View Full Version : Waeco CFX Power draw

ben ren
16th January 2015, 09:53 PM
I am going to Fraser Island in February and was curious to know how many amps my fridge drew from my aux battery.
Searching thebay I found a little power meter thing that could calculate amps,watts battery voltage etc.
I hooked it all up and started timing the 24hr at 730pm,the fridge internal temp was 29degrees,the thermostat set to 2 degrees.
As a worst case scenario I did the test with an empty fridge cause I know it takes more to keep cool empty so it would leave a little buffer in the real world(half beer half food)
After 24hrs on a hot day(34degrees,still 30 at 730pm) the draw was 31.55a/h,probably a bit more than I expected but gives me a good indicator for battery preservation and probably explains why my last 100ah marine battery lasted 12months.
Hope this is helpful

16th January 2015, 09:56 PM
What size fridge do you have?

ben ren
16th January 2015, 09:57 PM
Sorry forgot to mention CFX 50 with cover

16th January 2015, 10:36 PM
What device did you grab?
Many use what is called a "watts up meter".. Very popular in the rc model world

16th January 2015, 10:48 PM
That seems really high. My 60 litre wouldn't be any where near that. Do you pre cool it on mains first ?

the evil twin
17th January 2015, 12:40 AM
That seems really high. My 60 litre wouldn't be any where near that. Do you pre cool it on mains first ?

From ambient to 2 degrees, on a 34 degree day with an empty compartment I actually thought it was low useage esp for a danfoss style Compressor.
It is only around 1.3 amp/hours for a fridge pulling down over 30 degrees.
The factory rating is .8 amp/hours on less load and nominal voltage.
For a Waeco thats not bad power figures IMHO.

ben ren
17th January 2015, 08:06 AM
That seems really high. My 60 litre wouldn't be any where near that. Do you pre cool it on mains first ?
Nah mate straight on 12v.

ben ren
17th January 2015, 08:10 AM
What device did you grab?
Many use what is called a "watts up meter".. Very popular in the rc model world

If you search "watt meter " it's a blue box,there's a few different ones but I went blue

17th January 2015, 08:34 AM
Does it look like this I think a great item to monitor battery.
I was able to find a US regulator on my solar panel with it.

ben ren
17th January 2015, 09:05 AM
Yeah that's it three dogs,I put Anderson plugs on each side for solar panel monitoring too.
Great little thing and cheap too

17th January 2015, 09:14 AM
Yep. Watt matter, watts up meter. All the same. In the model world we use it in a similar way to monitor electronic engine draw and battery usage.
Great bits of kit. Will be getting some for my panels and fridge.

17th January 2015, 10:04 AM
Yeah that's it three dogs,I put Anderson plugs on each side for solar panel monitoring too.
Great little thing and cheap too

Good idea using 50 amp anderson I did the same ,
Cig outlets are not much chop these days