View Full Version : Auto to manual locking hubs

23rd December 2014, 11:49 AM
Hey folks. My first question is regarding the auto hubs. Could someone point me to a guide or heads up on how to get it done. My previous trol had it done at a workshop this time id like to do it my self.

23rd December 2014, 03:07 PM
You want to convert the auto hubs so they are manual? Or remove and refit new manual hubs?
If the first, just remove the hub from the car, place in vice with the hub gears upwards, grab a large flat head screw driver and lever out the plate that covers the hub gears. Take about 5 minutes a side to do.

24th December 2014, 02:50 PM
Thanks mudski. Yes i want to convert my auto hubs into manual. Soudns easy enough will attempt after holidays.

28th December 2014, 12:24 PM
Hubs converted thanks. About 6 stubbies worth of work. Had issues getting passenger side off bolts were ultra tight. Took an over night with of soaking with CRC, wd40 together. Ended up snapping a bolt. So have to wait to see dealer for some new ones.
Thanks again.