View Full Version : Googs track

23rd January 2015, 07:09 AM
Hey all. I have decided 5o try and plan a trip up googs track this September school holidays. Has anyone done the run and how many litres of fuel did you use. Just trying to work out what we should be looking at taking with us. Atm its looking like a couple 80 series a hilux and a gq and guess patrol

23rd January 2015, 09:09 AM
Its just short of 200K long, standard prep with lowered tyre pressures
Recommended to travel south to north to avoid a crash , sand flag is a given.
Ceduna to Glendambo about about 570 k
Would think a STD Patrol and Aux tank will be heaps thats 130 ltrs
Others might know if a DPP is required
Edit;; BYO water plenty for everyone on board

23rd January 2015, 05:29 PM
Yeah been talking to a few people hopefully we can make a decent convoy of it with 6-8 cars . Aiming to do it over 3 or 4 days taking plenty of time to have a good look around at everything. I think from memory my car holds 130lts but not sure on the other cars at worse I think we might all take an extra jerry can or 2 for fuel just in case