View Full Version : Driver seat extension rails

8th December 2014, 12:25 PM
Hi new to the site and have a problem I am sure someone can offer advice on. I'm 6ft7" so a bit tall and my legs don't fit easily into my 2009 GU Patrol I just bought. I have seen that it is possible to get extension rails for drivers seat but all posts are old and in other states and for other types of cars. I'm near Gosford in NSW. Any kind of strong solution that allows for me to get the seat to go back further and still be safe as we do some very bumpy 4wding in remote areas is what I am looking for. Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?

8th December 2014, 03:04 PM
Cant you remount the seat back on a frame of there own, never heard of the sliders having an extension.
You might want to talk to a fabricator doesn't seem like a hard job IMO.
Is it possible to bolt the complete seat back a few inches, it will of course need to be engineered.
That to me would be the easiest way to do it.

8th December 2014, 04:48 PM
thanks threedogs. I've found threads talking about engineering either the brackets or the base of the seat but they are old and from SA. I also found a website in the USA that makes them but not for Patrols. It seems you can make them and they are strong but I'm trying to see if someone has already done this and where to save me the leg work in trying to find the people to do the job. Going up to the Gulf next year and don't want the seat coming off half way through.

8th December 2014, 04:58 PM
personally I'd fabricate a new fixed base that uses all the OE bolt holes ,then position your seat and fix it that way.
no sliding so only you will be able to drive, but that maybe a problem if others were to drive.

I have a Strato drivers seat and that has holes in different locations to suit different height drivers I suppose but 6'7"
is at the upper end of things

How far back do you think it needs to go?

8th December 2014, 05:42 PM
thanks threedogs. my knees touch the dash currently with about 1/2 inch gap. Problem is my wife is not as tall as me so we need something that can move. My back up plan is getting something fabricated but hoping someone else tall owns a patrol and has a fix

8th December 2014, 06:43 PM
We had a member here called bigfella [Glen] Ive met him and the name suited him .
Not sure what he did with his seats though ,he never mentioned anything when ever he came here.
You may need an insert for your wife similar to what the super car drivers use maybe.
Glen is no longer on the forum so I cant ask if he did anything

9th December 2014, 09:55 AM
thanks threedogs. Bugger that he's no longer on the forum.

9th December 2014, 12:30 PM
Have you had a look to see if there are spare adjustment holes on the rails or seat base themselves.?
I remember seeing a few holes when fitting my seats,

9th December 2014, 03:45 PM
I'll check it out good idea

20th April 2015, 10:34 PM
not sure if you've sorted this as I'm a bit late with my reply - but I'm 6'8" and 200kg - I've been trying to adjust mine for ages and can't seem to get anywhere - just around in circles

21st April 2015, 08:12 AM
You must be able to drill 4 more holes and re-mount the seat further back.
Thats what Id be looking at

21st April 2015, 08:18 AM
Hi Muttley. Yeah still no fix and trying to find one. I found a place in Sydney that might be able to engineer something but its $650 for the engineering certificate and then whatever they do on top. So looking for other options.
Had my mechanic pull the seat out for a good look and the rails are actually part of the seat base. The mounts for the seat onto the car are also customer mounted onto molded mounts so can't just remount it. Looking to find a fabricator that can cut the rails off the seat (without setting the seat on fire) and then re-weld them a bit further back. Still trying to figure it out but need it sorted soon for a big trip.

21st April 2015, 08:57 AM
I think when I mounted my Strato 3000 drivers seat it had 3 holes I could choose from.
Have you thought about aftermarket seats already ADR compliant, Im trying to get a
Strato LTSS from the insurance CO atm

13th September 2015, 09:30 PM
after much checking and looking - most aftermarket seats don't fit - and those that do are awfully expensive... not many options out there - might start my own!

25th September 2015, 08:23 PM
Ok so this took a long time to fix but I have now got my drivers seat 13cm back and it feels like I have a whole new car. It is amazing to fit comfortably into my patrol and I am now looking forward to massive long trips. I have tried to attach before and after photos.
So you need to find someone who does modifications for disabled drivers, installs baby seats etc because they are the ones that re-engineer seating in cars. I used www.safetravelsolutions.com.au in Gosford. I asked them how people can do this outside of this area and his advice was to either call people like him or call Roads and Traffic Authority and ask them for a list of Engineers Certificate providers in your area. One of these guys can them tell you who to call.

It cost me $1000 and it was worth it. $650 of that was for the engineers certificate. I will save that on chiropractor bills alone over the next 12 months.

26th September 2015, 09:05 AM
Kudos to you. A real neat job. Win win.

6th October 2015, 09:08 AM
yeah to say I'm happy is an understatement. It has changed the whole car for me. Sooooo comfortable

6th October 2015, 09:51 PM
well done - did you have a photo of how the rear mount has been done?
looks like a pretty good job though

7th October 2015, 03:19 PM
If anyone in Melb requires this mod send me a PM
Im sure it can be done a lot cheaper

15th March 2016, 11:59 PM
looks awesome i need to do this to my car

16th March 2016, 06:03 AM
Amazing the engineering certification costs so much compared to the relatively simple job. Good money to fill out a couple of forms! The authorities probably take a large slice for fees.

16th March 2016, 08:57 AM
Good outcome though. It's amazing that a vehicle the size of the Patrol has so little space in the driving cab.

16th March 2016, 09:02 AM
Amazing the engineering certification costs so much compared to the relatively simple job. Good money to fill out a couple of forms! The authorities probably take a large slice for fees.

If it was me Id put the brackets in and leave it at that. TBH I dont think
they will ever be checked ever, use zinc rated bolts with spring washer or nylock nut

Big Jay
6th February 2023, 11:12 PM
Old thread, but I have same problem and don’t really want to pay $1,000 for seat mods. Must be something on market by now.

7th February 2023, 07:36 AM
Old thread, but I have same problem and don’t really want to pay $1,000 for seat mods. Must be something on market by now.

There are approved seat mount brackets for Patrols avail right now - name escapes me, however its the tick and flick certification document - its the process. In isolation its a piss off. If its done as part of a larger engineering certification it will be done as a bundle. I am sure the greater majority would buy the seat mount and install it thinking thats the end of it.