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2nd July 2010, 10:40 PM
Seen as there's a couple of funny blokes on here thought I would start a pranks thread.

My brother and I have spent years pranken eachother and wouldnt mind some more ideas.

it gets to the point where we go to toy shops purely to buy rubber snakes and spiders and conjoire up evil sh*it to prank each other.

My best ever prank is to get some fishing line and tie a rubber bat to it.

put the matchstick on the other end of the line and push the matchstick into the top of the door jar.

put the bat on the other side of the door.

When they open the door (has to push the door open) the bat moves up with the door and when the line runs out the bat flies down and smacks the person in the face.

It scares the hell out of ya but its our favourite.

Below is an example of what i mean.

2nd July 2010, 11:07 PM

Back in my teens i came home one night with a little chicky babe and went down to my room.

When we pulled back the blanket there were all these pamphlets saying "how to deal with genetal herpes", "curing genetal warts", "stopping bed wetting" etc.

I was so pissed off with my brother, little bastard!!!

The chick didnt believe me and didnt hang around for long. it took me about 6 months to forgive him but looking back at it now that was an awesome prank...haha

3rd July 2010, 02:26 AM
I was with some mates on our way back from taking one of the mates new Jet boat out for a spin. 2 of the boys were the car in front towing the boat & me & a mate were following them back. We had pulled up at a set of lights & I thought thay were having car trouble cos thay were pulling away very slowly when all of a sudden ........bang bang..... The pack of bastards in front had lit 2 fire crackers & were driving away slowly in order to make sure the crackers went off right at the front doors of my car & yep you guessed it me & my mate chit ourselves & missed the light change as well. When we all pulled up a little ways on my to mates in the front car were still pissing themselves....... Funny Bastards

Cheers Paul

3rd July 2010, 07:05 AM

Back in my teens i came home one night with a little chicky babe and went down to my room.

When we pulled back the blanket there were all these pamphlets saying "how to deal with genetal herpes", "curing genetal warts", "stopping bed wetting" etc.

I was so pissed off with my brother, little bastard!!!

The chick didnt believe me and didnt hang around for long. it took me about 6 months to forgive him but looking back at it now that was an awesome prank...haha

Hahahahahahahahaha, I wish I was aware of this one when I lived in group houses years ago...hahahahahahaha

DX grunt
3rd July 2010, 10:45 AM

Back in my teens i came home one night with a little chicky babe and went down to my room.

When we pulled back the blanket there were all these pamphlets saying "how to deal with genetal herpes", "curing genetal warts", "stopping bed wetting" etc.

I was so pissed off with my brother, little bastard!!!

The chick didnt believe me and didnt hang around for long. it took me about 6 months to forgive him but looking back at it now that was an awesome prank...haha

Classic !!! Nearly sprayed the keyboard with coffee !!!

DX grunt
3rd July 2010, 10:51 AM
Many years ago I was in the navy and posted on a ship. As we all know, a ship has many decks (levels) I was on level 3 working in my office when I heard a knock on my door.
I opened the door to see who it was, and a guy on the level below me grabbed me on my leg and yelled "Haaaa". Well I crapped myself. I yelled that loud that guys came running, because they thought i'd fallen down a ladder and hurt myself. Not happy Jannnnn.. but can laugh now.

3rd July 2010, 03:15 PM
Mate, that's a pisser!

Well here's another slant on "practical jokes". But this is something I regret doing and will always regret it. When I was young and stupid I was around at a party at a mates place. We thought it would be funny if we start making prank calls on the phone to random numbers. So we were sitting around the table and we would take turns passing the handpiece around from the wall mounted phone (this was before the days of mobile phones). The person sitting next to the phone would dial random local numbers and the peson with the handpiece would make up some stupid story and prank the person who answered.
Well it was my turn with the handpiece and a random number was dialled. An old lady answered and I introduced myself as someone from the local radio station. I told her she had won a $100 voucher from the shoe department of Myers. Well she was so happy and grateful and told me "I've never won anything in my life". I told her to come in to Myers on Monday morning and ask for her voucher in the shoe department. She would have been really looking forward to that all weekend, then to cause her the inevitable embarrassment she would have felt just makes me feel very bad, even to this day. Would love to apologise but I've got no idea who it was.

haha, shame, you can just picture the poor old lady looking through the catalogues and doing window shopping aorund Myers and just waiting for the voucher that never turned up.

Thats evil mate...haha, we've all done those ones before I'm sure. I'm a phone pranker from way back when I was a teenage hoodilm.

3rd July 2010, 03:46 PM
I worked at a Brisbane Ford dealer for about 10 years with a bloke called Darren. We used to prank each other every chance we got. Early on we set 2 ground rules, we dont touch each others cars (he had a nice XW GT replica)or tool boxes, and if a pranks worth doing, it's worth owning up to. Other than that it was open slather.

Most of it was just silly stuff, like him putting oil down the exhaust manifold of the car I had taken a cylinder head off. He had to wait a few days for me to put the motor back together before he got the satifaction of seeing me trying to work out why it was smoking that much!
Pay back for that came early the next morning. Darren worked on an old 2 post hoist, the type where the cables run across at ground level leaving the two 9 foot high posts open at the top. I came in early in the morning and dropped a couple of old tyres over each post. He thought that was funny until he realised he wasn't tall enough to lift the tyres off and had to get a ladder. Silly stuff, but it had us laughing.
My best prank, and the only time I broke the rule about touching his car, came the day he got his license back after loosing it for six months. His XW was off the road so he had got himself a cheap KB Laser to run around in. On his way to work he was mucking around and hit a traffic island, destroying both wheels and tyres on the left side. He jacked it up and took both damaged wheels off and got a lift to work, leaving his laser on the side of the road for the day. He made the mistake of telling me where it was! I went out on a road test with 2 rolls of masking tape, wrote "just licensed" on the back window, put wedding ribbons on the front, and GT stripes down the side of the doors for good measure.
I bit my tongue all day, didn't tell anyone what I'd done. I went home before him so had to wait till the next day to see the reaction (not knowing if he was pi$$ed about me touching his car). When he drove in the next day he had a huge grin on his face, and everything I had put on his car was still there, he thought it was brilliant!

They were fun times, the pranks were endless.


DX grunt
3rd July 2010, 04:31 PM
I had the cruellest set up done on me by a bunch of 'mates' and it took me a while to get over it.

A bunch of mates told me to go and ask this guy how his sister's tap dancing lessons were going. After I asked him, his eyes went really watery and he said " Don't you know my sister's a quadraplegic in a wheel chair?'.

I felt sooooooo low. He strung it out and after an hour or so he told me it was a joke. It took me the rest of the day to get over it. I was traumatized !!

3rd July 2010, 04:34 PM
I had the cruellest set up done on me by a bunch of 'mates' and it took me a while to get over it.

A bunch of mates told me to go and ask this guy how his sister's tap dancing lessons were going. After I asked him, his eyes went really watery and he said " Don't you know my sister's a quadraplegic in a wheel chair?'.

I felt sooooooo low. He strung it out and after an hour or so he told me it was a joke. It took me the rest of the day to get over it. I was traumatized !!


Thats a double prank, jeez mate that is the harshes nasty prank I have ever heard...haha

3rd July 2010, 04:57 PM
I had the cruellest set up done on me by a bunch of 'mates' and it took me a while to get over it.

A bunch of mates told me to go and ask this guy how his sister's tap dancing lessons were going. After I asked him, his eyes went really watery and he said " Don't you know my sister's a quadraplegic in a wheel chair?'.
I felt sooooooo low. He strung it out and after an hour or so he told me it was a joke. It took me the rest of the day to get over it. I was traumatized !!

Interesting choice in mates there Ross? I hope everything worked out evens stevens at the end of the day.


3rd July 2010, 09:55 PM
Well cheers for all your new pranks, some are funny and some are damn right cruel...haha

Another oldie but goodie is to smear vegemite all over the toilet seat and on the floor for the next visitor, It's also great to do at house parties.

Or passing off Wasabi for Avacado dip. This ones gold as people love avacado and are quite happy to dip the biscuit right in there and get a nice amount to eat.

The list can go on and on!

4th July 2010, 07:37 AM
I bought 1000 ping pong balls from eBay ($50.00) and filled up my mates locker at work.

The look on his face was priceless. Now I just wait in fear for the revenge that must follow.


DX grunt
8th August 2010, 11:49 AM
Got set up by some 'mates' into betting at a footy game. I lost the bet and had to dress up like grandma in army boots. lol

8th August 2010, 11:08 PM
Got set up by some 'mates' into betting at a footy game. I lost the bet and had to dress up like grandma in army boots. lol

Awwww & a hot granny you were to old mate....lol.....chin up

Finly Owner
13th August 2010, 10:35 PM
and who hasn't done hit the horn while your mates head is under the bonnet as he reaches across to move the dizzy or something?

13th August 2010, 10:43 PM
20 odd years ago when I just started my apprenticeship, my bosses son wired a 130db siren to my brake pedal in my Torana. I drove for about a km before I hit the brakes and sh*t did I freak out. Didn't know if I was coming or going. .....Bastard I never got him back either

Finly Owner
13th August 2010, 10:48 PM
20 odd years ago when I just started my apprenticeship, my bosses son wired a 130db siren to my brake pedal in my Torana. I drove for about a km before I hit the brakes and sh*t did I freak out. Didn't know if I was coming or going. .....Bastard I never got him back either

Thats cool I need to remeber that one

13th August 2010, 10:54 PM
Thats cool I need to remeber that one

Yep, I've used it as well but it works better with manual cars as I've noticed people in autos put their brake on when starting the car...and you have to in newish cars as a safety thing

Finly Owner
13th August 2010, 11:03 PM
Yep, I've used it as well but it works better with manual cars as I've noticed people in autos put their brake on when starting the car...and you have to in newish cars as a safety thing

If you could get a pressure switch, you could modify this prank to link to an electric whistle when the accelorator pedal is pushed. The harder the pedal is pushed the louder the whistle. I can just see the bewilderment when the driver goes to engine bay expecting a blocked air intake etc.

13th August 2010, 11:10 PM
If you could get a pressure switch, you could modify this prank to link to an electric whistle when the accelorator pedal is pushed. The harder the pedal is pushed the louder the whistle. I can just see the bewilderment when the driver goes to engine bay expecting a blocked air intake etc.

Hahah, another one is a big cable tie around the tail shaft.....classic

14th August 2010, 01:10 AM
Im not parking up anywhere close to you to.......lolololol

14th August 2010, 08:26 AM
Im not parking up anywhere close to you to.......lolololol

:frown: I'll be camping by myself at the meet-up:frown:

Nahh... Unfortunately I had to experience these pranks first hand before I used them ..but yeah, it's all good fun..lol

DX grunt
14th August 2010, 09:28 AM
20 odd years ago when I just started my apprenticeship, my bosses son wired a 130db siren to my brake pedal in my Torana. I drove for about a km before I hit the brakes and sh*t did I freak out. Didn't know if I was coming or going. .....Bastard I never got him back either

Another keyboard! Well done NissPat. lol

Finly Owner
14th August 2010, 11:56 PM
Mate at work took my UHF aereial off and put it on my back seat while I was doing something outside of rig with motoor running. It took 15mins on the way home to work out why the uhf was so quiet.

15th August 2010, 12:07 AM
Mate at work took my UHF aereial off and put it on my back seat while I was doing something outside of rig with motoor running. It took 15mins on the way home to work out why the uhf was so quiet.

lol... We did something similar to a bloke who played pranks at work some time back...

We got a broken car aerial put it beside his car & simply put his aerial down. It took him for one of us to tell him what we had done & man was he pissed but his jokes he played on others came to a stop after that as I think he was told by the boss, eye for an eye so knock it off or piss off.....

Finly Owner
15th August 2010, 09:08 PM
Ssssshhhh........ when a driver from another store comes in, we put the forklift under his truck just enough to lift the rear wheels off the ground. When the unsuspecting driver jumps in and goes to take off, his all confused until he looks in the mirrors and finds us peeing ourselves with glee.

4th July 2011, 09:59 PM
I just found this thread and it looked kind of fun. My best effort of all time was way back when I was a cadet (briefly) at Royal Military Colleged, Duntroon. We played Rugby against a lot of clubs in ACT, including the Australian National University, so the rivalry was pretty intense. One night, the ANU Rugby crew decided to try to steal one of the ceremonial cannons from the parade ground, but towing it with a Datsun 120Y, they didn't get far before they cut the rope and dumped it. We were incensed and plotted revenge, but we wanted something spectacular. I came up with what I thought was a winner and it went down in Duntroon history. I bought a 20 litre drum of Comprox Detergernt from the local BP. This was like clear dishwashing liquid but very thick and a little went a long way. Then we thieved a 2Kg jar of Potassium Permanganate, (the purple crystals they used to call Condy's Crystals, that people used to soak their feet in to get rid of infections like Athlete's Foot) from the Chemistry Lab at the College. We drove out to the ANU, walked in quietly to the big fountain that was in the middle, and dumped the lot in the fountain. It had a recirculating pump and promptly started spewing out mountains of pink foam. It went for over a week, and they flushed the fountain twice before the foam started to fade. The pictures even made the front page of the Canberra Times. No-one dobbed anyone in, but the ANU boys all knew who was responsible and it went down as the best gag ever.
Ah, I miss those days.

the ferret
5th July 2011, 12:24 AM
I used ta hide behind the hedge and throw my Dads chrome 12 inch shifter out onto the road, only trouble was it had fishing line tied to it.
Cars would screach to a halt, driver would jump out and guess what, NO shifter, I was long gone but I can still remember after 50 years what some of them said!!
Ha ha ,it was harmless fun.

5th July 2011, 01:17 AM
I used ta hide behind the hedge and throw my Dads chrome 12 inch shifter out onto the road, only trouble was it had fishing line tied to it.
Cars would screach to a halt, driver would jump out and guess what, NO shifter, I was long gone but I can still remember after 50 years what some of them said!!
Ha ha ,it was harmless fun.

hahahahahaha............ We did a similar thing with a brand new bucket that we cut the hole bottom out of & placed it at the side of the road & hid....

Man that wasn't 50 years ago but close enough & some of the best fun as a kid...lol

5th July 2011, 04:21 PM
20 odd years ago when I just started my apprenticeship, my bosses son wired a 130db siren to my brake pedal in my Torana. I drove for about a km before I hit the brakes and sh*t did I freak out. Didn't know if I was coming or going. .....Bastard I never got him back eitherHahaha we did the same sort of thing to bloke at trade school,we followed him home one night to see which turns he did the most of (eg left or right).The next day we hooked a jump wire from his horn to his left indicator,was funny watching him in the main street at school time waiting to turn left.

5th July 2011, 04:31 PM
Another day at trade school we made a fake yellow canary( an unroadworthy vehcile) sticker out of some paper and glued it on this know it all's windscreen.Was great watching him go nuts,until he rang the cop's and gave them a mouthfull about doing roadworthy's on private property.Hang on it was still funny then,not as much as watching him say to the attending copper he was sorry when had a good look.

5th July 2011, 05:06 PM
righto a story from my toerag days....
Back when I was at school there was a grumpy old b@st@rd who would stand next to his house muttering away at kids walking past, he would do this every day without fail. One day being a young fella and nothing else to do my mate had this slingshot. We decided to stuff our pockets with acorns and climb this tree. We sat up there firing acorns at this old fellas tin roof. Now we had a full view into his living room and the looks of confusion you saw were hilarious! After a while he comes out to see what the hells going on, he couldn't figure it out and went back inside. Me and my mate start back up firing off acorns again. This time he runs out and as soon as he pops out this cat comes over the roof. He immediately thinks its the cat and begins throwing sticks at it until it runs off. He hopes back inside and away we go again firing them at his roof. It was a "you had to be there moment" but it was seriously funny lol after a while he's fuming and p!ssed off that he has no idea what's going on. Eventually we got bored and left but the suttle pay back worked a treat haha I'm sure he figured it out eventually when he saw the stack on acorns on his courtyard lol

these days you'll see me at parties putting glad wrap over dunnys and pissed people trying to take a leak all over the floor and turning off hot water cylinders is another goody lol I could go on.........

5th July 2011, 06:22 PM
An oldie but goodie is a wheel nut and a loop of fencing wire loosely around the tailshaft. I had a mate who got out 4 or 5 times before he spotted it on his Torana. The nut makes a sort of "dinging" noise as it rattles around the shaft.

Of course everyone has had a couple of stones pu in their hubcaps (back when we had hubcaps of course). Oh sh!t, I'm showing my age now.

5th July 2011, 06:26 PM
An oldie but goodie is a wheel nut and a loop of fencing wire loosely around the tailshaft. I had a mate who got out 4 or 5 times before he spotted it on his Torana. The nut makes a sort of "dinging" noise as it rattles around the shaft.

Of course everyone has had a couple of stones pu in their hubcaps (back when we had hubcaps of course). Oh sh!t, I'm showing my age now.

Hahaha memories we used to use a postie rubber band the thick red ones hahaha

5th July 2011, 07:54 PM
When I was an apprentice and pranks I've done to apprentices is the old get the long wait from the store. I had geed up the storeman about it and he had the bloke waiting for half an hour before he got rid of him
Have you ever seen a white elephant? well here's it's ears( put hands in pocket and pull inside out) then pull out your trunk
the old concrete welding rod
send the young fella to get the populating tool from the boss boss pulls out his cock. (we were all a bit grubby and had a good sense of humor none of this political correctness)
weld hammer to the bench or cutting grease in the tips of the gloves
And last one but if you finished your time and didn't buy beers for the boys you got strung up in a harness and picked up bu the crane and left for smoko

5th July 2011, 07:55 PM
needless to say I put on a good bar tab when I finished

5th July 2011, 08:54 PM
Used to work in a Radio Workshop when in the Army, and we used to charge up big paper capacitors from the Radar units and leave them on the bench. They would hold about 1000V or so, but if you were stupid enough to touch its terminals, the shock would throw you away from it. Gets the heart racing, though it's probably lucky we didn't kill someone. We were tougher then though!! LMAO