View Full Version : TB45 missing badly on cold takeoff

29th January 2015, 06:43 AM
Hi guys. I've noticed over the last month or so that I have a real bad miss if i put the foot down when its cold. I can putt putt to the end of the driveway with no problems but it misses for a few seconds when i hit the street and take off. Its like an old carby motor starving for fuel.
As far as I can tell, it doesn't do it once its warm.
Any ideas?

29th January 2015, 06:52 AM
Is it Dual Fuel ????

29th January 2015, 07:49 AM
there is a part called an accellerator pump on some carbies that will dry out through lack of use.
you could just need a carbie re build, but yes you're right it is staving for fuel.

29th January 2015, 08:49 AM
It's a GU so it's a TB45E. The equivalent of the carbie accelerator pump is the vacuum on the fuel pressure regulator but they rarely give problems.

If you've never changed your plugs leads, that's a good place to start..

29th January 2015, 09:02 AM
Mine is a Dual Fuel and does the same.
It starts on Petrol and then switches to Gas. When it switches to Gas it misses and then runs normally.
Only started doing this after my Mechanic altered the timing.
If you start the Car and accelerate straight away it does not do it.

29th January 2015, 12:43 PM
If the timing is out (close to 0 deg) - it can miss

My TB42s started missing was due to some corrosion on a spark plug lead - and plug - replaced all the leads - all good

29th January 2015, 04:34 PM
Have a look under the bonnet at night and see if there is a light show arcing sparks, etc
If you drive through bog holes or do very wet tracks chances are the leads are knackered'.

4th February 2015, 12:47 AM
Thanks guys. Leads and plugs were only done a few months back so should be ok. Might check the fuel reg. Also haven't looked at the dizzy cap either.