View Full Version : Which sleeping bag?

6th February 2015, 08:51 PM
Hey all,

Believe it or not I have to buy my first sleeping bag since I was 6. I have no idea what to look for so I turn to you for recommendations as to which is best for camping.

I look forward to any advice, good or bad, so suggest away.


6th February 2015, 09:02 PM
We got our girls a pair of black wolf bags. One got a split in it 12 months after buying (seam split) but the buckle on the bags had broke months before. Both got replaced with new bags no questions asked. And the buckle design was different. So I'm happy to recommend them. They are great bags with awesome customer care towards there lifetime warranty

6th February 2015, 09:41 PM
Depends a bit what your doing with it .. Tent.. Pod.. Hiking..winter.. Summer.

I got given one of these bags and I'm very impressed with it! But not cheap I love the built in fly screen and waterproof back.


Also have a wiggies bag but it's almost the size of a small swag lol


Also have a carabee -5 sleeping bag for hiking and it's really comfy if you don't mind a tight fit.

Last I've also got a black wolf bag I've had for 15 years and is still in good condition

6th February 2015, 10:09 PM
As mega says depends on what you want it for. If you need it in cold conditions like us Mexicans i recommend a good quality down sleeping bag, they're not cheap but are awesome in the freezing weather. I have a down one and a cheap synthetic one which is fine for summer.

7th February 2015, 09:40 AM
I use a "SELK" bag I find it very warm in cold weather, highly recommend


7th February 2015, 10:04 AM
We went to local camping store and bought ex army ones. Good quality and warm for the high country.

7th February 2015, 10:26 AM
Bought my girls the for winter http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2-x-Outdoor-Camping-Sleeping-Bag-Tent-Hiking-Winter-Single-Adult-10-C-/371026764586?pt=AU_Sleeping_Gear&hash=item5662eb232a bloody warm as.......

Me and the missus have these for winter http://www.catchoftheday.com.au/product/caribee-snow-drift-jumbo-left-zip-sleeping-bag-306356/?gclid=Cj0KEQiA6dGmBRC_3Mi-x_XywKsBEiQA1lcFP_Cbotk7p_P1Ktc4r-A70tyWHzxRNgTBjnO4MsoFlg0aAk8N8P8HAQ&mkwid=7lTefRXU_dc&pcrid=49322775871&product=306356

Summer time we just use fleece blankets and sheets........ to bloody hot for anything else over here

7th February 2015, 10:37 AM
I've got a light weight army surpus job for the tropics and warmer weather, and a beaut MacPac -5 bag that has seen use since I was 18 (I'm in my 40's now) and is still going strong.

Like anything, you get what you pay for too.

7th February 2015, 01:20 PM
I use a "SELK" bag I find it very warm in cold weather, highly recommend


Were going to need a pic of you in that mate lmao

7th February 2015, 01:27 PM
Were going to need a pic of you in that mate lmao

no we dont

7th February 2015, 01:37 PM
no we dont

Think a 6' yellow Gumbie,
I like it as I can get up during the night do what I have to do and retain all the heat.
They are a bit weird at first, and no you cant zip 2 together

7th February 2015, 01:53 PM
For the High Country which is the main location where I spend my time and cold climates, I have a down filled MacPac -7 bag, it's also waterproof. Cost me a bit but it's a ripper.
For the warmer weather I have a cheaper synthetic bag from "Rays" that does the job.

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7th February 2015, 02:03 PM
Summer time my sleeping bag packs down to a size that fits in your hand very light
i got that in a subsciption to 4WD Action many moons ago

7th February 2015, 03:27 PM
I have slept in many, many sleeping bags. It once came with the job. My all time favourite was a tapered down filled bag. It was very warm and comfortable, but it was a bitch to dry when it got wet and you can't sleep in a wet down filled bag. Also, over the years I liked a bit more room and a tapered bag is very restrictive. Now a days you can get very good synthetic bags that are as warm and comfortable as down bags at much less the price. Also, if they do get wet they dry very quickly and in a pinch you can sleep in them and your body heat will dry them. Just make sure you get a bag that is rated at least to minus 10 degrees. If you are too warm you can always open the bag (most good bags have vents as well as the main zip) but if you buy a cool weather bag it's difficult to get warm during cold nights. Also, while you are at it get one for the other half. You can get bags that zip together and are often made as either a left hand or a right hand bag. If you don't buy the pair now and you want another one down the track you may find that the model is no longer made and you won't find one that matches up.

7th February 2015, 08:17 PM
Thanks for the info people, I appreciate it.

I have found one that is reasonably priced and is made for summer and winter. Have a look at this and see what you think.


7th February 2015, 08:23 PM
I have an Oztent Rivergum. Very cozy and warm. rated to -10C I believe.

7th February 2015, 08:47 PM
I have an Oztent Rivergum. Very cozy and warm. rated to -10C I believe.

What is it like on warm nights?

7th February 2015, 09:17 PM
What is it like on warm nights?

warm....... but thats only a guess

7th February 2015, 11:49 PM
Thanks for the info people, I appreciate it.

I have found one that is reasonably priced and is made for summer and winter. Have a look at this and see what you think.


It's only rated to -5. Hope you don't intend to camp up in the high country during winter. From experience there is a HUGE difference between -5 and -10 rated bags.

8th February 2015, 06:38 AM
We have had a few, currently have a minus 8 matched pair of mountain design down bag for winter and some cheap synthetic for summer.
The down does end up in one side of the "pockets" sometimes, how the are packed seems to make a difference.
The minus rating is a survival number not nice and warm at that temperature. If you are a high country camper and expect minus 3 or 5, get a minus 10 or 12 bag.
Talk to people in high end camping stores, if they sell climbing gear there's a good chance they know sleeping bags.

8th February 2015, 08:43 AM
See now wife and I only went a minus 5 bags for us.
We can always put more clothes on if it's to cold to offset the less insulation of the bag.
But you can't take your skin off

8th February 2015, 01:58 PM
We have had a few, currently have a minus 8 matched pair of mountain design down bag for winter and some cheap synthetic for summer.
The down does end up in one side of the "pockets" sometimes, how the are packed seems to make a difference.
The minus rating is a survival number not nice and warm at that temperature. If you are a high country camper and expect minus 3 or 5, get a minus 10 or 12 bag.
Talk to people in high end camping stores, if they sell climbing gear there's a good chance they know sleeping bags.

Down sleeping bags are met to be stored open not in compression bags aswell

8th February 2015, 03:49 PM
Down sleeping bags are met to be stored open not in compression bags aswell

Yes we have compression bags we don't use, probably for backpackers / hikers, 4 times bigger large open weave bags for traveling in vehicles and as you suggest hang them in a wardrobe or leave them in the RTT. Which is what we do.

8th February 2015, 05:05 PM
i currently use a caribee moonshine double (http://www.wildearth.com.au/buy/caribee-moonshine-0c-double-2-person-hooded-sleepi/5404) sleeping bag with no complaints. In the past I been a big fan of Rab (http://rab.uk.com) products but for general camping they are overkill and the Caribee won't let you down.

14th February 2015, 08:36 AM
I have a Kathmandu 4 Seasons + Snow tapered sleepingbag.... Having slept in snow... it worked brilliantly! Having slept in WA in summer.... not so great but then I hate the cold.

The other option you have is getting a good bag and then adding a silk liner (adds about 5 degrees of warmth) and if you are really going to get out into the elements, add a bivy bag outter. Expensive combo but depends on what you want to do and where you intend to go...