View Full Version : First timer, saying Hi

Feral Killer
23rd January 2015, 11:34 PM
Just introducing myself as a New Member.

Looking forward to gaining info as a 1st time Nissan owner.
( my last 4 vehicles have been Landcruisers )

At a later date maybe contributing, as I have been off roading for 30 or so years.

My interests and specialties are manufacturing my own 4 x 4 parts and accessories.

Regards to all

24th January 2015, 12:01 AM
Hi mate and welcome to the forum.

24th January 2015, 04:45 AM
Welcome mate, surely the best forum on the net. If you need it, you can get it, if you want to know it, just ask it. If you want to find it, go to the search bar for a universe of information. Enjoy the sights and sounds of the greatest show on earth.

24th January 2015, 05:16 AM
Hey!! welcome to the forum.
Great!!! home made parts!!!!!

24th January 2015, 06:42 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum, jump in anytime and enjoy

24th January 2015, 08:51 AM
G'day mate welcome to the forum.

24th January 2015, 08:59 AM
Morning & welcome to the forum

24th January 2015, 09:12 AM
Welcome to the forum mate

24th January 2015, 02:03 PM
hello and welcome to the forum, be great to see some of those manufactured bits when you do them, i suggest you start a build up thread on your patrol so we can follow and maybe get some ideas for making our own bits too.