View Full Version : G'day Lounge Lizards!!!!!!!!!!!

26th December 2014, 12:44 PM
G’day Lounge Lizards,

Christmas greetings, Boxing Day cheers and safe and Prosperous New Year well wishes!!!!!!

Firstly, I apologise for not been active on the forum over the last few months. I have been flat out like a lizard drinking with work commitments trying to help our young wounded war veteran’s that served in East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan, helping them get their disability pensions before Christmas.

I have also been flat out with media commitments helping a local veteran obtain his Australian citizenship and also trying to save the original Woolgoolga WW1 memorial from being dumped as rubbish. At the same time, I have been busy setting up a Tuesday morning ex-services coffee club in Woolgoolga for our local veterans to get together for a bit of social interaction and friendly camaraderie.

Finally, I have been flat out with my eldest daughter Madeleine and her swimming competitions for the last three months, she won 1x gold medal, 3x silver medals and 1 x bronze medal at the NSW Multiclass swimming championships at the Sydney aquatic centre on 29th November 2014. She then backed up the effort again the following week at the NSW Mid North Coast championships at Coffs Harbour and scored another 5 x PB’s (personal best times) out of 7 events that she entered.

Unfortunately, dad opened his big mouth and stated if she got 5 PB’s in both carnivals I would give her $100.00. Thinking that this was a safe bet, it did not worry me betting $200.00. Farkkkk me, lesson learnt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to bet against your daughter!!!!!!!!!!!lol

PS, I sincerely hope that you and your families have had a Merry Christmas together, are enjoying your Boxing day celebrations today (go the Aussie cricket team) and from my family to you all, we wish you all a safe and prosperous 2015 new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kind regards,


26th December 2014, 01:12 PM
G'day Paul,

Some great work being done there by both Father and Daughter mate. Congrats to you both.

26th December 2014, 02:14 PM
Great to hear from you Paul, hope you are allowing a bit of time for yourself occasionally too.
Marry Christmas to you and your family.
Cheers, Tony.

26th December 2014, 04:10 PM
Great to hear you've been a very busy boy. Your daughter certainly is a talented swimmer. Have a great festive season and may 2015 be your best year yet.

26th December 2014, 06:28 PM
G'day Paul. Sounds like you've had a very eventful and rewarding finish to the year.
Good to see your health is better these days also.
And enjoy the Christmas / new years.

26th December 2014, 08:35 PM
Hey Paul. It's great to hear from you buddy. Hope you had a great Christmas and have a happy new year mate. Can't wait to hear more from you in the new year Cheers mate Shane Btw. I rolled the trol and now drive a paj. :(

26th December 2014, 09:30 PM
Hey Paul. It's great to hear from you buddy. Hope you had a great Christmas and have a happy new year mate. Can't wait to hear more from you in the new year Cheers mate Shane Btw. I rolled the trol and now drive a paj. :(

BTW my nuts got cut out with a wooden spoon! HAHAhahahahhahha

27th December 2014, 08:33 AM
G'day folks,

Over the last 4 months with all that I have been involved with Veterans issues, media stories and swimming carnival's, farkkk, have I got some new material for you folks for some rip snorting ripping yarns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

PS, stay tunned!!!!!!!!!



27th December 2014, 09:08 AM
G'day folks,

Over the last 4 months with all that I have been involved with Veterans issues, media stories and swimming carnival's, farkkk, have I got some new material for you folks for some rip snorting ripping yarns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

PS, stay tunned!!!!!!!!!



Ha, Ha ..... that's what we've been waiting to hear ..... welcome back again Paul.


27th December 2014, 11:01 AM
Hi Paul, hope you had a great Xmas mate, glad you and your daughter have been having wins, hanging out for a rippin yarn mate. All the best for the new year.

27th December 2014, 04:28 PM
Nice to hear from you again Paul, hope your health has improved,best wishes to you and your family pal.

Pamwe Chete

27th December 2014, 05:08 PM
G'day folks,

Over the last 4 months with all that I have been involved with Veterans issues, media stories and swimming carnival's, farkkk, have I got some new material for you folks for some rip snorting ripping yarns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

PS, stay tunned!!!!!!!!!



Ripping yarns

31st December 2014, 07:13 PM
Nice to hear from you again Paul, hope your health has improved,best wishes to you and your family pal.

Pamwe Chete

G'day mate,

All the best for New Year in the UK.



31st December 2014, 07:16 PM
G'day folks,

From my wife Ally and I and family, wishing you all a safe and prosperous New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS, see you all in 2015!!!!



31st December 2014, 10:30 PM
2015 will be good for all of us :)

1st January 2015, 12:46 AM
And to you and yours Paul may 2015 bring better health an happiness to all.

1st January 2015, 03:47 AM
Still 2014 here.

1st January 2015, 09:05 AM
Still 2014 here.

G'day mate,

Not for long old fracster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



3rd February 2015, 08:39 PM
Had a good chat with Paul today, so just a quick update.

Yes he still has his Patrol and Yes he'll be back on the forum.
His health is excellent, he's spending lots of time with his eldest daughters swimming. She is a real champion in the making and breaking state records.
Still heavily involved in this veterans advocacy work, and trying to get the local WW1 War Memorial saved from the scrap heap. What's happening is a disgrace and any Facebook users please join this group - Save the Woolgoolga WW1 Memorial Group.
He has a couple of ripping yarns to share, but I think one may have to wait till the legal process is finished.