View Full Version : Cape york as the 2016 meetup?

7th December 2014, 05:58 PM
Hi all. I'm planning to go to the cape in 2016, around July/august. Being a rather large trip, I figure a year and a half should almost be adequate planning time. I have been unable to make prior meet ups, mainly due to family commitments, but screw them hahaha I just want to go to an iconic destination with a great bunch of blokes (and gals) and have a good time. Just an eoi at this stage but keen to get peoples thoughts.

Greg + Tess (punderheads mates)
Hopefully a fair few others aswell. Cheers

EDIT: meetup date, 20th September, 2016 Meetup location, bramwell station Cheers

7th December 2014, 06:00 PM
Sorry I hope this is ok to post without checking with ab/mods seeing as how u said maybe being a national meetup.

7th December 2014, 06:03 PM
Also feel free to suggest the best dates, must stop places, etc... I know I want to go but that's it at the moment, I haven't planned an itinerary yet.

the evil twin
7th December 2014, 06:52 PM
Yeah, I'd be interested.

FWIW I reckon if you want to organise a Meetup just do it like the last one.
Make it a "place" on a "date" and meet.
Whatever happens after, happens.
People attending then make their own Itinerary around getting there IE Dash or Tour

7th December 2014, 07:04 PM
Yeah, I'd be interested. FWIW I reckon if you want to organise a Meetup just do it like the last one. Make it a "place" on a "date" and meet. Whatever happens after, happens. People attending then make their own Itinerary around getting there IE Dash or Tour

Yeah that is the plan however I just wanted to see who was interested first, approximate dates to suit and then set a date. I.e if most people interested have school kids make it during holidays. If not make it after holidays.

I'll probably start a poll in a couple of weeks and then set a date


7th December 2014, 07:09 PM
Mate take it from me... set the dates.... you will go back and forward otherwise.

Set all the relevant info as law and not open for debate as it just bites you in the bum otherwise.

Once the dates are set everything will come together... has a way of building its own steam mate.

the evil twin
7th December 2014, 07:24 PM
What BA said ^^^^

Dates are of no consequence to me... well 'cept Xmas.
If you want to do the Cape in Xmas send me the Vid instead :icon_driving:

7th December 2014, 09:58 PM
I'd suggest pick a school holiday period.
Now most say stay away from holiday times. But it's the cape. Not high on the average persons holiday agenda.

Secondly. When is a good time to travel up there?? I would think maybe march to June maybe??
Not to hot, not cyclone season. Etc etc...

I've always wanted to do cape. But fark she'd be a trip for me. South to north...

7th December 2014, 10:09 PM
I'd suggest pick a school holiday period. Now most say stay away from holiday times. But it's the cape. Not high on the average persons holiday agenda. Secondly. When is a good time to travel up there?? I would think maybe march to June maybe?? Not to hot, not cyclone season. Etc etc... I've always wanted to do cape. But fark she'd be a trip for me. South to north...

Yeah mate I hear ya. I'm dreading the long drive and fuel bill and I live in qld. Was going to go 2015 but changed my mind to 2016 so I have enough time to save some coin. Once I have a computer in my hands I'll whack up a short poll with some definite dates I think.


8th December 2014, 11:52 AM
I would be interested if its in school holidays.

8th December 2014, 12:11 PM
I'd suggest pick a school holiday period.
Now most say stay away from holiday times. But it's the cape. Not high on the average persons holiday agenda.

Secondly. When is a good time to travel up there?? I would think maybe march to June maybe??
Not to hot, not cyclone season. Etc etc...

I've always wanted to do cape. But fark she'd be a trip for me. South to north...

All the rivers and creeks will be too high or un passable early in the season july to sept would be my pic

8th December 2014, 01:17 PM
All the rivers and creeks will be too high or un passable early in the season july to sept would be my pic

Yeap best months if you want to stay dry(ish).

8th December 2014, 04:05 PM
september could work too... two week school holidays at that time.


8th December 2014, 06:43 PM
For what it is worth, September is a lot quieter up there for traffic and tourists than June/July.

Also, as there are so many different places to visit or drive to, it might be best to set the meet-up point as the Tip (or as Punsand Bay resort), and the date, and then as mentioned already, everyone can get there in their own time and via their own routes.

9th December 2014, 04:56 PM
Just about to put up the poll. I think if we make the meeting point bramwell station, we can to the old tele track together. I think that a Wednesday would be the best meetup day, I did have some logic behind it but I have forgotten why now.


12th February 2015, 06:52 PM
Well fellas I will be at bramwell station September 20, 2016. I will be heading up the old tele track at a lesurly pace to the tip. Come one come all have a good time Cheers!!

12th February 2015, 07:04 PM
Still keen just have to see how I am situated closer.

Extremely keen for cape 2016!

12th February 2015, 07:52 PM
Don't stay at Bramwell Junction
Did the Cape in 2013 & 2014 stay at Bramwell Station its only a couple of ks from the start of the Tele track.
Both years were totally different, first year a walk in the park second year towing camper trailers a bit more challenging,
1 of the Patrols did not come home, drowned at Nolans, other than that soooper fun,

12th February 2015, 10:49 PM
Don't stay at Bramwell Junction Did the Cape in 2013 & 2014 stay at Bramwell Station its only a couple of ks from the start of the Tele track. Both years were totally different, first year a walk in the park second year towing camper trailers a bit more challenging, 1 of the Patrols did not come home, drowned at Nolans, other than that soooper fun, Cheers Tonks

Thanks for the suggestion mate. I might do that.

Going to edit the posts now.

7th August 2015, 10:40 PM
Any updates on this one.

6th September 2015, 09:19 AM
A good friend who is a tour guide on one of the bus mobs out of Cairns said corrugations are very bad at the moment. He has done a lot of work in Nth and West Qld so would have a good idea.

Seems like we will have similar conditions in September next year unless a grader can be conned into doing another trip north.

dads tractor
10th September 2015, 09:13 AM
Punderhead we'll give you a heads up on conditions when we get back as family and friends are going up in May .We are at 6 vehicles now with a couple of maybe's so thought we would go it separate to the meetup to keep groups manageable ,not snobs just too many vehicles can be a hassle .

11th September 2015, 11:45 PM
Any updates on this one.

Not as of yet sorry mate. I'm not sure if it's a goer anymore as intrest seemed to fizzle out a little.

However, now that I think of it, who's still keen?


13th September 2015, 10:42 AM
Not as of yet sorry mate. I'm not sure if it's a goer anymore as intrest seemed to fizzle out a little.

However, now that I think of it, who's still keen?


Still keen and dates suit so I can be back to go to Fraser in early/ mid October.