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8th February 2015, 12:14 PM
I have a Jayco Pop Top with a Three Way Fridge (Gas,12V & 240V). - Electrolux RM2300

During the Night it will pull down to Zero Degrees C but on Hot days it would struggle to get the Temp down to 10degrees C.

I put a Computer Fan on the outside Top Vent which helped a little bit but not much.

Two days ago I pulled the Outside Vents on the Van off and the Fridge quite easily held at between 2/4 degrees C which is Great and the Freezer Compartment froze Water.The Temp in Bendigo has been 35 degrees. This suggests it is a ventilation problem so
I have ordered two Fans which I am going to install with a thermal switch to start the fans when the Compartment at the rear of the Fridge gets to say 30 degrees. The Fans are 12V and will run off the Battery installed in the Van or possibility as small Solar Panel on the Roof.

Has anybody had ventilation problems with their Van Fridge ???

8th February 2015, 12:53 PM
Mine used to struggle a bit on hot days and I extended the chimney to face more towards the vent rather then straight up.

The heat used to just circulate under the fridge.

it used to finish about 100mm short of the vent.

Works fine on hot days now.

8th February 2015, 01:03 PM
Collyn Rivers writes quite a section on best setups for those three way fridges in his book on caravans. From memory, his biggest tip was all to do with space at the back of the fridge, and appropriate ventilation. Sounds like you are on the right track.

8th February 2015, 01:37 PM
Bob, fitting more fans may or may not resolve the problem. If you check out Collyn’s stuff on it you will find that poor installation is the most likely cause of your problem. The installation needs are quite specific with regard to baffles. Easy to do, but very commonly ignored, particularly by caravan manufacturers it seems. If you scroll down on this link you will find some diagrams showing installations. http://caravanandmotorhomebooks.com/making-caravan-fridges-work-as-claimed/

Worth trying before you put more fans in.


8th February 2015, 02:39 PM
Thanks Cuppa and FNQGU . Good reading and will be modifying installation to incorporate the Baffle's and also some more insulation at the sides of the Fridge.
Will still be installing the Fans . Cant hurt to over do it LOL

8th February 2015, 03:40 PM
A definate must do. My Uncles caravan fridge was hopeless until the air circulation was altered. Luckily It didn't need an extra fan.

8th February 2015, 09:39 PM
Excellent article Cuppa, definitely one to save in my favourites.

9th February 2015, 08:55 AM
Fitted a solar fan behind the top vent which expels the hot air from back of fridge. The small solar panel is fitted on the roof so gets the sun all day, and no battery draw down.
Since we subscribed to Vast TV and I always park up with van pointing East so we get perfect reception when I fit the dish to the "A" frame. With the van positioned this way the fridge which is on the drivers side is facing south so is in the shade all day long. This also helped greatly on hot days.