View Full Version : Hostages held at Syndey Lindt Cafe

15th December 2014, 10:40 AM

15th December 2014, 10:42 AM
And something is happening at the Opera house as well.
got a bad feeling about this, been on TV for just over an hour now.

jay see
15th December 2014, 10:55 AM
Aw is saying that the opera house is a training exercise.......... Hummmmm

15th December 2014, 11:16 AM
looks like most of Sydney is shut down, air space is still open

15th December 2014, 11:21 AM
Weak dogs! Using unarmed people to prove a stupid point.

15th December 2014, 11:34 AM
The city is going into lockdown. We've just been advised we can't leave the building and this is several streets away.

15th December 2014, 11:40 AM
Hope everybody is ok, well except for the one ass hat that is doing it

Beni C
15th December 2014, 11:43 AM
ABC news blog is good for live updates! Stay safe everyone!!


15th December 2014, 11:51 AM
Shoot the f@cker through the window!

15th December 2014, 11:54 AM
They had the red dot on him before when
he was standing in front of a picture of Winnie the pooh

15th December 2014, 12:17 PM
yep sniper the both of them all over and done them, we cannot afford to stuff around with this shit

15th December 2014, 12:24 PM
I hate to be negative but I can't imagine a muslim terrorist coming out with his hands up to be carted off to gaol. It won't end well if they have it their way.
Best to take them out before any harm comes to the innocent people there
Must be horrific for the hostages

15th December 2014, 12:54 PM
NSW police will update at 1.30 pm

15th December 2014, 12:57 PM
stuck in the tractor listening to the ABC giving coverage,,tell us even over here where the cops are positioned...why don't the cops cut everyones communication and stop giving up to date info...

15th December 2014, 01:01 PM
While it's highly unlikely this forum is being monitored you never know where things will spread.

Please show a little caution with comments and if you see something consider if it should be shared.

Meanwhile I'm locked in a building and all I want to do right now is pack the family in the patrol and get out of this shithole city.


15th December 2014, 01:27 PM
Unfortunately it's the way the world is going. I think we have been very lucky is aus so far that we haven't had more of this type of situation.

Unfortunately I only think it will happen more often rather then less

15th December 2014, 01:40 PM
While it's highly unlikely this forum is being monitored you never know where things will spread.

Please show a little caution with comments and if you see something consider if it should be shared.

Meanwhile I'm locked in a building and all I want to do right now is pack the family in the patrol and get out of this shithole city.


Sounds like a good escape plan.

15th December 2014, 01:42 PM
They are calling it a hostage situation not a terrorist situation,

15th December 2014, 02:02 PM
They are calling it a hostage situation not a terrorist situation,

Yeah right. and the black flag with white writing they are waving looks like Thomas the Tank flag...LOL
They know exactly what is happening....Media is not helping at all!

15th December 2014, 03:13 PM
Does waving a flag make it a terrorist situation? If it’s some crazy young bloke from the suburbs acting alone & waving a flag would you call it a terrorist incident or a hostage situation. Seems to me that calling it a terrorist incident plays into the hands of terrorists by spreading more fear. Far better to downplay it & try to keep as much ‘community emotion’ out of it by referring to a hostage situation. From my perspective a terrorist incident requires a supporting organisation rather than just statements made overseas encouraging young crazies to act alone. Just my thoughts. Hopefully all can come out of the situation without physical harm. The mental scars are another matter. We as a community need to resist the temptation to fall into the fear & anger trap which gives those who would wish us harm a degree of power over us.

15th December 2014, 03:33 PM
Well said Cuppa.

15th December 2014, 04:23 PM
IMHO, the media should be able to film the incident freely, but keep images of the incident to themselves until it is over so they don't give out any information regarding number of police, their positions etc, to the suspects.

15th December 2014, 04:36 PM
You're assuming there aren't members of the media involved in the incident. That's an unknown, so the authorities have to assume the worst.


15th December 2014, 04:39 PM
3 ppl have escaped, not sure if thats a good thing or not

15th December 2014, 04:56 PM
I can't help but feel for the people involved. I was in a nearby building subject to a lock in, never really in any personal danger, and I have to admit I'm a little freaked.

Thankfully I'm on the way home right now. The authorities are managing the situation and working hard to avoid any form of escalation, better to leave it to them IMHO.

15th December 2014, 05:10 PM
"Be alert not alarmed" lol

Put a bullet between his eyes IMHO, make an example of him that we won't take any shit like this.
Terrorist or not!

If a dog runs at someone and inflicts fear upon that person even without touching the person that is considered a dog attack by council. I know as our dogs have mug shots with bris city council from this.

So can't understand why would a looser with a gun holding people against there will and at gun point holding Isis flags up with or without support of an organisation is not extreme enough to call terrorism?

And don't think we don't have these crazies young and old over here, last I herd there were over 60 aust citizens fighting overseas for crazies, and some unknown to the aust government getting handouts supporting them doing it.

15th December 2014, 05:12 PM
Just a point mate, it's not an ISIS flag.

15th December 2014, 05:19 PM
Just a point mate, it's not an ISIS flag.

No but its linked to Jabhat al-Nusra, commonly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq which is also indirectly linked to ISIS

15th December 2014, 05:25 PM
No but its linked to Jabhat al-Nusra, commonly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq which is also indirectly linked to ISIS

It's also linked to the Saudi flag, and a number of others which have no connection to anything threatening to us.

the text is an Arabic proclomation of faith(similar to the first commandment in Christianity), and the black flag is a common symbol throughout the history of islam.

There is a long history of historical images/slogans being subverted and used in contradiction to their original purpose across many religions(e.g. swastika)

I reckon we all need to hold fire on shouting "terrorist"until this thing is over and we can find out wtf is going on.
The cops are treating it like a regular hostage situation with an armed nutjob, so until they say different, I reckon thats how we should treat it/

Just my opinion though

15th December 2014, 05:29 PM
Put a bullet between his eyes IMHO, make an example of him that we won't take any shit like this.


15th December 2014, 05:29 PM
5 ppl have now escaped, What Irish says is correct with what they are saying on TV.
something along the lines of Allah is the true god and Muhamud is his follower

15th December 2014, 05:30 PM
I can't help but feel for the people involved. I was in a nearby building subject to a lock in, never really in any personal danger, and I have to admit I'm a little freaked.

Thankfully I'm on the way home right now. The authorities are managing the situation and working hard to avoid any form of escalation, better to leave it to them IMHO.

I'm sure they have it under control somewhat but Unfortunately the clips on the TV keep showing footage of one police officer waving a pistol hiding behind his ballistic shield pushing another police officer potentially out into the line of fire while near tripping over his own feet. Basically looks like its his first day on the job lol. The media could at least show more footage that's somewhat more professional and not make the Australian police look like amateurs to the rest of the world.

Fingers x it is dealt with swiftly with no casualties bar the perps

15th December 2014, 05:39 PM
Police are looking after this "hostage" situation,
it would be entirely different if the Armed forces were called in

15th December 2014, 05:52 PM
Ohh he's no terrorist then lol he's just an Islamic extremist, and when he's beheading any of the "hostages" yelling Allah and flying a faith flag maybe it might get upgraded to terrorism? But only to be degraded to a hostage situation because he's only an individual and not got backing from an abroad terrorism organisation.

Bring back the old days with shoot first questions later.

15th December 2014, 05:58 PM
Once you take away the rights of another person to go about their daily lives, you lose all your rights. This ass has no rights, stop pissing around with him and send a very clear message we don't accept this crap in our free land. This is Australia, if you don't like the way we live here you are welcome to leave.

15th December 2014, 05:59 PM
At this point he's probably an isolated nutter, we've had them before and probably will again. Only time will tell.

15th December 2014, 06:02 PM
Ohh he's no terrorist then lol he's just an Islamic extremist, and when he's beheading any of the "hostages" yelling Allah and flying a faith flag maybe it might get upgraded to terrorism? But only to be degraded to a hostage situation because he's only an individual and not got backing from an abroad terrorism organisation.

Bring back the old days with shoot first questions later.

Never said he wasn't mate, but the fact that it's being treated as a hostage situation by the police and not an act of terrorism, kind of points to it being just one mentally imbalanced d**khead looking for an excuse as opposed to a wider plot/conspiracy.

Like I said, I'll be reserving judgement on it 'til all the facts come out.

I also agree that he should probably receive a 180gn migraine to end all of this quickly, but it is what it is, cops are probably trying to end this without any uneccessary casualties.

15th December 2014, 06:11 PM
Ohh he's no terrorist then lol he's just an Islamic extremist, and when he's beheading any of the "hostages" yelling Allah and flying a faith flag maybe it might get upgraded to terrorism? But only to be degraded to a hostage situation because he's only an individual and not got backing from an abroad terrorism organisation.

Bring back the old days with shoot first questions later.

I don’t think you get what I was saying. Somewhere in the world there will be people (generous description) rubbing their hands with glee because someone believes in their poisonous proclamations. Why? Because the believers actions feeds into the western fear & loathing of Islam, it gives their enemies reason to point the finger, without enemies they are nothing. By encouraging us to become their enemy they are calling the shots. Folk will have their own beliefs but for my part I have no intention of allowing anyone to push me around regardless of their belief system or religion. I refuse to make blind anti islamic statements just because I am upset about the actions of a few whether they be terrorists or madmen, or both. What is happening in Sydney is plain wrong, it understandably angers & upsets others as well as me, but some of the responses show similar mindsets to those they condemn. People are people throughout the world...... please let’s not let this or any similar incident become a reason for justifying hatred & stereotyping whole religions, countries, or races.

I may be wasting my breath & you may not agree with me but I am prone to saying what I think, particularly to friends. We are all in agreement that what is going on is awful & should not be happening, I’m just trying to make the point that some ways of viewing it result in greater likelihood of these sort of things snowballing. We don’t want martyrs, & we need to remember that violence begets violence. Who started it is of little consequence once deaths have occurred.

15th December 2014, 06:18 PM
I'm sure they have it under control somewhat but Unfortunately the clips on the TV keep showing footage of one police officer waving a pistol hiding behind his ballistic shield pushing another police officer potentially out into the line of fire while near tripping over his own feet. Basically looks like its his first day on the job lol. The media could at least show more footage that's somewhat more professional and not make the Australian police look like amateurs to the rest of the world.

Fingers x it is dealt with swiftly with no casualties bar the perps

I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. I would hate to think these guys are our supreme police force

15th December 2014, 06:24 PM
I don't give a rat's what he is, who he is, what he might represent. He has removed the liberty of free and innocent civilians. He has no longer got any rights himself. The authorities / medicos want him alive to see how he ticks, but at what cost? All day to make a point damaging innocent civilians, no excusable. Be he from any nation, faith whatever, rid that cafe of the threat asap.

15th December 2014, 06:28 PM
Once you take away the rights of another person to go about their daily lives, you lose all your rights. This ass has no rights, stop pissing around with him and send a very clear message we don't accept this crap in our free land. This is Australia, if you don't like the way we live here you are welcome to leave.

Quick to judge Macca. How do we know the person responsible isn’t a mentally ill spotty teenager born in Sydney. Of course the situation needs to be dealt with but I’m just making the point that there are a lot of assumptions made in your words, presumably because of a flag. It may turn out that the offender is indeed an islamic extremist, but when folk respond as you have it just feeds the monster. Irish advises ‘wait until we know’. I consider that to be excellent advice, particularly from someone who grew up in a place ripped apart by terrorism. I would add “Whatever the facts turn out to be don’t be tempted to turn against the innocent, even if they are different to us or wear different clothes”.

15th December 2014, 06:30 PM
Give a F-CK who he is
At the first opportunity neutralise the bastard

15th December 2014, 06:47 PM
Sooooo yes the quote is a standard Islamic quote. However the white on black flag is a "battle" flag. MMMMMMMMMMMM

15th December 2014, 06:50 PM
Sooooo yes the quote is a standard Islamic quote. However the white on black flag is a "battle" flag. MMMMMMMMMMMM

We have a WAR on our hands ladies and gentleman...LETS FIGHT!!!:)

15th December 2014, 06:59 PM
We have a WAR on our hands ladies and gentleman...LETS FIGHT!!!:)


15th December 2014, 07:02 PM
I don’t think you get what I was saying. Somewhere in the world there will be people (generous description) rubbing their hands with glee because someone believes in their poisonous proclamations. Why? Because the believers actions feeds into the western fear & loathing of Islam, it gives their enemies reason to point the finger, without enemies they are nothing. By encouraging us to become their enemy they are calling the shots. Folk will have their own beliefs but for my part I have no intention of allowing anyone to push me around regardless of their belief system or religion. I refuse to make blind anti islamic statements just because I am upset about the actions of a few whether they be terrorists or madmen, or both. What is happening in Sydney is plain wrong, it understandably angers & upsets others as well as me, but some of the responses show similar mindsets to those they condemn. People are people throughout the world...... please let’s not let this or any similar incident become a reason for justifying hatred & stereotyping whole religions, countries, or races.

I may be wasting my breath & you may not agree with me but I am prone to saying what I think, particularly to friends. We are all in agreement that what is going on is awful & should not be happening, I’m just trying to make the point that some ways of viewing it result in greater likelihood of these sort of things snowballing. We don’t want martyrs, & we need to remember that violence begets violence. Who started it is of little consequence once deaths have occurred.

No one waste there breath when speaking there opinion cuppa and in some ways I agree with what you are saying but when it gets to this point enough is enough, terrorist or hostage take over this guy needs some lead poisoning to the head.

These people you are referring to will always be around and if not them someone else will step up, they will choose there foes based on there beliefs regardless of anyones opinion of them.

I hope you are right Irish and this is just some isolated fark head as I hate to think of this type of sh!t in our country

15th December 2014, 07:03 PM
Whether he be alive or dead after this ordeal he will still probably proclaim victory. Sad really.

15th December 2014, 07:44 PM
Just read an update that they believe suicide vests / belts may now be involved.

I think is only the beginning of more worse things to come unfortunately.

15th December 2014, 09:08 PM
Typical the Greenies will always tame things down. It is serious people!

We have hostages which are human beings and this shit of "its OK "is f@cking wrong!


15th December 2014, 09:20 PM
Just read an update that they believe suicide vests / belts may now be involved.

I think is only the beginning of more worse things to come unfortunately.

Where did you read that?

15th December 2014, 09:24 PM
this shit of "its OK "is f@cking wrong!

Where has anyone said ‘it’s ok’?

15th December 2014, 09:26 PM
Who said this about suicide vests?

Been following this source and hadn't heard that:


Would definitely make it worse

15th December 2014, 09:37 PM
Typical the Greenies will always tame things down. It is serious people!

We have hostages which are human beings and this shit of "its OK "is f@cking wrong!

WAKE UP PEOPLE !I don`t think anybody has said it is ok, violence breeds violence, where does it stop?

You shoot the first, the second is more radical, more violence and thus it goes on. Violence and murder did not sort Northern Ireland out, sense and reason did. Violence is not solving the Middle East out.

the evil twin
15th December 2014, 09:40 PM
If someone drops him and he is wired so a device explodes and kills or maims hostages the Coppers would never be forgiven.
Personally a bullet is too quick given the torment inflicted on the hostages but if the dude goes down that way I'd happily buy the shooter a beer.

I reckon there are coppers there who share exactly the same opinions we all do but they are the ones we have given the job so we need to respect that, no matter how it turns out.
Bit of a "young Bull, old Bull" situation I think.

Assuming it is as it seems and is a Terror scenario what really burns me is this.
Their "side" makes their jihadists heroes if they hack a prisoners head off with a blunt knife.
Our "side" throws dudes in the slammer if they put a Dog Collar around a prisoners neck.
I hope it isn't a War because if it is we are awful close to losing.

I'll tell you something else as well.
The non-radical Muslims have got absolutely no chance of stopping the Jihadists either.
It's religous, it's psychological, there are no uniforms, there are no borders, there are no families, there are no rules except the ones we impose on ourselves and that only helps the opposition anyway.

15th December 2014, 09:54 PM
Remember we are Aussies. A war of terror can't work here, it will have the opposite effect of bringing us together and in this instance is already doing just that.

While the world thinks of Aussies as laid back, we are simply slow to anger. Harm one of our own and you are in for a world of pain.

Nobody is going soft, we want the innocent victims to get out alive. Beyond that nobody gives a rats arse about his motivations or wants.

I work a couple of blocks from martin place, and I will be going to work tomorrow no matter what, and I know all my colleagues will do the same as we will not let terror take hold.

Nobody here is being overly soft.

15th December 2014, 10:25 PM
I don`t think anybody has said it is ok, violence breeds violence, where does it stop?

You shoot the first, the second is more radical, more violence and thus it goes on. Violence and murder did not sort Northern Ireland out, sense and reason did. Violence is not solving the Middle East out.

Unfortunately some people only understand who has the bigger stick and that is all they will understand..

As the late Navy Seal Ryan Job said

"Despite what your momma told you... Violence does solve problems"

15th December 2014, 11:01 PM
The boys in Blue are handling this just right. Even if this does all go pear shaped, they should be held up and praised for how this has been handled.

I also see a little change in the wind here with that twitter campaign "I'll ride with you..." Get on-board lads - there is no other way that this sort of shit will ever be beaten.

I support the main-stream Muslim community who condemn this criminal behavior and I will ride with any Muslim who stands up against this as well. We all have a right to live without this shit and with our own beliefs.

I hope it all ends without injury to anyone, and with this bloke dealt with according to our Australian community expectations and laws. Let's make our judgements when we have a clear understanding of the facts. We are Aussie's with a broad tolerance and a sense of a fair go. We are not Yank media talking heads.


15th December 2014, 11:07 PM
Im pretty sure im not alone thinking that this is not going to end we'll, I think if he doesn't off himself as well as them poor hostages he's going suicide by cop, but everyone is right in saying he needs a bullet in the head, but look at these I S pricks they haven't even got the guts to show there faces, weak arsed parasites. But our thoughts and prayers are the safety of the poor hostages, I wonder if they would take Tony Abbott in exchange for their safety. If only.

15th December 2014, 11:15 PM
The boys in Blue are handling this just right. Even if this does all go pear shaped, they should be held up and praised for how this has been handled.

I also see a little change in the wind here with that twitter campaign "I'll ride with you..." Get on-board lads - there is no other way that this sort of shit will ever be beaten.

I support the main-stream Muslim community who condemn this criminal behavior and I will ride with any Muslim who stands up against this as well. We all have a right to live without this shit and with our own beliefs.

I hope it all ends without injury to anyone, and with this bloke dealt with according to our Australian community expectations and laws. Let's make our judgements when we have a clear understanding of the facts. We are Aussie's with a broad tolerance and a sense of a fair go. We are not Yank media talking heads.


You really have to feel really sorry for all the decent Muslim people who cop a lot of shit due to the action's of these radicals as they definitely do not deserve it.

16th December 2014, 12:45 AM
Unfortunately some people only understand who has the bigger stick and that is all they will understand..

As the late Navy Seal Ryan Job said

"Despite what your momma told you... Violence does solve problems"US serviceman proclaiming violence solves things, how unusual.

16th December 2014, 01:43 AM
Shoot the f@cker through the window!

Im pretty sure that's what they want to do but the spineless pricks are using the hostages as shields, isn't he the tough guy or guy's, I don't know if he's alone, bet he's wishing his bandana was bullet proof, it's got me stuffed why they don't round up all these extremists and revoke their right to be in this country, but our government is piss week when it comes to this as they don't want to be seen as racists but how more scenarios like this will it take before they act, well I've had my rant for the day. Tony.

16th December 2014, 01:56 AM
They have gone in with shots fired ! http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2014/dec/15/sydney-siege-reports-of-hostage-situation-inside-martin-place-cafe-live

16th December 2014, 02:00 AM
Something has just kicked off. Been watching ABC news for the last half hour. They know the name of the guy and believe that he's just acting alone, he's known to the police. Lots of banging or shots being fired. Prior to this, 5 more hostages came running out. Looks like some folk have been injured. Saw someone being given cpr.

16th December 2014, 02:08 AM
I'm guessing there's no bomb as the dude in the suit is walking around like he's lost lol

16th December 2014, 02:19 AM
Seems he's got a bit of history http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/martin-place-sydney-siege-gunman-identified-as-man-haron-monis-20141215-127sxt.html

16th December 2014, 02:32 AM
It's over. Unsure of full story but 11 hostages escaped. I'm guessing he got a bit pissed off and bullets started flying.
People off to hospital for treatment. Unsure how severe injuries are

jay see
16th December 2014, 02:48 AM
Apparently two dead one being the gunman. F@#k him.
Shame about the others.

16th December 2014, 05:57 AM
I woke to the 6.00 am news and I am angry.

I am not anti Muslim nor am I racist, we have a Turkish prayer mat on our lounge room wall, my nephew is married to a Muslim girl, we have Muslim people living here and we don't care.

BUT if you are a Martin Bryant, Ivan Milat or this bloke last night, I hate you with all my passion. If you have beliefs from another land and feel strong about them, then go back to that land and live with your peers.

I don't care that you don't like it here.

That bloke last night is a coward, to point a gun at unarmed free citizens who have no ability to fight back is cowardice.

If he thinks he is going to a heavenly place with a harem of virgins, well mister you are just dead, you are no more and you get nothing!

I am angry...

16th December 2014, 06:04 AM
The police have done their best and must be complimented.

I don't understand why it took to 2.00am when they had intel from 5 people who escaped yesterday afternoon.

It's easy to look back and be critical. I don't want to do that.

Seems this bloke has a history and it's not nice.

16th December 2014, 06:21 AM
We are too soft on the people who intrude on the rights on others. I can not fathom why an individual with this persons background was allowed the freedom to commit this horrendous crime.

i'm afraid I blame the courts as they had the opportunity to prevent this.

16th December 2014, 07:12 AM
If he thinks he is going to a heavenly place with a harem of virgins, well mister you are just dead, you are no more and you get nothing!

I am angry...

I am angry too.
He was never going to go to a good place, the man was a violent animal who twisted religion to suit himself.
The world is better off without him.
My thoughts are with the innocent victims & their families.
I hope that the acts of this violent criminal result in more people standing up to show they understand that he is not representative of what he claims to be.
The ‘I’ll ride with you’ response http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/martin-place-siege-illridewithyou-hashtag-goes-viral-20141215-127rm1.html cannot undo the harm that the victims of this event have suffered but it, & similar sentiments, can send the message to others like this animal that their actions don’t achieve what they expect, as well as reassuring our whole community that most people are good caring citizens.
We cannot afford to let ourselves be pushed into a defensive corner by the actions of a few ...... it’s precisely what they want.

16th December 2014, 07:23 AM
I've decided to flip off the TV and read the reports, the stupidity of many of the media hosts and reporters is extremely frustrating !!!

16th December 2014, 07:25 AM
I am angry too.
He was never going to go to a good place, the man was a violent animal who twisted religion to suit himself.
The world is better off without him.
My thoughts are with the innocent victims & their families.
I hope that the acts of this violent criminal result in more people standing up to show they understand that he is not representative of what he claims to be.
The ‘I’ll ride with you’ response http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/martin-place-siege-illridewithyou-hashtag-goes-viral-20141215-127rm1.html cannot undo the harm that the victims of this event have suffered but it, & similar sentiments, can send the message to others like this animal that their actions don’t achieve what they expect, as well as reassuring our whole community that most people are good caring citizens.
We cannot afford to let ourselves be pushed into a defensive corner by the actions of a few ...... it’s precisely what they want.

This is right and I am sick of having to live in a world where we are supposed to live in fear of attack and where we have to give up our freedoms in the name of security.... to be honest I have more chance of being stabbed or beaten by some dickhead in my area in a roadrage then I do getting blown up in a terrorist attack but it seems stuff all gets done about that and we seem to be so use to this it has become the norm..

And yes I am bloody upset as to the outcome... very rare that it does not end well and 2 dead is so sad but the outcome could have been so much worse.

My thoughts go out to the friends and family of the deceased.

menace 2
16th December 2014, 07:30 AM
get ready...it was just a feeler...they said yesterday he was middle age and it is the elders influencing and teaching the younger..he will be a martre now...he killed an infidel in the name of..this was new to here but it isn't new anymore...the best people to have handled this were inside ...but they just didn't know it ..now the fear is here in this country and fear at the right moment will bring out extraordinary things in even the weakest person especially if collectively....as said before ..f*"k waiting to see what outcome will be ...what his intentions are ...why etc etc...he came armed , he intended to hurt , he instilled fear ,he wasn't going home again , ...if you want to wait around to psycho analyse this shit as an individual and believe that violence begets violence then you are living in la la land ...it wont matter anymore if you know people of the same religion and
consider them good...it will erupt soon now and they will definitely be looked at in a different light ...and feared...we have given them nothing to fear here yet ...the end result of giving them time to be analysed is on the news now...it may have happened anyway but not like lambs to the slaughter....if he survived , in this country,he probably would have only been given 6 months wholly suspended...if you want to stand on the self righteous pedestal re; the soft approach , violence doesn't help , we are the same as him if we kill him , etc then get out of the road or as said before ...wake up

16th December 2014, 07:40 AM
^^^umm what?
He was acting alone and had other legal grievances. This has nothing to do with IS. It has everything to do with a nutter acting as a criminal. Best to check the facts on this individual first.

This is a horrific event for those involved and my thoughts are with the families of the folk who were killed but like BA said, there is more likelihood of me being stabbed in the street than this happening again.

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

16th December 2014, 07:43 AM
didnt make it on the forum yesterday and just saw this. It was tegan and my engagement party on saturday and we took yesterday off to relax from the weekend. her work is not even 100m from the lindt cafe and i cant imagine what would have been going through my head if she went to work yesterday. were very lucky that we took the day off together.

16th December 2014, 07:49 AM
get ready...it was just a feeler...they said yesterday he was middle age and it is the elders influencing and teaching the younger..he will be a martre now...he killed an infidel in the name of..this was new to here but it isn't new anymore...the best people to have handled this were inside ...but they just didn't know it ..now the fear is here in this country and fear at the right moment will bring out extraordinary things in even the weakest person especially if collectively....as said before ..f*"k waiting to see what outcome will be ...what his intentions are ...why etc etc...he came armed , he intended to hurt , he instilled fear ,he wasn't going home again , ...if you want to wait around to psycho analyse this shit as an individual and believe that violence begets violence then you are living in la la land ...it wont matter anymore if you know people of the same religion and
consider them good...it will erupt soon now and they will definitely be looked at in a different light ...and feared...we have given them nothing to fear here yet ...the end result of giving them time to be analysed is on the news now...it may have happened anyway but not like lambs to the slaughter....if he survived , in this country,he probably would have only been given 6 months wholly suspended...if you want to stand on the self righteous pedestal re; the soft approach , violence doesn't help , we are the same as him if we kill him , etc then get out of the road or as said before ...wake up

We are all entitled to our opinions. I don’t share yours but we must be careful not to let it divide us. I believe your response is what people like him want. He was no more representative of Islamic faith than my big toe. He may have seen himself as a martyr, but he wasn’t. If we allow ourselves to believe that he was he will have achieved his aim.

Don’t let him win.

16th December 2014, 07:51 AM
twisted religion to suit himself.

Through out history, long past and recent we have see this all too often.

This has nothing to do with IS.

He asked for their flag, probably to add more shock value to his actions, if he wanted one why did he not take it with him?

I've decided to flip off the TV and read the reports, the stupidity of many of the media hosts and reporters is extremely frustrating !!!

Me too, they go over and over the same piece and drive me nuts.

16th December 2014, 08:15 AM
This guy was a known extremist why was he still in the country? He should have been in Guantanamo living with the C.I.A for a few years.

16th December 2014, 08:20 AM
We can not afford to be extreme in our reactions. The vast majority of people who follow the Muslim faith in Australia are good, honest, hard working, tax paying, Australians.

They are no more responsible for what happened than the rest of us.

The system does need to change in how we deal with extremists, but we do not need to become extremists ourselves.

16th December 2014, 08:43 AM
I'm just glad its over. Not glad for the innocent victims in this whole ordeal though. I just hope this does NOT bring more hate to the Muslim people. My youngest daughter's best friend at school is Muslim, and they're family are very good people and always hate it when stuff like this comes up, as there is people that will talk behind their backs and will create their own opinion on them thinking they are all the same, my own mother is one of them and I f@cking hate it! I for one do not.
There is psycho's in every religion.

16th December 2014, 08:50 AM
We cannot afford to let ourselves be pushed into a defensive corner by the actions of a few ...... it’s precisely what they want.

We also now have to be careful that our reactions to this terrible event don't mean that we relinquish more of our rights in the name of 'security'. Classic knee-jerk reactions like giving the Government more invasive powers mean we all also loose out on our basic rights and freedoms.

menace 2
16th December 2014, 09:29 AM
^^^umm what?
He was acting alone and had other legal grievances. This has nothing to do with IS. It has everything to do with a nutter acting as a criminal. Best to check the facts on this individual first.

This is a horrific event for those involved and my thoughts are with the families of the folk who were killed but like BA said, there is more likelihood of me being stabbed in the street than this happening again.

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are you quoting me mate ?

16th December 2014, 09:31 AM
This guy was a known extremist why was he still in the country? He should have been in Guantanamo living with the C.I.A for a few years.

He was more of a known criminal.....a string of sexual assault charges related to his "healing" business among many other previous brushes with the law.

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16th December 2014, 09:35 AM
I've just learnt that 4 of my colleagues were being held hostage. Makes it all to close to home I'm afraid.

16th December 2014, 09:54 AM
If my children have to fight a war that we were to soft as a country to clean up when it was a problem I will be utterly disgusted.

16th December 2014, 10:31 AM
I've just learnt that 4 of my colleagues were being held hostage. Makes it all to close to home I'm afraid.

Im really sorry to hear that, I think im right saying this on everyone's behalf that we hope they are all safe,

16th December 2014, 10:34 AM
are you quoting me mate ?

I don't understand the point you are trying to make in your previous post. To me, it seemed almost as extreme as the very extremists you appear to be being critical of.

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16th December 2014, 09:42 PM
Did anyone else see when the 4 cops walked his body out? One on each arm / leg

16th December 2014, 10:41 PM
Nah mate but did see the flash bangs being thrown in, then the coppers following..... folk being carried or helped out and someone being given CPR, I crashed out a wee while after that

17th December 2014, 12:24 AM
Yea it was no more than 20 mins after the shots started, a Guy with a white shirt was run out but not on a stretcher just carried by his limbs like a rag doll. I'm only assuming it was the shooter as I would like to think they would treat non aggressive civilians better than that dead or alive.

I can't seem to find the footage online though.

17th December 2014, 06:09 AM
Shoulda put a bullet in him when it first started!

17th December 2014, 07:11 AM
Yep100%, specially after they found out who he was and capable of.

17th December 2014, 08:01 AM
They did not know how many there actually were and if there were really bombs in place so this would not be an option and why none of you lot have the job to make these decisions.... (yes humor )

17th December 2014, 08:01 AM
They should bury him face down, unmarked grave, undisclosed location, to send a message to any other extremists looking for their heaven.

They won't of course.

17th December 2014, 08:15 AM
Yea it was no more than 20 mins after the shots started, a Guy with a white shirt was run out but not on a stretcher just carried by his limbs like a rag doll. I'm only assuming it was the shooter as I would like to think they would treat non aggressive civilians better than that dead or alive.

I can't seem to find the footage online though.

They were saying yesterday that the shooter was still in the building while the crime scene investigators did their thing

17th December 2014, 08:18 AM
They were saying yesterday that the shooter was still in the building while the crime scene investigators did their thing

That is normal - especially for a coronial investigation and with the number of shots fired that would all have to be accounted for.

17th December 2014, 08:51 AM
It is a war I can see no end to. Alas.


menace 2
17th December 2014, 12:22 PM
I don't understand the point you are trying to make in your previous post. To me, it seemed almost as extreme as the very extremists you appear to be being critical of.

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I am just pissed off with the whole thing Drew...we have soldiers fighting overseas to keep this s^*t from coming our way and they need to feel that we will and more importantly can , protect their tribes back here..but all you see is what seems to be incompetent actions from our supposedly well trained crack response team...people running out of the place from side doors and they are all talking with guns facing the ground...pushing each other out of the way , with what seems confusion with how to use the shield...the whole world was watching , Israel , the French , and America would have been laughing their heads off....even the wrong ones would have been analizing it….yes we may not have known just what was going on as spectators but it just looked so un-professional...the media turning it into Peyton Place...all this while people having to serve the public on probably the most bare minimum basic wage ..(which could be any of our youngins).having a gun put to them under the threat of death and also the other poor people...the owner of the place picked his moment and had a go...good on him , he had nothing to lose , as I said ,this guy was not going home...the authorities knew who he was , they knew his capabilities, they knew his history and they think it might “scare” the hostages if they knew !.people had contact with the media , families by mobile..(which does show this guy’s amateurism)..so I would want to know..we are thinking this gunman is an arsehole but his type are going to see him as different and he will be used as incentive by all the wrong people here and over there..so as I said ,get ready…we are a soft country at home , we let anyone in , we let anyone stay , we have harsher penalties for traffic offences than heavy hits..This is new to us here and if you think they will think , well we have done it there now lets move on then you are in la la land….I didn’t mention I.S. before ?..but just what do we know about his affiliations ?..he has the same thought patterns , he violated the families of our deceased soldiers,he wanted to act under the banner of I.S. by requesting one…the whole of Australia believes he was a peace of s*&t so I am not telling you anything you don’t know , but don’t kid yourself and be complacent that he is a one of nutter !...Am I an extremist ?..yes probably now..am I a racist ?..yes probably now selectively…bad luck for the good ones !....so be it

17th December 2014, 02:00 PM
They should bury him face down, unmarked grave, undisclosed location, to send a message to any other extremists looking for their heaven.

They won't of course.

Good point where would they bury him , no family what just cremate him and thats that

the evil twin
17th December 2014, 02:11 PM
Where should they bury him or scatter his ashes?

In the middle of the yard of the biggest Pig Farm they can find, so that every day a couple of hundred Pigs shit on his corpse... see if he gets to pardise and his 70 virgins then...

17th December 2014, 02:46 PM
I am just pissed off with the whole thing Drew...we have soldiers fighting overseas to keep this s^*t from coming our way and they need to feel that we will and more importantly can , protect their tribes back here..but all you see is what seems to be incompetent actions from our supposedly well trained crack response team...people running out of the place from side doors and they are all talking with guns facing the ground...pushing each other out of the way , with what seems confusion with how to use the shield...the whole world was watching , Israel , the French , and America would have been laughing their heads off....even the wrong ones would have been analizing it….yes we may not have known just what was going on as spectators but it just looked so un-professional...the media turning it into Peyton Place...all this while people having to serve the public on probably the most bare minimum basic wage ..(which could be any of our youngins).having a gun put to them under the threat of death and also the other poor people...the owner of the place picked his moment and had a go...good on him , he had nothing to lose , as I said ,this guy was not going home...the authorities knew who he was , they knew his capabilities, they knew his history and they think it might “scare” the hostages if they knew !.people had contact with the media , families by mobile..(which does show this guy’s amateurism)..so I would want to know..we are thinking this gunman is an arsehole but his type are going to see him as different and he will be used as incentive by all the wrong people here and over there..so as I said ,get ready…we are a soft country at home , we let anyone in , we let anyone stay , we have harsher penalties for traffic offences than heavy hits..This is new to us here and if you think they will think , well we have done it there now lets move on then you are in la la land….I didn’t mention I.S. before ?..but just what do we know about his affiliations ?..he has the same thought patterns , he violated the families of our deceased soldiers,he wanted to act under the banner of I.S. by requesting one…the whole of Australia believes he was a peace of s*&t so I am not telling you anything you don’t know , but don’t kid yourself and be complacent that he is a one of nutter !...Am I an extremist ?..yes probably now..am I a racist ?..yes probably now selectively…bad luck for the good ones !....so be it

I hear your anger mate and I can understand but I'm not going to let a low-life scum minority dictate to me how I feel about others. I have many Muslim friends and acquaintances having lived in the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne for 15 years and I flat out refuse to have my opinion of them (and their friends) influenced by a small band of barbarians.
I don't want the country I love (and quite frankly after travelling all over the world the best country in the world to live) to become so hard-harted that we no longer have any compassion. That is not the country I grew up in a and if we head down that path, it says to me that terrorism is winning.
That all said, I don't really know what the answer is other than to work out how to address the core reasons why many radicalised Muslim youth are so disenchanted that they feel the need to behave as they do.

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17th December 2014, 03:32 PM
They were saying yesterday that the shooter was still in the building while the crime scene investigators did their thing

It must have been the manager of the shop then... The fella they ran out with was definitely not alive, maybe running him to the paramedics for treatment.

17th December 2014, 04:26 PM
Where should they bury him or scatter his ashes?

In the middle of the yard of the biggest Pig Farm they can find, so that every day a couple of hundred Pigs shit on his corpse... see if he gets to pardise and his 70 virgins then...

fu@k him, just chuck his carcase to the pigs to eat, mind you all the do gooders would be up in arms about that

17th December 2014, 04:34 PM
Didn't they dump binlarden out at sea lol

17th December 2014, 04:40 PM
Didn't they dump binlarden out at sea lol

They said they did so his grave would not become a shrine. Also in less than 24 hours as is the Muslims way

17th December 2014, 05:30 PM
Where should they bury him or scatter his ashes?

In the middle of the yard of the biggest Pig Farm they can find, so that every day a couple of hundred Pigs shit on his corpse... see if he gets to pardise and his 70 virgins then...

they never state that they are female and attractive. 70 fat hairy virgin blokes doesnt sound like a fun time to me

17th December 2014, 06:13 PM
A laugh to lighten the mood;

British Suicide Bombers on Strike!

Suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike next Monday in a dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled to in the afterlife. Emergency talks with Al Qaeda have so far failed to produce an agreement.

The unrest began last Tuesday when Al Qaeda Central announced that the number of virgins a suicide bomber would receive after his death will be cut by 25%, from 72 to only 54, effective immediately. The rationale for the cut was the increase in recent years of the number of suicide bombings and the subsequent shortage of virgins in the afterlife, coupled with other factors contributing to a decline in the virgin supply. The suicide bombers' union, the British Organization of Occupational Martyrs (or BOOM) responded with a statement that this was unacceptable to its members and immediately balloted for strike action. General Secretary Mustapha Fook told the press, "Our members are literally working themselves to death in the cause of Jihad. We don't ask for much in return but to be treated like this is like a kick in our teeth."

Speaking from his shed in Tipton in the West Midlands in which he currently resides, Al Qaeda chief executive Osama bin Laden explained, "We sympathize with our workers' concerns but Al Qaeda is simply not in a position to meet their demands. They are simply not accepting the realities of modern-day Jihad in a competitive marketplace and a difficult economy. Thanks to Western depravity, there is now a chronic shortage of virgins in the afterlife, which is not helped by the downturn in the economy which is driving virgins to cash in their chastity. It's a straight choice between reducing expenditure and laying people off. I don't like cutting compensation, but I'd hate to have to tell 3000 of my staff that they won't be able to blow themselves up."

Spokespersons for the union in Newcastle, Middlesborough, Wales and the entire Australian continent stated that the strike would not affect their operations as "There are no virgins in our areas anyway."

Apparently the drop in the number of suicide bombings has also been attributed to the emergence and popularity of that Scottish singing star, Susan Boyle. Now that Muslims know what a virgin looks like, they are less keen on rushing to paradise.