View Full Version : Glow timer questions

16th December 2014, 01:28 AM
Ok, so I did the glow plug timer mod yesterday as per the below sketch and have a couple of questions.

It works ok but the red light will only come on if you turn the key to the on position then quickly turn it back to accessories then on again, once it times out it starts fine but the red light comes on again for the time set :frown:

Also, the green light goes out after a while, it seems to be when it gets up to temperature, I did notice as well that when the engine is is at operating temp if you shut it down, leave it for a few minutes and start it again the lights don't come on at all, I am presuming that if its close to the prescribed operating temp then it doesn't initiate the glow system

Any ideas, have I wired it up wrong or missed something??


21st January 2015, 12:30 AM
I have been struggling to go ahead with this timer mod, due to the new style kemo timers not working exactly the same as the old ones, was thinking of a bogaard timer but then don't know how to wire it up, have the kemo at home but think it now needs to be wired a bit differently ie the power + to come through from your wiper positive but that means the kemo is ON while your driving, still don't know if I want to go that direction with it yet..

Any one else shed some light on this..?

21st January 2015, 06:41 AM
What your seing is sort of correct.
Even after a cold engine is started the glow plugs cycle until the engine hits x temp. (no idea what that temp is)..

And the same when starting a hot engine. I think the glow plugs come on for a warm up but don't cycle like the cold start.