View Full Version : Need to have a RANT - Sorry not Patrol related

16th February 2015, 06:29 PM
Some companies..I just dont believe!!!

Ok its not Patrol related, its related to Air Rifles..so if that bores you I understand if you leave now!!

In August 2012, myself and a friend purchased two Semi-Auto 9mm air rifes at 2300.00 each. Perfectly leagal and all good
In Feb 2013 The registry deemed them to be prohibited firearms as they MAY have a shroud which could be used as a suppressor and because you MIGHT be able to convert them to full auto.

So no dramas, this happens, surrendered them to the dealer with the promise he would make good and get the modified to comply

Between that time and then, we have been promised on 4 occasions they will be fixed, dont worry about it..all good. But no fix has been made. He did not want to send them back to the factory as 'The factory wont cover the cost to make good and I don't want top pay for it"

So you get the idea a lot of promises, all broken and still no light at the end of the tunnel. On top of that he not once, ever ever ever picked up the phone to call us to give us an update or anything. I mean not one piece of communication from him full stop! We had to chase him every time, even when he promised calls.

So fast forward to today..

He had promised to have everything fixed by Mid January. So I think..give him some extra time..always a dram dealing with customs and all that.

So where are we today..the Air Rifles are actually in the US, no longer registered under our names. But should be back soon and MIGHT be ok...big MIGHT BE on that. No i have to admit..I am over it, sick of chasing him, sick of promises that dont eventuate, sick of promised updates and calls that never happen. However I understand that some things are out side his control but it has got a stage after 2 years that it is beyond a joke.

So I give him two offers :

Option 1) Give us both a partial refund of 1800.00 per air rifle. Yes we are offering to accept a partial refund as a sign of goodwill - Nope he refused that as his insurance wont cover it and he should not have to pay it out himself.


Option 2) Offered to extend the deadline to the 16th March. At which time if he does not have them back in Australia and cant guarantee we will be legally allowed to take possession, a full refund of 2300.00 per air rifle. No refused that as well as he cant say whether they will pass the customers inspection for safety and operation and if they don't its not his fault (even though he was the one that designed the fix to get them passed customs)

Am I over reacting?? I think I have been more than fair and patient with them and just want it sorted out..seems like the only way we will get a resolution is to go through the tribunal which will be a pain in the butt..

sorry Rant over..

16th February 2015, 06:34 PM
Good rant , maybe the Mods could move the the the hunters thread
He's certainly giving you the run around

16th February 2015, 06:36 PM
Good rant , maybe the Mods could move the the the hunters thread
He's certainly giving you the run around

Thanks mate and never thought about the hunters thread..just soooo peed off about it..he promised a call bu close of business today..but guess what..no call and now he is not answering his phone.
I understand its tough dealing with something so heavily regulated, hence offering to take a partial refund..but eventually you have to say..enoughs enough

Mods - please move if you want and my apologies for not sticking it there in the first place

16th February 2015, 06:38 PM
Mate the firearms industry in this country is balls...... I have been screwed so many times and sick of the pricing regime and practices that are the norm and would not be excepted anywhere else in the free world.

I have caught shops out lying a number of times and left them with egg on there face when I confronted them.

I have no answers but do understand your frustration mate.

16th February 2015, 06:41 PM
Wow, you are more patient then I am. Over two years and no plan?
I guess you have places like the office of fair trading, or in this technical age, go social media and spread the word about the lack of response and woeful customer support this business offers. A shed load of negative publicity would not help this mans business and most shops can ill afford such backlash when competing against on-line competitors. Best of luck with an acceptable outcome.

16th February 2015, 06:44 PM
Wow, you are more patient then I am. Over two years and no plan?
I guess you have places like the office of fair trading, or in this technical age, go social media and spread the word about the lack of response and woeful customer support this business offers. A shed load of negative publicity would not help this mans business and most shops can ill afford such backlash when competing against on-line competitors. Best of luck with an acceptable outcome.

You get use to long delays in the shooting industry.. no unusual to wait a year for a rifle to arrive with 3-6 months very normal... you get use to it.

16th February 2015, 06:50 PM
Just another step towards trying to take our guns off us. I remember the "shroud" issue a few years ago and i thought it would blow over.
2 years is a very long fuse. I bite my nails clean off waiting for a permit to aquire which takes a week or two.
I hope someone is willingto take your case on if it does go south.
Just a word of advice. Be careful going with the media because they have a habit of spinning a true story into an anti gun story.

16th February 2015, 06:53 PM
consumer affairs mate straight away, right now call and get a case number then contact the shop with the case number, if no answer go to the cops, for fraud, get into him, he has had the money and i would say is stalling and you wont get the money back.

16th February 2015, 06:57 PM
Sell them and get a 22 or 17hmr no worries then. Suck being given the run around though.

16th February 2015, 07:28 PM
Can't sell them as they are no longer registered in my name and somewhere in the states.

Consumer affairs are not interested as its firearms related

What it boils down to is an air rifle that passed customs, was legally imported and registered and then some neurotransmitter decided he doesn't like them so makes the prohibited

And now I got called into work lol what a day

18th February 2015, 11:12 PM
join the shooters and fishers party and see if they can help out with some good info..not sure which state your in but NSW has a few members in parliment now..

19th February 2015, 12:07 AM
I would try someone else at consumer affairs, it not like they were bought on the black market. I would insist and persist until something was done.

19th February 2015, 05:29 AM
How can they be transferred out of your name? Did you sign them over? If not is that not theft?

19th February 2015, 07:12 AM
How can they be transferred out of your name? Did you sign them over? If not is that not theft?

That's exactly what I want to know, but of course the answer is 'I didn't do it'. Which is a load of the preverbial as he has sent them to the states for 're-manufacture' and has to re-import them in his name.

Complaint is into the ACCC and ncat..and told him so yesterday..his tone seemed to change quite dramatically after that..so the clock is ticking..

19th February 2015, 07:32 AM
it would probably be time to take some legal advice mate, i wouldnt want some guns air rifle or not, running around out there that may or may not be in my name... like i said i would be seeking counsel quick smart...

20th February 2015, 07:29 AM
it would probably be time to take some legal advice mate, i wouldnt want some guns air rifle or not, running around out there that may or may not be in my name... like i said i would be seeking counsel quick smart...
I have already checked with the registry and they are not in my name, we had a safe storage inspection and they were not on the list either..