with wife & 9 year old son. Our camp fire was 10 to 12 metres from our Southern Cross tent (Very heavy duty canvas & extra thick vinyl floor). “Look son” says I “ I’ll show you why you should never put an aerosol onto a a fire because it’s dangerous” (Doh). The aerosol was an empty motorcycle chain lube one. Chucked it on the fire & we retreated to what I considered a safe distance. It went off with a mighty bang, impressively exploding in the fire. “There” I said “look what it did to the fire...... imagine if you were close to it!” It was a short time later I discovered the damage done to the tent. The aerosol had become a chunk of red hot shrapnel which had gone through the tent like a hot knife through butter as seen from the two inch hole first through the awning (fibre reinforced vinyl), then through the canvas, & then through the vinyl flooring inside! I think both father & son learned a lesson that day!

5th March 2015, 08:18 AM
Damn I have 6 canisters to use, maybe this weekend. May as well throw them in the campfire, as they're not safe to use.

buy the flame thrower for the top of the cannister works a treat, just make sure the "O" ring stays in place.

I lot blow up because ppl use them wrong, I only use mine for morning coffee at camp using a kettle, but if you place a huge castiron frypan on it the flame heats the cannister.say no more.
No brainer IMO but saying that I've since brought a Ghillie kettle for morning coffee.
If you only use them for coffee they will be fine ,Had mine for years
I would never useone to cook a meal

Look at how they work and dont force them and they should last a long time like mine

5th March 2015, 09:25 AM
I know what I'm getting the inlaws for xmas....

5th March 2015, 10:36 AM
Jeez my burner got a hiding over the christmas break, I went though 3 bottles in two weeks. Had zero issues with mine, but something to keep an eye out for. Although I did notice the bottle does get quite hot when using it. I will be having the fire x sitting there ready from now on.

5th March 2015, 10:55 AM
Jeez my burner got a hiding over the christmas break, I went though 3 bottles in two weeks. Had zero issues with mine, but something to keep an eye out for. Although I did notice the bottle does get quite hot when using it. I will be having the fire x sitting there ready from now on.

Try using a smaller pot or saucepan or what ever you are using,
large pots etc just deflect the flame onto the cannister

5th March 2015, 11:03 AM
Been using these for 15 years , worn out 3 of them. Never had problem. Yet!

5th March 2015, 11:13 AM
Just checked the one I have from super cheap is not on banned list, but I could not find the cookers for sale on their website.

5th March 2015, 02:05 PM
These cannisters are what people should be using or similar with a CRV built in. Most won't have the valve built in and rely solely on the burner's pressure valve and are the one's that generally explode. I am yet to hear / see any cannister's with built in CRV go kaboom. I have 2 x double and 3 x single burners and have never had a problem with them or the CRV cannisters over the last 10 years of using them.


5th March 2015, 02:27 PM
@ OD where are they available from ???

5th March 2015, 02:29 PM
I find it astonishing when told by government departments & other users that something is unsafe that folk respond by saying “well I’ve be using one for X period of time without a problem” as though that is proof to the contrary. If anything, they don’t get safer over time, quite possibly the opposite. The problem with this type of thing - everyone wants a cheap stove & until they have first hand experience of a close shave, or worse. Worse perhaps is to accept they are unsafe, but continue to use them until the fact is demonstrated. I can only hope that if that situation occurs that a close shave is the outcome. For myself I have seen enough evidence to convince me that continued use is a gamble I dont want to take. What you choose to do is up to you.

5th March 2015, 03:03 PM
@ OD where are they available from ???

Supercheap and masters sell them. Kmart etc didnt last time I checked

5th March 2015, 03:07 PM
Just checked the one I have from super cheap is not on banned list, but I could not find the cookers for sale on their website.

It seems that the model list is a recent addition to that page. Last night when I posted the link it seemed to suggest all of them were to be recalled.
I've noticed mine is not on that list either

5th March 2015, 03:17 PM
It seems that the model list is a recent addition to that page. Last night when I posted the link it seemed to suggest all of them were to be recalled.
I've noticed mine is not on that list either

Same, when I looked last night after you posted this thread it looked like all where banned, better go out and check both of mine now

DX grunt
5th March 2015, 04:31 PM
Can anybody give me a link to this site?


5th March 2015, 04:40 PM
Can anybody give me a link to this site?


The link is in the first post Grunt!

DX grunt
5th March 2015, 04:42 PM
The link is in the first post Grunt!

Just saw it and was about to delete my post when you interrupted me. lol.

Thanks anyway, Winnie.

5th March 2015, 04:47 PM
@ OD where are they available from ???

BigW sell them 4 packs and cartons of 12, cartons are roughly $13 each. Heading down later with wifey to buy some as I didnt realise I was running out

5th March 2015, 05:11 PM
I must of chucked my single burner out when I bought the double.

I have a Jackaroo PL-121-2

They have banned the PL-121 but not the PL-121-2 I assume the one banned is the single burner

5th March 2015, 05:44 PM
I find it astonishing when told by government departments & other users that something is unsafe that folk respond by saying “well I’ve be using one for X period of time without a problem” as though that is proof to the contrary. If anything, they don’t get safer over time, quite possibly the opposite. The problem with this type of thing - everyone wants a cheap stove & until they have first hand experience of a close shave or worse prefer to let their experience to date & their wallet convince them of the safety. Worse perhaps is to accept they are unsafe, but continue to use them until the fact is proven. I can only hope that if that situation occurs that a close shave is the outcome. For myself I have seen enough evidence to convince me that continued use is a gamble I dont want to take. What you choose to do is up to you. I’ll say no more about it.

So you would believe everything that the government and its departments would tell you!!!!! I think not. I know I certainly don't.

Now that there has been an updated list of the burners that are affected, people can now make an informed decision as to whether or not they choose to carry on using what they have or whether they want to purchase a new one.

Me personally, I like to be informed of all the facts before I make a decision.

5th March 2015, 05:59 PM
So you would believe everything that the government and its departments would tell you!!!!!


Of course not!!!!!! I’m not stupid. I deliberately included “& other users” in what I said.

5th March 2015, 06:20 PM
Hahahahaha. I wonder if this ban has something to do with it being so easy to buy the canisters which so many people use as explosives in camp sites?

Don't buy the ones with a plastic blue ring around the top as its a pressure relief safety thing and they don't go bang.. The blue plastic melts and exposes lots of little holes and it will just flair up.

But hey I wouldn't know i never play with this kinda stuff....

5th March 2015, 06:35 PM
I find it astonishing when told by government departments & other users that something is unsafe that folk respond by saying “well I’ve be using one for X period of time without a problem” as though that is proof to the contrary. If anything, they don’t get safer over time, quite possibly the opposite. The problem with this type of thing - everyone wants a cheap stove & until they have first hand experience of a close shave, or worse. Worse perhaps is to accept they are unsafe, but continue to use them until the fact is demonstrated. I can only hope that if that situation occurs that a close shave is the outcome. For myself I have seen enough evidence to convince me that continued use is a gamble I dont want to take. What you choose to do is up to you.

Maybe just maybe the ones that I used are not on that list,
that may explain why Ive never had a problem with them.
thats my answer if that statment was meant for me and others who have had no problems

5th March 2015, 07:12 PM
Of course not!!!!!! I’m not stupid. I deliberately included “& other users” in what I said.

Well that's ok then and now that a list has gone up showing models that are deemed unsafe, I can now go home tonight and check to see if mine is on the list. If it is, then I will probably dispose of it in the usual Clunk manner, but if it isn't then I will carry on using it.

My choice, same as everyone else, irrespective of what anyone else says or thinks............ but thanks for caring

5th March 2015, 07:33 PM
Mines not on the list, and no recall on the distributors website. Maybe it's ok.

5th March 2015, 07:45 PM
Public warning on portable butane ‘lunchbox’ cookers

4 March 2015

NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe is warning consumers not to buy portable butane ‘lunchbox’ type cookers due to safety issues, including overheating.

“We recommend consumers do not buy portable cookers of this type,” Mr Stowe said.

“Compliance certification for all current models of ‘lunchbox’ type gas cookers has been suspended by the independent safety certifiers and cookers of this type can no longer be sold lawfully in NSW.

“Up to 31 models of butane gas cookers have been withdrawn from sale as they do not meet Australian Standards. Retailers in NSW should no longer be stocking or selling these products.
“Testing, undertaken at the request of NSW Fair Trading and other State gas regulators, has found a fault with the cookers’ shut-off valves, posing a risk that the devices may overheat and could explode.
“These cookers are lightweight and portable and are popular for use in camping and caravanning. They are inexpensive and commonly sell for between $15 and $30.”
Mr Stowe said consumers who have purchased cookers should refrain from using them.
“If these products malfunction they can potentially cause serious injuries and I’d encourage people to stop using them,” he said.
“The cookers should be disposed of in a safe manner, with the butane cylinders disposed of through an appropriate community waste or recycling centre.
“Consumers who have purchased a non-compliant gas cooker and have proof of the purchase should return the product to their retailer and seek a refund of the full purchase price as soon as possible.
“Fair Trading is continuing to work with retailers, manufacturers and other states to ensure products are removed from shelves.
“I’d encourage consumers to notify NSW Fair Trading if they see any devices of this type being sold within stores or by NSW retailers.”


The TYPE of cooker has been banned from sale in NSW. They cannot ban older models no longer on sale. They clearly refer to TYPE of cooker not just those that they are banning from sale.

I am in no way trying to tell folk what to do, but I am asking that you re-assess your use of these things in light of the now recognised & publicised dangers. They are only safe as long as they don’t malfunction. If they do malfunction the consequences can be severe. It is every owners choice what level of risk they will take & whether they will continue to use their cooker, but if any statements are made suggesting this TYPE of cooker is safe then I would consider them to be irresponsible.

The cookers I know of which exploded pre-dated the list of current models. The cooker I had also. Today I have learned of yet another first hand account of an exploding cooker from someone I know.

5th March 2015, 08:01 PM
My choice, same as everyone else, irrespective of what anyone else says or thinks............ but thanks for caring

No need for that Clunk. No one is telling you what to do.

Using the published list of current models banned from sale as a means of convincing yourself that if your cooker is not on the list it must mean it is safe is, I believe, either misinterpreting the published statement or is self deception.

I won’t stop caring though.

the evil twin
5th March 2015, 08:04 PM
... will an earth from the canister to the burner or disconnecting the battery for 30 minutes help?

5th March 2015, 08:06 PM
... will an earth from the canister to the burner or disconnecting the battery for 30 minutes help?

Don't forget about cleaning the maf, it's very important you know

5th March 2015, 08:08 PM
And as a side issue, will your insurance pay for your Patrol or camping trailer if damage to them is caused by a fire resulting from use of that style of cooker?

5th March 2015, 08:10 PM
No need for that Clunk. No one is telling you what to do.

Using the published list of current models banned from sale as a means of convincing yourself that if your cooker is not on the list it must mean it is safe is, I believe, either misinterpreting the published statement or is self deception.

I won’t stop caring though.

Its nice you care cuppa somebody has to

Interesting question about insurance. I'd rather not test it to find out though

the evil twin
5th March 2015, 08:15 PM
Don't forget about cleaning the maf, it's very important you know

Well, thanks for that advice... the fireys have just left.
I sprayed the burner with MAF cleaner and the flame front was like an Apollo Moon shot... or are you supposed to do you do it with the Burner off?

P.S. I think I'll side with Cuppa because;
a) he's right, and
b) he cares

5th March 2015, 08:23 PM
Why only nsw ? The qld govt only put a video on utube showing the right way to use one , ie don't use a big pan on a small stove , I'd post a link but I got no idea how !

5th March 2015, 08:27 PM
Why only nsw ? The qld govt only put a video on utube showing the right way to use one , ie don't use a big pan on a small stove , I'd post a link but I got no idea how !


5th March 2015, 08:31 PM

Thanks boss :)

5th March 2015, 08:37 PM
That says more about this nanny state we call nsw than anything.

I probably won't use it. Not sure what to do with 8 cans of butane though.

5th March 2015, 08:59 PM
Two state governments responding to the danger in different ways. The usual arse covering of course, but both also showing a ‘duty of care’. The timing of both state governments doing so close together suggests to me that there has probably been an awful incident.

5th March 2015, 09:04 PM
A guy from our work had a butane gas can explode in hi work van a couple of weeks ago.
It was not one of these cans but a refill can for a gas soldering iron, he accidentally knocked a mounting bracket onto the can and it punctured the side and sparked and boom.
He was very lucky that he only got minor burns and burnt clothing, some fragments of the can embedded into a few things in the van.
Something to consider with the way the cans are stored.

5th March 2015, 10:09 PM
P.S. I think I'll side with Cuppa because;
a) he's right, and
b) he cares

And you are right to do so, after all I'm only good for wallowing in mud holes and running underwater. It's nice that he cares, I'm pretty sure I've said that too.

the evil twin
5th March 2015, 10:40 PM
And you are right to do so, after all I'm only good for wallowing in mud holes and running underwater. It's nice that he cares, I'm pretty sure I've said that too.

I didn't know that... can I side with you now please?

P.S. you owe me a can of MAF cleaner and a new pair of undies

the evil twin
5th March 2015, 10:42 PM
Why only nsw ? The qld govt only put a video on utube showing the right way to use one

That is because;
a) Qld'rs are expendable as they get replaced by migratory Vic's, and
b) Qld'rs are crap at Rugby League

5th March 2015, 11:20 PM
That is because;
a) Qld'rs are expendable as they get replaced by migratory Vic's, and
b) Qld'rs are crap at Rugby League

Gee and I thought it was because
A) They're the smart ones
B) the stats speak for themselves
C) real beer
D) bundy rum

the evil twin
5th March 2015, 11:23 PM
Gee and I thought it was because
A) They're the smart ones
B) the stats speak for themselves
C) real XXXX
D) bundy rum

Bugger... I was still on a Winner until D.
Oh, by the way, I fixed C for you as well... that, that, well, whatever the hell that stuff is, it isn't Beer

5th March 2015, 11:40 PM
Ahhh D

5th March 2015, 11:57 PM
Ahhh D

I've had better

6th March 2015, 09:33 AM
How much can a koala bear?

6th March 2015, 10:27 AM
I know what can happen with these exploding and it was NOT user error but a fault in the product

I'll just leave this here....


6th March 2015, 10:42 AM
All I'll say to that is was set up and made to explode if it had a small
sauce pan or kettle the flame would not be deflected onto the cannister,
I'm not saying they are safe to use, but that was set up to fail
and it did in a spectacular way

EDIT sometimes up the Murray with cans that have frozen I'll dig a hole down by the river throw
a shovelfull of hot coals in it place the can in and cover it over,
Then run like all get out and wait. Even with about an inch of gas in the can
it will blow a hole in the sand 2 ft square.

6th March 2015, 10:59 AM
I know what can happen with these exploding and it was NOT user error but a fault in the product

I'll just leave this here....


That is one hell of an explosion, maybe this will finally convince Cuppa that they are dangerous. :wink:

Edit: I am now going to get rid of mine as I agree they are too risky, might try a controlled explosion like that.

6th March 2015, 11:02 AM
Didn't Cuppa say they were dangerous,,, that was my take on it.

6th March 2015, 11:08 AM
Aldi recalled a double burner one last year I think as it wasn't up to AS standard.
Cant remember them coming up for sale again after that

6th March 2015, 12:32 PM
That is one hell of an explosion, maybe this will finally convince Cuppa that they are dangerous. :wink:


Didn't Cuppa say they were dangerous,,, that was my take on it.

Harhah, I think TPC was being sarcastic TD

I'll be using mine this weekend but its mainly used in the morning to boil a small kettle so I'll risk it. If I come back as a black fella then you know what happened :)

6th March 2015, 12:46 PM
All I'll say to that is was set up and made to explode if it had a small
sauce pan or kettle the flame would not be deflected onto the cannister,
I'm not saying they are safe to use, but that was set up to fail
and it did in a spectacular way

EDIT sometimes up the Murray with cans that have frozen I'll dig a hole down by the river throw
a shovelfull of hot coals in it place the can in and cover it over,
Then run like all get out and wait. Even with about an inch of gas in the can
it will blow a hole in the sand 2 ft square.

Yers it was a simulated explosion to show what happens, i've had one explode on me and it wasn't the canister, it was the product that was faulty and flame follows gas, there is NO safety on the canister either which makes it even more dangerous.

6th March 2015, 12:53 PM
If you buy CRV safety cans they don't go pop. So yes some canisters have safety inbuilt

6th March 2015, 01:04 PM
I know what can happen with these exploding and it was NOT user error but a fault in the product

I'll just leave this here....


They need to nail the roof down and glue the windows In, I'd also say that one mannequin ate too many beans and the other should stay away from the solarium!

6th March 2015, 01:42 PM

This could be part of the reason for the ban

6th March 2015, 02:47 PM
Now we know not to put large diameter pot,, fry pans on then maybe make an added heat sheild.
But like I said Ive been using these for,,,, well ever since they came out [$25], still got it others have come and gone
look how it works dont force it when engaging the cylinder. FYI my one is not on the list, but having had it for so long
I cant remember where I brought it, MOF did work at Kmart so thats where I get my Jackeroo cannisters

6th March 2015, 02:53 PM
I find it astonishing when told by government departments & other users that something is unsafe that folk respond by saying "well I've be using one for X period of time without a problem" as though that is proof to the contrary. If anything, they don't get safer over time, quite possibly the opposite. The problem with this type of thing - everyone wants a cheap stove & until they have first hand experience of a close shave, or worse. Worse perhaps is to accept they are unsafe, but continue to use them until the fact is demonstrated. I can only hope that if that situation occurs that a close shave is the outcome. For myself I have seen enough evidence to convince me that continued use is a gamble I dont want to take. What you choose to do is up to you.
Careful you don't fall off that high horse!

6th March 2015, 04:00 PM
I know what can happen with these exploding and it was NOT user error but a fault in the product

I'll just leave this here....

Know wonder they are faulty and explode, there made overseas!!!

I know what I'll be doing on the weekend with all my butane bottles :)

So my question is...........are the butane canisters faulty or are the cookers faulty? and just like BBQ's if they are maintained and looked after would there be less explosions?

Wonder what the stats would be on gas BBQ bottles exploded VS Butane Cookers.

Farken hell, the people in power might have to ban the good old aussie BBQ all together just 2 be on the safe side and we will have 2 revert back to more open fire cooking, Oh no hang on a sec that's banned half the time 2 for fear some idiot will start a bush fire.

6th March 2015, 04:17 PM
I was in Anaconda in Ballarat this afternoon. I talked to one of the guys in there and his take on it is that as it now stands it is a licensing thing. No one is allowed to sell them across Australia and they are withdrawn from the shelves. Once the licensing issue is sorted he thinks they will be back on the shelves. Maybe individual ones will be withdrawn? (My comment not his). For those that have one you can still buy gas for them. I assume people will be nervous of them going forward and do wonder if something will come into the market to replace them. I bought the last one of the small canister stoves they had in stock while I debate if I will continue to use mine. I have seen one catch fire before ... Maybe they will just push the right cans now and be more strict on which ones have been built to a reasonable quality? Will be interesting to watch as there is not much in that cheap market to replace them with.

This will be useful, but the other stove is simple and flexible to use (even if it might blow my head off!)


6th March 2015, 05:23 PM
I'll be careful and use up the cylinders I have, then dispose of the stove. There is no other way to safely dispose of the canisters of gas.

I've got my eye on one of the dual fuel jobbies as a replacement.

6th March 2015, 05:37 PM
Careful you don't fall off that high horse!

Re-reading what I wrote I can see why you (& others) would see it like that. It was not my intent to cast judgement upon anyone, nor to tell anyone what to do. I was saying what I think, & I was hoping that by doing so it might bring some balance to the responses to news of the ban. I felt that many of the responses simply were about railing against authority or trying to find ways around the ban with the inference (unintended or otherwise) being that these cookers are safe. It seems that instead I have just drawn fire. I guess I could have worded it better. I regret if I have offended anyone, but I also expect to be able to share my views in the face of disagreement without responses to me becoming ‘personal’. Having differences makes us interesting, but not when the man is played instead of the ball. The safety of these stoves has been a bit of a hobby horse of mine for several years & I do feel that that they should have been banned long ago. I’m sure it wouldn’t be that difficult for them to be re-designed so that they remain both affordable, lightweight, & safe for all users.

6th March 2015, 05:57 PM
No issues here cuppa. My only concern is doing something with the cylinders I have as leaving then to rust, or ditching them in the trash, are simply not an option.

6th March 2015, 06:07 PM
Know wonder they are faulty and explode, there made overseas!!!

I know what I'll be doing on the weekend with all my butane bottles :)

So my question is...........are the butane canisters faulty or are the cookers faulty? and just like BBQ's if they are maintained and looked after would there be less explosions?

Wonder what the stats would be on gas BBQ bottles exploded VS Butane Cookers.

Farken hell, the people in power might have to ban the good old aussie BBQ all together just 2 be on the safe side and we will have 2 revert back to more open fire cooking, Oh no hang on a sec that's banned half the time 2 for fear some idiot will start a bush fire.

On the ones I've thrown away becaused they leaked gas, was because others Ive taken camping have forced the lever
to engage the cannister, This pushes the back panel out of whack and requires it to be bent back in shape or a piece
of bark inserted to keep the can up hard against the "O" ring, They have a lot of built in safety devices just to get them to
work, The double one with a hot plate would give me reason to be worried, Two singles that are not on the list would be better IMO.
Just be gentle with them cause if the cannister is not in the right position to lock it in place and you force it, throw it away

6th March 2015, 07:24 PM
On the ones I've thrown away becaused they leaked gas, was because others Ive taken camping have forced the lever
to engage the cannister, This pushes the back panel out of whack and requires it to be bent back in shape or a piece
of bark inserted to keep the can up hard against the "O" ring, They have a lot of built in safety devices just to get them to
work, The double one with a hot plate would give me reason to be worried, Two singles that are not on the list would be better IMO.
Just be gentle with them cause if the cannister is not in the right position to lock it in place and you force it, throw it away

I've got a double with the hot plate. Will have a good look at it during the weekend

6th March 2015, 07:42 PM
Will be interested in what you think I have no idea why Aldi recalled their double burner ones.
At least now you know what to look for, no more shoving a bit of wood behind the cannister
to keep it in contact

6th March 2015, 07:50 PM
I have joked around about this topic but I agree that it is just not worth the risk using these.
Is it really worth risking your life to save a few dollars.
I rarely used mine as most of the time i would have the camper with a stove or in winter I usually use a campfire for cooking.
I will investigate other quick and easy cookers.

Now the rest of you do as your bloody well told and throw them away. ;)

6th March 2015, 08:01 PM
Well I guess I'll collect all your no good gas cans you can't use...

Over the thousands sold over many years, why has it taken this long to come up with a problem?

6th March 2015, 08:14 PM
Hmm, I have a two burner coleman with a bottle, works fine but heavy and bulky, I bought one of the cheapies a while back to save weight and space, used it a bunch of times with no problems, but perhaps now I'll go back to using the good one, shame since the cheap one works and packs well. I have not personally seen one on fire yet, but maybe that's just been luck.....

6th March 2015, 08:31 PM
No issues here cuppa. My only concern is doing something with the cylinders I have as leaving then to rust, or ditching them in the trash, are simply not an option.

Putting them on a fence post at a suitable distance for rifle, slug gun, slingshot or archery practice might be a fun way of emptying them prior to putting them in the trash. ;)

6th March 2015, 08:39 PM
Putting them on a fence post at a suitable distance for rifle, slug gun, slingshot or archery practice might be a fun way of emptying them prior to putting them in the trash. ;)

But what about the poor fence posts, surely they have rights against this sort of behaviour

6th March 2015, 08:59 PM
Well the wife told me I had to buy another one so I did


6th March 2015, 09:07 PM
Well the wife told me I had to buy another one so I did


Every now and then some inconvenient things are really rather convenient :)

6th March 2015, 09:17 PM
Every now and then some inconvenient things are really rather convenient :)

Ha ha yeah that's for sure

the evil twin
6th March 2015, 09:28 PM
Now the rest of you do as your bloody well told and throw them away. ;)

No way are mine going in the Bin.
I'm going to give them away to totally deserving Prado owners... with a bonus canister in case they survive the first bugger

6th March 2015, 09:41 PM
No way are mine going in the Bin.
I'm going to give them away to totally deserving Prado owners... with a bonus canister in case they survive the first bugger

I know of a worthy Paj owner, if that suits?

the evil twin
6th March 2015, 09:46 PM
I know of a worthy Paj owner, if that suits?

'K... but no bonus canister

6th March 2015, 09:51 PM
No way are mine going in the Bin.
I'm going to give them away to totally deserving Prado owners... with a bonus canister in case they survive the first bugger

I know lots of Prado owners and they are not all bad, I had one for over 10 years myself.

6th March 2015, 10:02 PM
'K... but no bonus canister

I'm sure he won't need it

6th March 2015, 10:02 PM
I know lots of Prado owners and they are not all bad, I had one for over 10 years myself.

Ahhhhh, well that explains everything

the evil twin
6th March 2015, 10:07 PM
I know lots of Prado owners and they are not all bad, I had one for over 10 years myself.

Wicked... Do any of them want a free camping stove?.

6th March 2015, 10:08 PM
Ahhhhh, well that explains everything

What do you mean?

At least I got rid of mine, Growler still has one.

6th March 2015, 10:09 PM
Wicked... Do any of them want a free camping stove?.

No but I can think of a couple of Jeep owners.

6th March 2015, 10:13 PM
They don't need the stove to explode. Overkill in a Jeep imho

the evil twin
6th March 2015, 10:13 PM
No but I can think of a couple of Jeep owners.

Nah, Creepy Jeepy's are like Wobbegongs... relatively harmless to Humans

6th March 2015, 10:14 PM
What do you mean?

At least I got rid of mine, Growler still has one.

Because you've always got a frown going on.

Let's not mention that soft cock Growler hey, he's a lost cause

the evil twin
6th March 2015, 10:16 PM
Let's not mention that soft cock Growler hey, he's a lost cause

Do you think an exploding stove will harden him up?

6th March 2015, 10:21 PM
Do you think an exploding stove will harden him up?

Nah, he's too far gone

7th March 2015, 06:57 AM
I was in Anaconda in Ballarat this afternoon. I talked to one of the guys in there and his take on it is that as it now stands it is a licensing thing. No one is allowed to sell them across Australia and they are withdrawn from the shelves. Once the licensing issue is sorted he thinks they will be back on the shelves. Maybe individual ones will be withdrawn? (My comment not his). For those that have one you can still buy gas for them. I assume people will be nervous of them going forward and do wonder if something will come into the market to replace them. I bought the last one of the small canister stoves they had in stock while I debate if I will continue to use mine. I have seen one catch fire before ... Maybe they will just push the right cans now and be more strict on which ones have been built to a reasonable quality? Will be interesting to watch as there is not much in that cheap market to replace them with.

This will be useful, but the other stove is simple and flexible to use (even if it might blow my head off!)


Correct a licencing thing as they do not meet safety standards.
The canister can overheat and explode, the seal between canister and cooker doesn't seal correctly, the safety feature in cooker can be faulty. Sorry but after having an experience with one of these things I will never use one again, i'm just glad I have fire fighting experience and had extinguisher handy at the time of my incident.
With some modifications maybe these can be a good cooker but they need more safety features on canister and cooker, this includes any canister product.

7th March 2015, 02:14 PM
@ lucas I cant remember the last time I used one of those cookers,
we did however make a gas ring up that fits the diposable canisters
a few years back, last trip I used my Ghillie kettle, I have since recoed
some old kero Primas stoves that will do the job,
Where that list of brand names gone to ??
If anyone read the stop sale part you'll notice its not from non compliance to AS
but more mis-use as I stated earlier,
I have sms my mates but non of our cookers are on that list
seeing we have had them for ages might be that the newer ones are craps

7th March 2015, 02:27 PM
A snippet taken from http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/ftw/Consumers/Product_and_service_safety/Lunchbox_cookers.page? regarding double canister burners

What about double canister burners?The ‘stop sale’ relates to single burner portable butane cookers. Fair Trading is continuing to look at double burner cookers and still has concerns regarding their use.
Consumers should carefully follow the user instructions when using double burner cookers. Always allow for adequate air flow. Never use the canisters in a way that overheats them, as this contributes to canister explosions. As such, you should never:

use oversized pans when cooking
use them on very hot days
use the device to heat up heat beads.

So I wonder how long it will take for them to decide that the doubles should be pulled from the market too!!!!!????

7th March 2015, 02:45 PM
Are they that smart to notice it two singles joined together lol

the evil twin
7th March 2015, 04:24 PM
Are they that smart to notice it two singles joined together lol

Thats the safety feature... same as fighting Oil field fires with explosives.
When the 2nd one explodes it blows the 1st one out

8th March 2015, 08:46 PM
Thanks for posting the link, we have one of these bought years and years ago. Probably around 7 years back. Only used it a few times.

9th March 2015, 11:05 AM
I have quite a few of these burners and never had an issue with them. Having said that, I have never put over size pots or pans on them nor tried to light heat beads with them either.

Jumbuck from Bunnings bought out a set that included a purpose built non stick hot plate for the to prevent people from using over sized fry pans, great little plates and good for 1 to 2 people depending on appetites. I keep 2 of these in the drawers of my troll including a small pot / kettle set that is suitable for these cookers.

9th March 2015, 11:42 AM
Further to this, Coleman issued a statement this morning as shown in the image.


9th March 2015, 12:13 PM
Sticking the boot in early. Their sales will rocket for a while.

9th March 2015, 12:50 PM
what does a Coleman lunch box burner cost now, did they increase the price $$$$$$$$

these work a treat

9th March 2015, 01:16 PM
Not sure but last time I saw them, they were areound the $30-35 mark

9th March 2015, 01:32 PM
OK so not too bad a price

9th March 2015, 10:57 PM
Just reading through this thread... Definitely a bit of a concern...
Can attest to the same "it hasn't happened to me" way of thinking but really the justification is that they are just so damn convenient.

A little common sense does go a long way but I will certainly be on the lookout for another option that matches like for like in size, etc. DO NOT want to have to start carrying a gas bottle around (and don't want the double burners anyway) and most of my cooking is done on the rear door table so need another similar option....

9th March 2015, 11:26 PM
these work a treat

I’ve got one of these somewhere. Optimus 8R. Swedish. Used to fill it from the fuel tanks on my bikes. Absolutely roars. Self pressurising. ⅓rd size of a lunchbox cooker. 1 tank fill lasts 50 minutes.

10th March 2015, 08:04 AM
Mine is not on the list I'm thinking its the later ones that are failing, but at $35
for a Coleman one thats no going to break the bank for ease of mind
I do have a Trangia, never used it, MR and a few others use a JET BOIL cooker


10th March 2015, 08:22 AM
but at $35
for a Coleman one thats no going to break the bank

Anyone got a link to these ones? Cheapest Coleman I could find on their, some was way more and a double burner job...

10th March 2015, 12:36 PM
I've found out that only certain models of these have been recalled, not all brands have.

I rarely use mine so it's not a major issue to me. I have a Campmaster brand.

10th March 2015, 12:41 PM
Campmaster is on the banned list of makes and models,
Make sure you use it in an open area, but I would throw it TBO

10th March 2015, 12:46 PM
Campmaster are 1 of the only makers of cannisters with the CRV installed, just use those type cannisters and nothing oversize on the flame.

Most, not all, of the instances were unsafe use and unsafe cannisters. Yes some were just plain stOOpid like setting alight heat beads.

Any cannistera like these in the photo and all should be good. At the end of the day, use what you fell comfortable using.


10th March 2015, 12:56 PM
Just realized my band new never used, Campmaster is banned too. Cost me $20 from Big W, so care not if I chuck it out ...
I only bough it to quickly get some water hot for coffee in the mornings. I wouldnt cook on it .

10th March 2015, 01:09 PM
yeah throw it and invest in one of these , kids would love it I made a wooden travel case
boils water in a few minutes

the 1.5 ltr would be better imo, dishes etc

10th March 2015, 03:15 PM
yeah throw it and invest in one of these , kids would love it I made a wooden travel case
boils water in a few minutes

the 1.5 ltr would be better imo, dishes etc

Bit hard to fry eggs and bacon on that TD

the evil twin
10th March 2015, 03:26 PM
yeah throw it and invest in one of these , kids would love it I made a wooden travel case
boils water in a few minutes

the 1.5 ltr would be better imo, dishes etc

Two words.... Fire Ban.

You can use Gas but cannot use Solid Fuel during some Fire Bans (may vary from state to state)

During a Total Fire Ban you cannot light or use a fire in the open air.
Solid fuel
You cannot use any BBQ or cooker that requires solid fuel such as wood or charcoal.
You can use a gas BBQ for cooking if it has an enclosed flame and all flammable material is cleared five metres away from around your BBQ.

10th March 2015, 03:28 PM
Campmaster is on the banned list of makes and models,
Make sure you use it in an open area, but I would throw it TBO

Actually I looked up my exact model yesterday and it wasn't on the list. Mine is about 6 years old. Only been used a few times.

Campmaster are 1 of the only makers of cannisters with the CRV installed, just use those type cannisters and nothing oversize on the flame.

Most, not all, of the instances were unsafe use and unsafe cannisters. Yes some were just plain stOOpid like setting alight heat beads.

Any cannistera like these in the photo and all should be good. At the end of the day, use what you fell comfortable using.


Yeah those are the ones we use.

Although I plan to invest in a small camping stove (that runs off a BBQ gas bottle) or a small BBQ before I go camping next. :D

10th March 2015, 03:32 PM
TD put us onto these adapters to use the CRV cannisters with small bbq's. Yet to try mine out but TD, to my knowledge hasn't had any issues with his.



11th March 2015, 08:38 AM
Some more info released from QLD on the butane cookers.


11th March 2015, 11:17 AM
You wouldnt be using them during a fire ban, we had one on the banks of the Murray when Parks rolled up on black Saturday.
As it only had a kettle on it they said not to use it again today, their take on it is a strong breeze may knock a hot chop bone off the grill and start a fire.
I personally would like to see a fire started by a loin chop, fasinating, that was 9 in the morning the wind never arrived till 10 past 10 freaking scarey I tell you
I use these cannistors with the gas ring if I take it


11th March 2015, 05:19 PM
I have the same cannisters and knocked up universal fitting so I can use them on both my 3 burner cooker and small bbq as they both take 2 different sized fittings.
Works a treat as I originally made them up fir the Simmo trip last year that never ended up being able to make it.

11th March 2015, 05:30 PM
Two words.... Fire Ban.

You can use a gas BBQ for cooking if it has an enclosed flame and all flammable material is cleared five metres away from around your BBQ.[/I]

Never really thought about this until now reading ET's post, so would these cookers as well as a bbq gas rings be on the banned list during a Fire Ban? I would not class the flame as enclosed so assume they would be

11th March 2015, 06:34 PM
Never really thought about this until now reading ET's post, so would these cookers as well as a bbq gas rings be on the banned list during a Fire Ban? I would not class the flame as enclosed so assume they would be

For NSW Todd:

Doesn't really expand on what is classified as a BBQ

Can I use a gas barbeque?

You can use a gas barbeque under the following conditions:

It is under the direct control of a responsible adult, who is present at all times while it is operating;
No combustible material is allowed within two metres at any time it is operating;
You have an immediate and continuous supply of water; and

The barbeque is within 20 metres of a permanent private dwelling such as a home; or
The barbeque is within a designated picnic area and the appliance is approved by Council, National Parks or State Forest.

...and for our Mexhican friends

General Advice on a Day of Total Fire Ban

Can I have a barbecue, light a campfire or light a fire for warmth or comfort?

Yes - Barbecues that are fixed appliances:

fired by gas or electricity, being permanently fixed structures built of stone, metal, concrete or another non-flammable material designed exclusively for meal preparation
or that use only gas or electricity, are designed and commercially manufactured exclusively for meal preparation (including portable barbecues), and when alight are placed in a stable position, provided that:

the area within a distance of 3 metres from the outer perimeter of the barbecue is clear of flammable material
you have either a hose connected to a water supply or a vessel with at least
10 litres of water for immediate use
an adult is there at all times when the fire is alight who has the capacity and means to extinguish the fire
the fire is completely extinguished before the adult leaves.

No - Campfires, fires for warmth or personal comfort are banned during Total Fire Ban Days. Solid and liquid fuel barbecues and ovens are also banned during Total Fire Ban Days.

11th March 2015, 06:39 PM
For NSW Todd:

Doesn't really expand on what is classified as a BBQ

Can I use a gas barbeque?

You can use a gas barbeque under the following conditions:

It is under the direct control of a responsible adult, who is present at all times while it is operating;
No combustible material is allowed within two metres at any time it is operating;
You have an immediate and continuous supply of water; and

The barbeque is within 20 metres of a permanent private dwelling such as a home; or
The barbeque is within a designated picnic area and the appliance is approved by Council, National Parks or State Forest.

That is a lot more strict than Vic. You only need to have 10L of water at the ready and you can cook away.

11th March 2015, 07:05 PM
You can use a gas barbeque under the following conditions

It is under the direct control of a responsible adult, who is present at all times while it is operating

Counts me out then :)

Thanks Kris

11th March 2015, 08:24 PM
Counts me out then :)

Thanks Kris

Im responsible even after I've had 10 cans so I'm good

13th March 2015, 03:06 PM
Digging through my photo's, I found 1 of the connector I made up to use the Coleman disposable bottles with portable BBQ's and 2/3 burner cookers.


13th March 2015, 03:09 PM
Digging through my photo's, I found 1 of the connector I made up to use the Coleman disposable bottles with portable BBQ's and 2/3 burner cookers.

I'm guessing that's not legal :)

13th March 2015, 03:12 PM
yep did the same as you can buy the adaptors readily at any camping shop and the likes of K-mart

13th March 2015, 03:34 PM
My new stove takes those cylinders natively.

I still don't know if I'll buy a normal gas cylinder because they are a pain to get filled. Half tempted to buy a swapngo 4kg POL from bunnings so I can just swap it over

13th March 2015, 03:58 PM
I brought a new 9kg job that the guy up the road fills with forklift gas when required

13th March 2015, 06:40 PM
I'm guessing that's not legal :)

As TD mentioned, you can buy the conversion kits anywhere. This set of mine is made by Gasmate and I got it from Bunnings and is a legal conversion kit.

the evil twin
13th March 2015, 06:42 PM
As TD mentioned, you can buy the conversion kits anywhere. This set of mine is made by Gasmate and I got it from Bunnings and is a legal conversion kit.

So were the Butane Lunch Box Cookers... until...

14th March 2015, 12:48 PM
this might be a better option using a 4,5kg gas bottle.
I've found those green canisters work a treat, even with a thirsty
cast iron gas ring


14th March 2015, 02:13 PM
Banned in SA now too.

14th March 2015, 02:37 PM
Banned in SA now too.

Good one growlers.....

14th March 2015, 05:39 PM
Wont be long before an Aust wide ban is announced,
Make sure you let your 4x4 club knows whats going on as well,
along with any mates who may use them

14th March 2015, 07:19 PM
The singles and doubles have been removed from most places in WA now as well. Places like Anaconda and BigW have taken them off the shelves.

15th March 2015, 03:28 AM
So, should all victorians run out and buy a few for when some one owns up to over reacting and it all goes back to normal ? They are pressurized cans with gas in them. Well, duh, of course they're dangerous.

15th March 2015, 06:48 AM

Just heard on the news the good old aussie BBQ is getting banned because there dangerous when used by morons........who would of thought.....

Also heard there banning LPG and Petrol at servo's for safety concerns in a car accident.............looks like I'll have 2 convert the 4.2 into a TD after all :(

15th March 2015, 07:04 AM
So, should all victorians run out and buy a few for when some one owns up to over reacting and it all goes back to normal ? They are pressurized cans with gas in them. Well, duh, of course they're dangerous.

Its not the cannisters that are the problem.

15th March 2015, 06:14 PM
Its not the cannisters that are the problem.

But, the stoves arent dangerous if they dont have canisters ?

Rock Trol
15th March 2015, 08:43 PM
I was in BCF today and there were no lunchbox cookers on the shelves. You could still buy the gas canisters though. I suspect they will remain on sale as there are other devices that use them such as blow torches and gas weeders.

15th March 2015, 08:49 PM
I was in BCF today and there were no lunchbox cookers on the shelves. You could still buy the gas canisters though. I suspect they will remain on sale as there are other devices that use them such as blow torches and gas weeders.

And we have a heater that runs them as well.

15th March 2015, 09:45 PM
And we have a heater that runs them as well.

You crazy fool, you'll kill us all!

15th March 2015, 10:11 PM
You crazy fool, you'll kill us all!
hehe... I like to live dangerously