View Full Version : Tangalooma Ferry Ride..serves me right for not going to LCMP with Bigrig and the boys

9th March 2011, 12:35 PM
part 1


part 2


this was on our way back to brissy
pretty scary... should have went wheeling :)

9th March 2011, 12:45 PM
Were you hurt, noted blood over you hand in the 2nd vid, hope not to bad.

9th March 2011, 12:57 PM
Wow that looked bloody terrifying . Not even Bigrig's 4WD Driving could come close to that

9th March 2011, 01:01 PM
Holy sh!t mate!!!! That is unbelievable - I hope you and the family were ok, and feel for the ones who didn't fare so well ... you'd think they would have postponed the launch knowing the seas were going to be rough - everyone thinks it's the bay, but that 5klm stretch between Moreton and Straddie allows for open water and it's bloody deep too (I fish there a bit) for the shipping lane ... our weekend was adventurous, but not nearly as dramatic mate!!

At least you know you'll get the big tick of approval from the family next time we are going away on dry land!!! As said, I hope you are all ok.

9th March 2011, 01:39 PM
That was friggin rediculous. Why do these companies only care about money and not the clients safety?

9th March 2011, 01:41 PM
That was friggin rediculous. Why do these companies only care about money and not the clients safety?

That's it in one - dollars versus common sense!!

9th March 2011, 02:17 PM
Holy Sh!t Jaxt, would have been pretty intense being there!!!!

9th March 2011, 02:21 PM
thanks guys.
I received a cut hand and a bit of glass on the face.
missus and 2yo kid were ok just got wet. the camera saved me from getting more glass on my face...i literally just started filming.
we huddled together for over an hour cos even though the skipper was ploughing through at 3/4 throttle there were still heaps of water and spray.
I felt so sorry for the japanese students...no parents...new country..probably never been on a boat before....and very scared.

it would have been a hard call to make for the skipper as I'm sure they've gone through rougher weather/waters before.
maybe they were overconfident with the boat considering it had gone through $900k worth of works but failed to consider that the glass integrity would have deteriorated somewhat over the 30years since built..I don't know...just speculating.

9th March 2011, 02:25 PM
part 3


9th March 2011, 08:33 PM
some scary stuff mate, glad you're all ok.

9th March 2011, 08:44 PM
Wow scary stuff there mate, glad that no one seriously injured.

9th March 2011, 08:55 PM
11/10 on the sphinctometer mate good to hear your ok.

Finly Owner
9th March 2011, 09:20 PM
Jaxt, glad to hear you are all doin Ok! Just one thought it might be good if you try for another trip with young, and don't leave it too long or a bad experience is all the brain will store about ferries!

That footage should have been sold to one of the News channels as it was the most dramatic I've seen about the incident.


10th March 2011, 08:16 AM
yeh thanks guys..
i tried contacting the channels but not interested and they just said send it in...(i did with one and it bounced back) it's probably old news now. plus with their T&C's it said if you send it in it's royalty free or something to that effect.
and yeh no one was too injured.

10th March 2011, 08:21 AM
yeh thanks guys..
i tried contacting the channels but not interested and they just said send it in...(i did with one and it bounced back) it's probably old news now. plus with their T&C's it said if you send it in it's royalty free or something to that effect.
and yeh no one was too injured.

I'm suprised they wern't super keen for the video because it was very good footage you took.

10th March 2011, 08:25 AM
It was on the news last night - not the footage, but the story. They reckon the windows were fine and there must have been a log or something in the water that penetrated the window! Does anyone smell solicitors and spin doctoring?? I do ...

10th March 2011, 08:31 AM
where did you see this bigrig?
I didn't see any logs. definitely a freak wave.
my guess/theory is they are now trying to limit the -ve stories that might have a bearing on tourists coming here (or not).
part of new campaign on 'nothing beats qld'

10th March 2011, 08:38 AM
where did you see this bigrig?
I didn't see any logs. definitely a freak wave.
my guess/theory is they are now trying to limit the -ve stories that might have a bearing on tourists coming here (or not).
part of new campaign on 'nothing beats qld'

Didn't see it, but Ryan and his family came over last night to sort some things on the rigs, and when I mentioned it to them, they said they had heard it on the news and that was what the report stated.

10th March 2011, 10:00 AM
strike me sidways jaxt what did the ferry company have to say for them selves
no need to push that hard through waves
how`s the camera after the SALT soaking ???????

10th March 2011, 10:21 AM
nikon d5000 faired well all dried and clean now ...i thought a bit of glass would have chipped the lens but not the case.
yeh he eventually went 3/4 throttle as he conceded... over the radio to all passengers.

10th March 2011, 11:15 AM
How's the cuts?? Kids/family gotten over it OK?? That sort of thing can scar people for life quite seriously, and I would suggest there are a few tourists out there now who would think twice before getting on another Aussie ferry service (or any ferry service potentially) ...

10th March 2011, 12:24 PM
cuts have healed...and i think the arvo rest afterwards did a lot of good for the soul.
although apparently my hands were still shaking after I woke up. so it probably affected me more.
and yeh no doubt there'd be those having second thoughts and thinking of the 'what ifs'

10th March 2011, 12:32 PM
cuts have healed...and i think the arvo rest afterwards did a lot of good for the soul.
although apparently my hands were still shaking after I woke up. so it probably affected me more.
and yeh no doubt there'd be those having second thoughts and thinking of the 'what ifs'

Glad to hear it ... everyone wants to put the 'brave face' on in and after these situations, but the fact of the matter is that they can absolutely freak you out.

10th March 2011, 04:11 PM
yeh I think I was having a cathartic moment episode (handshaking etc) to be honest.
things that happened that week just built up too much.

10th March 2011, 04:40 PM
yeh I think I was having a cathartic moment episode (handshaking etc) to be honest.
things that happened that week just built up too much.

Well, off with the forum boys next time and avoid all that sort of drama ... for a completely different sort of drama!! LOL

11th March 2011, 02:47 PM
yeh like getting stuck out in the forest for a couple of days in january and getting the patrol4x4 boys to pull us out :)

11th March 2011, 07:08 PM
Glad to hear you are alight jaxt, ferry ride from hell alright.. Patrol 4x4 boys dont pull us out.. We pull them out lol

11th March 2011, 08:53 PM
glad the body is recovering what happened on the vehicle deck?

19th March 2011, 07:06 PM
Glad to hear you are alight jaxt, ferry ride from hell alright.. Patrol 4x4 boys dont pull us out.. We pull them out lol

yeh :)
nonetheless I'm still very grateful for what they did..

19th March 2011, 07:08 PM
Yeah that's right on the nose. So where's that solid object that came inside the ferry?

that was the first thing I thought when it happened I only looked briefly for it but couldn't find anything plus I didn't really get a glimpse of it in my footage. so a bit skeptical of the existence of said log/object by media

19th March 2011, 07:09 PM
glad the body is recovering what happened on the vehicle deck?

you mean upstairs?