View Full Version : Need some help

14th January 2015, 02:29 AM
Okay I'm very new to all the car stuff as I'm still on my L's and I have bought my self a gq patrol 1992 tb42 love the car so far and can not wait to take it off road but I have this little problem when I'm driving just normally down the road the car just starts bunny hopping and just won't hold revs just wondering if anyone can help me out and thank you

14th January 2015, 08:29 AM
do you think it might be fuel blockage somewhere.
Its not compulsory but most new members post up an introduction before asking questions
just polite and all

14th January 2015, 10:02 AM
Is it duel fuel?

14th January 2015, 10:10 AM
was 3am in the morning Clunk so your call on dual fueling may have been correct

14th January 2015, 12:34 PM
I don't think it's a fuel blockage because it's not all the time only every now and then it dose it and I will introduce my self after this

No clunk it's not a dual fuel

The reason it was late was because I was just site surfing up late seeing if I could find someone with a similar problem

14th January 2015, 12:47 PM
ignition problems? sounds spark related? do you have reduced power also mate when its bunny hopping? either that or as clunk said fuel block somewhere mate

14th January 2015, 12:51 PM
Is the 92 a carby?

14th January 2015, 01:03 PM
also could be a perished fuel line somewhere, allowing air to get in
Does it do when you floor it or just cruising along normally.
When was it last serviced??

14th January 2015, 01:04 PM
Is the 92 a carby?

yep sure is

15th January 2015, 12:03 AM
The spark plugs got replace about 4 months before I got it I might go along the fuel lines in the morning see if I can see a split line anywhere or anything
I am just hoping it nothing to big I don't have much money

15th January 2015, 07:04 AM
The spark plugs got replace about 4 months before I got it I might go along the fuel lines in the morning see if I can see a split line anywhere or anything
I am just hoping it nothing to big I don't have much money

you should be able to smell the petrol if there are any leaks mate

15th January 2015, 10:05 AM
I'm thinking carby issue, but it's only a guess. Hopefully one of the knowledgeable folk chime in and offer some assistance

15th January 2015, 11:09 AM
Blocked fuel filter my 2c

16th January 2015, 05:06 PM
What does the taco do when it starts bunny hopping and losing power.

How fast were you going.

Does it do it all the time.

Can you rev the motor - any missing?

Does it do it when the truck is hot? / cold?

Carby problems are most often related to idle issue - or lack of idle. ( a carby kit usually fix's them)

There are a number of possibilitys.

Carby, Carby loose (grub the top of the carby with the air cleaner off and give it a shake) leads, plugs, coil failing.

16th January 2015, 09:02 PM
The revs go up and down like crazy the speed shows what ever speed I'm doing
It has happened more than once and it dose it a different speeds normally between 0-60
There's not backfiring just feels like fule isn't getting to the engine
It doesn't matter if it's hot cold
I'm quite sure is not a carby problem just for the simple fact it didn't do it all the time or very often

18th January 2015, 06:33 PM
Check the plugs - particularly number 5 & 6, remove the radiator cap and start the truck - check for no bubbles. Check the colour of your oil.

Is it missing?

I'm inclined to think it is spark related - leads, Coil breaking down, dizzy cap